Professor Gordon Bell

Emeritus Professor

Institute of Aquaculture Pathfoot Building, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor Gordon Bell

Contact details

About me

Professor of NutritionI have a BSc in biochemistry from the University of Edinburgh and a doctorate in fish lipid nutrition from the University of Stirling.I worked for 5 years at the NERC Institute of Aquatic Biochemistry, Aberdeen (1981-1986), then 3 years at the Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory, Oban (1986-1989) followed by 12 years at the Unit of Aquatic Biochemistry, University of Stirling (1989-1998), before taking up my current post at the Institute of Aquaculture.I have have co-authored over 130 scientific publications and I am a member of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL). I am on the editorial boards of both the British Journal of Nutrition and Aquaculture Nutrition. I was Coordinator of EU Framework 5 programme Researching Alternatives to Fish Oils in Aquaculture (RAFOA; 2000-2005) and I am Principal Investigator on the EU FP6 project "Sustainable Aquafeeds to Maximise the Health Benefits of Farmed Fish for Consumers (AQUAMAX; 2006-2010).I am also head of the Nutrition Analytical Service which undertakes commercial analysis for the Aquaculture, Food and Feed, Agriculture and Clinical sectors.