Professor Annalisa Savaresi


Law Pathfoot Building, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor Annalisa Savaresi

About me

Annalisa Savaresi is an expert in environmental and climate change law, with 20 years’ experience working with international and nongovernmental organizations. She has published widely, and her list of publications includes over 50 peer-reviewed articles and contributions to highly regarded collections. Her work has been cited widely, including by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Annalisa joined Stirling University in 2016 and was promoted to professor in 2023. She has a part-time role only at Stirling university, while serving also as professor at the Centre for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law, University of Eastern Finland. She currently is Director for Europe of the Global Network on Human Rights and member of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law. She has given evidence to the UK, the EU and Scottish Parliaments and sits on the Board of Environmental Standards Scotland, the body scrutinising Scottish public authorities’ compliance with environmental law established by the UK Withdrawal from the European Union (Continuity) (Scotland) Act 2021.

Annalisa's research focuses on climate change law and policy, forestry and land uses, environmental liability, renewable energy and the interplay between environmental and human rights law.

Community Contribution

Board Member: Environmental Standards Scotland…nalisa-savaresi/

Event / Presentation

Talk: Keeping the Environment on the Political Agenda during the Brexit Years, Scottish Environment LINK
Scottish Environment LINK

Talk: Climate Governance after the Paris Agreement, UK French Embassy
University College London

Talk: Land-based Climate Mitigation Policy post 2020, Landesvertretung Brandenburg, Brussels

Talk: The Future of the EU ETS, Edinburgh University Low Carbon Society Debate Series
University of Edinburgh

Talk: The Role of Law in the Energy Transition: Lessons from Community Renewables. Energy@Cambridge Seminar Series: In Search of 'Good' Energy Policy
University of Cambridge…unity-renewables

Talk: Brexit and the Environment
The British Academy

Workshop: Innovation in Climate Governance Project: ‘Deconstructing Participatory Climate Governance: Innovation or Business as Usual?’
University of Bordeaux

Roundtable: Borders after Brexit
Scottish Universities Legal Network on Europe (SULNE)

Evidence: UK Parliament Environmental Audit Committee: The UK’s progress on reducing fluorinated gas (F-gas) emissions and the impact of Brexit.
UK Parliament…b21-1e6dd2c87c69

Talk: Climate Change and Human Rights: Fragmentation, Interplay and Institutional Linkages, Bonn Climate Change Conference

Evidence: Scottish Parliament Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee
Scottish Parliament

Talk: Human Rights and Climate Change: Holding Corporations Responsible for the Impacts of Climate Change
University of La Sabana

Talk: Climate Change Litigation and Human Rights after the Adoption of the Paris Agreement, Cardinal Wyszyński University, Warsaw, Poland

Workshop: Implementing the Paris Agreement: Comparative Lessons from the Global Human Rights Regime
European University Institute

Talk: The Impact of Brexit on Environmental Protection, University of Barcelona

Public Event: The Impacts of Climate Change and Human Rights
London School of Economics…-climate-change/

Implementing the Right to a Clean Environment: Impacts on Litigation, First Minister's Advisory Group on Human Rights Leadership
Scottish Government

Talk: The Impact of Brexit on Environmental Law in Scotland, Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh

Evidence: Scottish Parliament Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee: Environmental Implications for Scotland of the UK leaving the EU
Scottish Parliament

Talk: Human Rights Responsibility for the Impacts of Climate Change: Revisiting the Assumptions, Danish Institute for Human Rights

Talk: Delivering REDD+: The Role of Safeguards
University of Tokyo

Talk: Policy and Legislation on Air Pollution, Cleaner air for Scotland (CAFS) Strategy Workshop
Scottish Government

Talk: Addressing the Climate Emergency: 
The Role of Human Rights Law

University of Edinburgh

Talk: The Impacts of Climate Change and Human Rights – Reflections on the Carbon Majors Inquiry, University of Kobe

Talk: The Impacts of Climate Change and Human Rights: Reflections on the Carbon Majors Inquiry

University of Dundee

Talk: Human Rights in Climate Action, United Nations, Geneva
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Talk: Human Rights Responsibility for the Impacts of Climate Change: Revisiting the Assumptions
European University Institute

Evidence: Scottish Parliament Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee
Scottish Parliament

Evidence: Scottish Parliament UK Withdrawal from the European Union (Continuity) (Scotland) Bill

Talk: Climate Change Litigation at the International Level - Opportunities and Constraints. British Institute for International and Comparative Law

Evidence: EU Parliament Human Rights Committee and Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee…TEE-DROI-LIBE_vd

Talk: The Glasgow Climate Conference (COP26): What to Expect
University of Strathclyde

Conference co-organiser: International human rights courts and bodies at the edge of the climate tipping point (Hertie School)…te-tipping-point

Conference organiser: Climate Change Litigation and Human Rights Arguments: Stocktaking and a Look at the Future (Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies)
Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies

Conference paper: Enforcing the Right to a Healthy Environment in the Climate Emergency: A View from Above (University of Geneva)
University of Geneva

Panelist: Corporate Accountability for Human Rights Abuses (International Federation for Human Rights)…-rights-abuses-a

Panelist: Getting to Net Zero: Climate Change and Land Uses (Carbon and Climate Law Review)…on-and-land-use/

Panelist: Glasginburgh 2021 International Law and Distribution: Sustainable Development, Security and Governance of Resources…e-Programme-.pdf

Panelist: Our Future in the Balance: The Role of Courts and Tribunals in Meeting the Climate Crisis (British Institute of International and Comparative Law)…e-climate-crisis

Talk: The Glasgow Climate Change Conference (Cop26): A Scottish Perspective
Scottish Parliament

Talk: The Role of Human Rights in the Climate Emergency (University of Copenhagen)
University of Copenhagen…imate-emergency/

Talk: The Use of Science in Human Rights-Based Climate Change Litigation (British Institute for International and Comparative Law)
Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies…hange-litigation

External Examiners and Validations

Environmental Law
University of East Anglia

Environmental law; Climate change law
University College Dublin (UCD)

International law
Lancaster University

Other Academic Activities

Expert Consultation on Biodiversity and Human Rights
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Roundtable advising the Cabinet Secretary for the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform on Brexit
Scottish Government

Scottish Government Cleaner Air for Scotland review - Steering Group

Board Member: Environmental Standards Scotland…nalisa-savaresi/

Associate Editor, Review of European, Comparative and International Law

Professional membership

Global Network on Human Rights and the Environment , Deputy Director for Europe

Fellow, Higher Education Academy

Global Network on Human Rights and the Environment , Director for Europe

IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law

Scottish Universities Legal Network on Europe, Steering Committee

Women’s Energy and Climate Law Network

University Contribution

Fellow, Scottish Parliament Information Centre
The Scottish Parliament