All Projects

Showing 1701 to 1800 of 2073

Marker-assisted selection in the production of genetically male tilapia (MAS in GMT production)
Funded by: Genesis Faraday Partnership

Howburn Artefact Assemblage
Funded by: Historic Scotland

Measuring impacts of alcohol marketing on young New Zealanders
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: The Health Research Council of New Zealand

Evaluation of the Paediatric Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (pHADS)
Funded by: GL Assesment

Biodiversity of gravel-bed rivers in Scotland PhD Studentship
Funded by: NatureScot (Formerly Scottish Natural Heritage)

Development of a risk evaluation system for the establishment of Gyrodactylus salaris in English and Welsh river systems
Funded by: Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs

Overview Report on 1987-2008 sports participation data.
Funded by: Sportscotland

Marie Curie IEF Fishinutrigen
Funded by: European Commission (Horizon 2020)

A Review of the Prevalence of Physical Activity in Health Professional Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Pre-Qualification Courses and Continuous Professional Development Activities
Funded by: NHS Health Scotland

Improving the symptom experience of patients with lung receiving radiotherapy: Advanced Symptom Management System for Radiotherapy (ASyMS-R)
Funded by: Marie Curie Cancer Care

Knowledge Transfer Partnership Outcome.
PI: Professor Louise McCabe
Funded by: Fife Council

W of S Res Cent for Therapeutic Practice ( SEHD / NES )
Funded by: Scottish Funding Council

Evaluating Social Marketing Projects
Funded by: University of Kent

Audit of Sports Provision in the Higher Education Sector 2009
Funded by: Scottish Student Sport

Raploch Urban Regeneration Company.
Funded by: S.U.R.E. Ltd

Learning about alcohol: influences of the family context
Funded by: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Black Grouse PhD Studentship
PI: Professor Philip Wookey
Funded by: Forest Research, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and NatureScot (Formerly Scottish Natural Heritage)

International Travel Grant 2009/R4.
Funded by: Royal Society

The Development of Voluntary Principles to Underpin Food Marketing to Children
Funded by: National Heart Forum

Why Do Companies Issue Convertible Bonds? Evidence from the Field
PI: Chris Veld
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

Exploring Migration and Intergenerational Relations Amongst African Migrants to Britain and France
Funded by: The British Academy

Do Accounting Rules Influence the Convertible Bond Issuance Decision?
PI: Chris Veld
Funded by: S A T E R

Investment Horizon and Portfolio Choice of Private Investors
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

Professor/Reader and Research Fellow funding at NMAHP RU
Funded by: Scottish Government

Evaluating Accomplished Teaching.
Funded by: University of Glasgow

Review and analyse the local, national and international factors influencing livestock systems in the UK and to determine the key policy and market drivers
Funded by: Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs

Foundations of the future: learning from the past
PI: Althea Davies
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

COGWORKS - The Cognitive Health and Wellbeing Hub
PI: Professor Alison Bowes
Funded by: Medical Research Council

ITC project (International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project)
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Higher Education Academic Staff Exchange: Malawi Fellowship
Funded by: Scotland Malawi Partnership

RLF Fellowship Programme
PI: Dr Adrian Hunter
Funded by: Royal Literary Fund

Community, School and Workplace Initiatives to Encourage Individuals to Use the Outdoor Environment for Physical Activity
Funded by: NHS Health Scotland

Patients with non-malignant disease and their family members identifying the need for palliative and end of life care: a review of the evidence
Funded by: Palliative Care MCN (NHS Lanarkshire)

River Nith Realignments - GreenBurn.
Funded by: Kier Construction Ltd

Kinship Carers and Children Affected by parental Substance Misuse
Funded by: BASPCAN

Geoarchaeological investigations into Alum and copperas production at Poole
PI: Dr Clare Wilson
Funded by: Poole Harbour Heritage Project Ltd

A plan of work to develop and evaluate the implementation of practice guidelines to improve patient outcomes and quality of care for febrile neutropenia and anaemia in patients with
Funded by: AMGEN (Europe) GmbH

An Exploration of the needs of patients with Head and Neck Cancers and their route to Diagnosis
PI: Dr Anne Taylor
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Scoping exercise of the use of telehealth in palliative care in Scotland
PI: Bridget Johnston
Funded by: The Scottish Centre for Telehealth

Assessing spatial variability of C, Fe and AI concentrations as a means of understanding the stabilisation of soil organic carbon
PI: Dr Clare Wilson
Funded by: Natural Environment Research Council

Dunlaw Phase 2 Pollen Analysis
Funded by: C F A Archaeology Ltd

Developing genetic resources for restoration ecology of Acacia harpophylla in a fragmented agricultural landscape
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

The economic value of improvements in the ecology of Irish rivers due to the Water Framework Directive
Funded by: Teagasc

Review of the use of new media in alcohol marketing
PI: Oona Brooks
Funded by: Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems

Knowledge Transfer Partnership between University of Stirling & ThinkAnalytics Limited
PI: Professor Kevin Swingler
Funded by: Technology Strategy Board and ThinkAnalytics Ltd

Young Runaways in Grampian Pilot Evaluation
PI: Professor Margaret Malloch
Funded by: Scottish Government

Census of the Gorilla and Chimpanzee Populations
PI: Professor Katharine Abernethy
Funded by: CIRMF

Healthcare Quality Strategy - Scottish Government
Funded by: Scottish Government

Successful Takeovers: who do you know or who you are?
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

Clackmannanshire Mild to Moderate Mental Health Pilot
PI: Professor Vivien Swanson
Funded by: Forth Valley NHS Board

Assessment of proposals for commercially viable tropical sea cucumber culture (holothuria scabra) in Thailand and the potential for co-culture to reduce environmental impacts of
PI: Professor Dave Little
Funded by: The British Council

Promoting Sustainable high quality river catfish seed Production in Vietnam
PI: Professor Dave Little
Funded by: The British Council

Delay of Gratification in New World Monkeys
Funded by: The Great British Sasakawa Foundation

Biocomplexity in the Antarctic Dry Valleys.
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

The 17th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology
Funded by: Royal Society

Impacts of policy change on farm incomes & biodiversity in the uplands: a knowledge transfer project
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Interrogating harm and abuse: protection, agency and citizenship
PI: Professor Alison Bowes
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Development of DSDC Design Tool for Research Purposes.
Funded by: Dementia Services Development Trust

Transitioning between paediatric and adult cancer care services. A qualitative exploration of adolescents and young adults and their significant others to inform the development of an evidence based model of transition
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

Evaluation of 'Tell Someone'
PI: Professor Alison Bowes
Funded by: Scottish Care Ltd

Visualisation tools for effective face image matching
PI: Professor Peter Hancock
Funded by: Department for Business, Innovation & Skills

A review of nursing in the community (RONC).
Funded by: NHS Highland

Mass-flowering crops: cost or benefit to bumblebees and wild flower pollination?
Funded by: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

Green Prescription Schemes: mapping and current practice
Funded by: NHS Health Scotland

Further Development of River Macrophyte WFD Tool - River Variability Module
PI: Professor Nigel Willby
Funded by: Environment Agency

Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction of Mesolithic Orkney evidence from Stronsay
PI: Dr Eileen Tisdall
Funded by: Orkney College

Changes in dissolved organic carbon in small catchments
Funded by: Natural Environment Research Council

Strategies to manage toxic cyanobacterial blooms in lakes: remote sensing, modelling and cost benefit analysis
PI: Professor Andrew Tyler
Funded by: Natural Environment Research Council

Human Impact of Cyanobactira in the fresh water environment.
PI: Professor Andrew Tyler
Funded by: Natural Environment Research Council

The Nature, distribution and significance of carbon soils.
Funded by: Natural Environment Research Council

A pilot study of psychological factors affecting adherence to disease modifying treatments for multiple sclerosis
PI: Nicola Gray
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

Independent Retailers and the Demise of Smoking: A Scoping Study
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: Department of Health

Audit of Exercise Referral Schemes in Scotland
Funded by: NHS Health Scotland

A late glacial to modern palaeoenvironmental history for the Dounreay site area, reconstructed from a peat core from the Shebster Basin
Funded by: British Geological Survey

GB Sasakawa Foundation Travel Grant
Funded by: The Great British Sasakawa Foundation

European Health Psychology Society 23rd Annual Conference 2009
Funded by: The British Academy

Disentangling the work memory impairment in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and oppositional behaviour problems
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Shifting the Balance of Care: Agreeing Priorities and Delivering Outcomes (AP & DO)
Funded by: NHS Education for Scotland

Health Select Committee Document Analysis
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: Alcohol Education & Research council

Marking Ten Years of Devolution
Funded by: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Supporting Teacher Assessment.
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: Scottish Qualifications Authority

Decision to transfer: Risk assessment and decision making in remote and rural settings
PI: Professor Helen Cheyne
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

The art of the deal: analysing the history of contracts in the Hollywood film industry
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

Evolutionary Responses to Multiple Human-Induced Stresses
Funded by: The Leverhulme Trust

Accountancy and accountability in the police force in 19th century Scotland
PI: Professor Lisa Evans
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

An examination of how current cardiac rehabilitation programmes in Scotland and UK identify and respond to depression
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

Research Project to Guide the Development of the Cancer Research UK Lung Cancer Leaflet
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

The Role of Tobacco Control Policy in the Denormalisation of Tobacco
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Information for choice: what people need, prefer and use.
Funded by: National Coordinating Centre for the Service Delivery and Organisation and NHS Oxfordshire

Monitoring Devolution: Proposal to ESRC and government to extend devolution monitoring reports from 2005 to 2008
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Events and sports development legacies
PI: Dr Paul Dimeo
Funded by: The Leverhulme Trust

The Immune System and Senescence: Why do we age?
PI: Professor Matthew Tinsley
Funded by: Royal Society

A Functional Perspective on Long Term Changes in Macrophyte Communities in British Lakes
PI: Professor Nigel Willby
Funded by: Broads Authority, Environment Agency and Natural England

Mathematical analysis of structured population models for Wolbachia infections
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

The Research Centre for Polish History
Funded by: MB Grabowski Fund and Polonia Aid Foundation Trust

Research and development of stock management strategies to optimise growth potential on ongrowing of marine fish
PI: Professor Herve Migaud
Funded by: Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum

Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism in Britain
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council

A survey of brain training activity of people aged 50-65.
PI: Professor Alison Bowes
Funded by: The Atlantic Philanthropies

Funded by: European Commission (Horizon 2020)

Casual Modelling of Mobility Disability.
Funded by: Medical Research Council