Novel Perspectives on Status in Global Politics
Hoffmann C, Bilgic A & Prys-Hansen M (2025) Novel Perspectives on Status in Global Politics. Politics and Governance, 13. https://www.cogitatiopress.com/politicsandgovernance/article/view/9870/4271; https://doi.org/10.17645/pag.i392
Delimiting Europe: Greek State Formation as Border Making
Hoffmann C (2023) Delimiting Europe: Greek State Formation as Border Making. Uluslararasi Iliskiler (International Relations), 19 (77), pp. 1-19. https://doi.org/10.33458/uidergisi.1233983
A Greening Dragon in the Desert? China’s Role in the Geopolitical Ecology of Decarbonisation in the Eastern Mediterranean
Hoffmann C & Ergenc C (2023) A Greening Dragon in the Desert? China’s Role in the Geopolitical Ecology of Decarbonisation in the Eastern Mediterranean. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 25 (2), pp. 82-101. https://doi.org/10.1080/19448953.2022.2131079
Divided Environments: An International Political Ecology of Climate Change, Water and Security
Selby J, Daoust G & Hoffmann C (2022) Divided Environments: An International Political Ecology of Climate Change, Water and Security. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/divided-environments/0621F20A4464C4E05BF76980BBF25D3F
Procedural Rights for Nature - A Pathway to Sustainable Decarbonisation?
Schapper A, Hoffmann C & Lee P (2022) Procedural Rights for Nature - A Pathway to Sustainable Decarbonisation?. Third World Quarterly, 43 (5), pp. 1197-1216. https://doi.org/10.1080/01436597.2022.2057293
Preprint / Working Paper
G20: The Global South's New Status-Seeking Platform?
Jagtiani S, Hoffmann C, Prys-Hansen M & Bilgic A (2022) G20: The Global South's New Status-Seeking Platform?. GIGA Focus Global, 7. SSOAR.
Beyond Anarchy and Capital? The Geopolitics of the Rojava Revolution in Syria
Hoffmann C & Matin K (2021) Beyond Anarchy and Capital? The Geopolitics of the Rojava Revolution in Syria. Geopolitics, 26 (4), pp. 967-972. https://doi.org/10.1080/14650045.2021.1924944
Website Content
Climate emergency and the question of system change: Is ‘Degrowth’ the only game left in town?
Hoffmann C (2021) Climate emergency and the question of system change: Is ‘Degrowth’ the only game left in town?. University of Stirling Public Policy Blog [Blog post] 12.11.2021. https://policyblog.stir.ac.uk/
Newspaper / Magazine
Le conflit entre la Turquie et la Grèce en Méditerranée orientale est moins une affaire de gaz que du vide laissé par Trump
Hoffmann C (2020) Le conflit entre la Turquie et la Grèce en Méditerranée orientale est moins une affaire de gaz que du vide laissé par Trump. Collot J (Translator) Le Grand Continent. 28.08.2020.
Newspaper / Magazine
Turkey-Greece conflict in eastern Mediterranean is less about gas than vaccuum left by Trump
Hoffmann C (2020) Turkey-Greece conflict in eastern Mediterranean is less about gas than vaccuum left by Trump. The Conversation. 18.08.2020.
Neo-Ottomanism, Eurasianism or securing the region? A longer view on Turkey's interventionism
Hoffmann C (2019) Neo-Ottomanism, Eurasianism or securing the region? A longer view on Turkey's interventionism. Conflict, Security and Development, 19 (3), pp. 301-307. https://doi.org/10.1080/14678802.2019.1608016
From Small Streams to Pipe Dreams – The Hydro-Engineering of the Cyprus Conflict
Hoffmann C (2018) From Small Streams to Pipe Dreams – The Hydro-Engineering of the Cyprus Conflict. Mediterranean Politics, 23 (2), pp. 265-285. https://doi.org/10.1080/13629395.2016.1264137
Newspaper / Magazine
Turkey’s homemade currency crisis has truly global implications
Hoffmann C & Cemgil C (2018) Turkey’s homemade currency crisis has truly global implications. The Conversation. 16.08.2018.
Beyond the resource curse and pipeline conspiracies: Energy as a social relation in the Middle East
Hoffmann C (2018) Beyond the resource curse and pipeline conspiracies: Energy as a social relation in the Middle East. Energy Research and Social Science, 41, pp. 39-47. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2018.04.025
Environmental Determinism as Orientalism: The Geo-Political Ecology of Crisis in the Middle East
Hoffmann C (2018) Environmental Determinism as Orientalism: The Geo-Political Ecology of Crisis in the Middle East. Journal of Historical Sociology, 31 (1), pp. 94-104. https://doi.org/10.1111/johs.12194
Introduction: War, revolt and rupture: The historical sociology of the current crisis in the Middle East
Hoffmann C & Matin K (2018) Introduction: War, revolt and rupture: The historical sociology of the current crisis in the Middle East. Journal of Historical Sociology, 31 (1), pp. 3-5. https://doi.org/10.1111/johs.12196
Newspaper / Magazine
Scramble for gas in eastern Mediterranean is stoking old tensions in the region
Hoffmann C (2018) Scramble for gas in eastern Mediterranean is stoking old tensions in the region. The Conversation. 28.02.2018. https://theconversation.com/scramble-for-gas-in-eastern-mediterranean-is-stoking-old-tensions-in-the-region-92070
Book Chapter
Diş Politikanın ve Uluslararası Ilişkilerin Tarihsel Sosyolojisi: Eleştirilere Cevaplar
Hoffmann C & Cemgil C (2017) Diş Politikanın ve Uluslararası Ilişkilerin Tarihsel Sosyolojisi: Eleştirilere Cevaplar [Foreign Policy and the Historical Sociology of International Relations: A Reply to the Critics]. In: Ergenc C & Akder D (eds.) “Uluslararası” Kavramını Yeniden Düşünmek - Kuramsal ve Yöntemsel Tartışmalar [Rethinking the Concept of "International": Theoretical and Methodological Discussions]. Siyaset Bilimi-Uluslararası İlişkiler, 53. Ankara, Turkey: Heretik, pp. 149-175. http://heretik.com.tr/kitap/uluslararasi-kavramini-yeniden-dusunmek/
Book Chapter
Anti-Colonial Empires: Creation of Afro-Asian Spaces of Resistance
Hoffmann C (2017) Anti-Colonial Empires: Creation of Afro-Asian Spaces of Resistance. In: Bilgin P & Ling L (eds.) Asia in International Relations: Unlearning Imperial Power Relations. Rethinking Asia and International Relations. London: Routledge, pp. 137-148. https://www.routledge.com/Asia-in-International-Relations-Unlearning-Imperial-Power-Relations/Bilgin-Ling/p/book/9781472469076
Newspaper / Magazine
Syria’s Kurds have ended up at the heart of Middle Eastern geopolitics – here’s why
Hoffmann C, Cemgil C & Matin K (2017) Syria’s Kurds have ended up at the heart of Middle Eastern geopolitics – here’s why. The Conversation. 09.03.2017. https://theconversation.com/syrias-kurds-have-ended-up-at-the-heart-of-middle-eastern-geopolitics-heres-why-74193
Book Chapter
Die geopolitischen Ursprünge der Baghdad Bahn: Inter-Imperialistische Rivalitäten im Osmanischen Reich des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts
Hoffmann C (2016) Die geopolitischen Ursprünge der Baghdad Bahn: Inter-Imperialistische Rivalitäten im Osmanischen Reich des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts [The geopolitical origins of the Baghdad Railway: Inter-Imperial Rivalry in the early 20th century Ottoman Empire]. In: Hertsch M & Er M (eds.) Die Bagdadbahn: Ein Umriss deutsch-türkischer Beziehungen Gesammelte Beiträge. Studien zur Geschichtsforschung der Neuzeit, 91. Hamburg: Kovač Verlag, pp. 61-72. http://www.verlagdrkovac.de/978-3-8300-8787-8.htm?lang=english
The (un)making of the Pax Turca in the Middle East: understanding the social-historical roots of foreign policy
Hoffmann C & Cemgil C (2016) The (un)making of the Pax Turca in the Middle East: understanding the social-historical roots of foreign policy. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 29 (4), p. 1279–1302. https://doi.org/10.1080/09557571.2015.1119015
The ‘Rojava Revolution’ in Syrian Kurdistan: A Model of Development for the Middle East?
Cemgil C & Hoffmann C (2016) The ‘Rojava Revolution’ in Syrian Kurdistan: A Model of Development for the Middle East?. IDS Bulletin, 47 (3), pp. 53-76. https://doi.org/10.19088/1968-2016.144
Edited Book
Rethinking Climate Change, Conflict and Security
Selby J & Hoffmann C (eds.) (2015) Rethinking Climate Change, Conflict and Security. London: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Rethinking-Climate-Change-Conflict-and-Security/Selby-Hoffmann/p/book/9781138915398
Imagining a Middle Eastern ‘International Society’? A reply to Ayla Göl
Hoffmann C (2015) Imagining a Middle Eastern ‘International Society’? A reply to Ayla Göl. Commentary on: Göl, Ayla. 2015. “Imagining the Middle East: The state, nationalism and regional international society.” Global Discourse 5 (3): 379–394. http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1080/23269995.2015.1053191.. Global Discourse, 5 (3), pp. 395-397. https://doi.org/10.1080/23269995.2015.1053191
Rethinking Climate Change, Conflict and Security
Selby J & Hoffmann C (2014) Rethinking Climate Change, Conflict and Security. Geopolitics, 19 (4), pp. 747-756. https://doi.org/10.1080/14650045.2014.964866
Beyond scarcity: Rethinking water, climate change and conflict in the Sudans
Selby J & Hoffmann C (2014) Beyond scarcity: Rethinking water, climate change and conflict in the Sudans. Global Environmental Change, 29 (1), pp. 360-370. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2014.01.008
Book Chapter
The contradictions of development: primitive accumulation and geopolitics in the two Sudans
Hoffmann C (2013) The contradictions of development: primitive accumulation and geopolitics in the two Sudans. In: Allan T, Keulertz M, Sojamo S & Warner J (eds.) Handbook of Land and Water Grabs in Africa: Foreign Direct Investment and Food and Water Security. Routledge International Handbooks. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 57-70. https://www.routledge.com/Handbook-of-Land-and-Water-Grabs-in-Africa-Foreign-direct-investment-and/Allan-Keulertz-Sojamo-Warner/p/book/9781857436693
Water scarcity, conflict, and migration: a comparative analysis and reappraisal
Selby J & Hoffmann C (2012) Water scarcity, conflict, and migration: a comparative analysis and reappraisal. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 30 (6), pp. 997-1014. https://doi.org/10.1068/c11335j
The Balkanization of Ottoman Rule: Premodern Origins of the Modern International System in Southeastern Europe
Hoffmann C (2008) The Balkanization of Ottoman Rule: Premodern Origins of the Modern International System in Southeastern Europe. Cooperation and Conflict, 43 (4), pp. 373-396. https://doi.org/10.1177/0010836708096881