Professor George Burt

Emeritus Professor

Management, Work and Organisation Stirling,

Professor George Burt

Contact details

About me


BA (Accountancy, Glasgow Caledonian University) MBA (University of Strathclyde) PhD (The role of transitional objects to manage strategic change, University of Strathclyde) CA (Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland)

I joined the University of Stirling in May 2013 as Director of the Centre for Advanced Management Education and Director of Stirling MBA from the Department of Management, University of Strathclyde Business School. I was previously Director of Strathclyde’s MBA and MSc in International Management. During my twenty years at Strathclyde Business School I established and developed the Centre for Scenario Planning & Futures Studies (CSP&FS). CSP&FS hosted several international conferences on organisational foresight; undertook several large research projects; and hosted a number of training workshops for those interested in scenario planning and futures studies. Prior to joining Strathclyde Business School in September 1993, I qualified as a chartered accountant and also spent a number of years working with a large UK consultancy practice.