Professor Stuart Galloway


Sport University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor Stuart Galloway

About me

Stuart is a Professor of Exercise Physiology, and group lead for the Physiology, Exercise and Nutrition Research Group at the University of Stirling. His education consists of a BSc(Hons) in Physiology and Sport Science from University of Glasgow (1990), an MSc in Exercise Physiology from University of New Brunswick, CANADA (1992), and a PhD in Nutrition and Metabolism from University of Aberdeen (1996). He joined Stirling in 1999 following a period as a post-doc at Strathclyde University. His remit on joining Stirling was to establish a new BSc programme in Sport and Exercise Science and to develop an associated research programme. Stuart continues to play a key role in monitoring and developing our teaching and research programmes to ensure they meet the needs of a wide range of postgraduate destinations, employers, and external funders. His research focuses on human nutrition and exercise metabolism, and on fluid and electrolyte balance. Current projects include: exploring carbohydrate feeding requirements during endurance exercise; understanding the role of carnitine in substrate metabolism; investigating the impact of fish oil feeding on skeletal muscle metabolism and function; and exploring the regulation of fluid and electrolyte balance. All projects involve some aspect of physiology of ageing by including young and older adults. His research uses a range of techniques to assess whole body physiological responses and more recently has included a focus on tissue and cell culture methodologies.

Stuart has authored over 100 original peer-reviewed research articles, review articles, and book chapters. He is a Fellow of The Physiological Society (London), a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a Fellow of the European College of Sport Science, a Board Member of the Sport and Exercise Nutrition register (an organization leading the professional registration of sport and exercise nutritionists / dietitians in the UK), a Board member of the Nutrition Science Advisory Board (of the Nutrition Society), and an Advisory Board Member for Nutrition and Biochemistry with the Journal of Sports Sciences. He also provides advice to nutritionists, dietitians and coaches working in track and field athletics, cycling, and alpine and cross-country skiing.

Nutrition and metabolism (factors regulating carbohydrate and fat metabolism in skeletal muscle); Understanding fluid and electrolyte balance throughout life (factors influencing maintenance of hydration status, and developing interventions for different population groups); Metabolic adaptations to exercise (interventions to alter carbohydrate and/or fat metabolism).


British Dietetic Association - IBEX award

British Dietetic Association - Roll of Honour

Event / Presentation

University of Costa Rica Human Movement Sciences Conference, Invited Plenary lecture - San Jose (COSTA RICA)
University of Stirling

Hydration and health in manual workers

International Sport and Exercise Nutrition Conference, Invited Plenary lecture - Newcastle (UK)
University of Stirling

International Federation of sports Medicine Congress, Invited Symposium speaker- Rio de Janiero (BRAZIL)
University of Stirling

Carbohydrate intake requirements for sport performance

Hydration for Health Conference, Invited discussant - Evian (FRANCE)
University of Stirling

European College of Sport Sciences Congress, Invited Satellite Plenary lecture - Prague (CZECH REPUBLIC)
University of Stirling

Carbohydrate ingestion and skill performance in sport

British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine Congress, Invited Symposium speaker - Glasgow (UK)
University of Stirling

Omega-3 applications for sport and health

International Scientific Conference at the Academy of Physical Education, Invited Keynote lecture - Katowice (POLAND)
University of Stirling

Omega-3 applications in sport

Sports Medicine and Health Summit, Invited plenary lecture - Hamburg (GERMANY)
University of Stirling

Omega-3 applications in sport

International Sport and Exercise Nutrition Conference - Manchester (UK)
University of Stirling
Invited symposium speaker on 'Continuous or flash glucose monitoring: can it be used to guide fuelling strategies during exercise in athletes?'

European College of Sport Science, invited symposium - Glasgow (UK)

Omega-3 and metabolic health

Research programmes

Research centres/groups

Research themes