Dr Alison Dawson

Senior Research Fellow

Faculty of Social Sciences 4S26, Colin Bell Building, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Dr Alison Dawson

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About me

Dr Alison Dawson is a Senior Research Fellow based in the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Stirling. An applied sociologist, she draws on a unique blend of business-oriented academic qualifications and public and private sector regulatory work experience to identify, analyse, and understand challenges to social policy and practice and offer workable solutions and recommendations for action. A valued member of the Faculty's Dementia and Ageing Research Group (now Centre for Environment, Dementia and Ageing Research) for more than a decade, her research has examined and evaluated a range of policies and practices aimed at supporting and/or improving the wellbeing of vulnerable older people in different contexts. Her current research interests include dementia and sight loss, the role of technology in providing support services for older people, time use in unpaid care/support, promoting movement and activity in care homes, the role of physical environment design in supporting people with dementia, particularly in the context of Covid-19, and the social, economic and health use impacts of 'Covid fear'.

Whilst primarily a researcher, she delivers occasional lectures on her areas of specialism on a range of undergraduate and taught postgraduate courses. Alison was module co-ordinator and delivered the SPCU9JK ‘Ageing, Society and Social Policy' undergraduate module for Spring 2016, receiving a Recognising Achievement in Teaching Excellence (RATE) award from the University's Student Union in respect of this.

Alison has been co-Leader of the Faculty's Dementia and Ageing Research Group since August 2019 and is now Deputy Director of the Centre for Environment, Dementia and Ageing Research ('CEDAR'). Her previous contributions to wider academic life at the University of Stirling include memberships of the General University Ethics Panel, FoSS Contract Researchers' Forum, and Faculty Athena SWAN Self-Assessment Group. Outside of work, she is a former Community Councillor and the manager of a struggling Fantasy Football team.

Research (14)

Current research interests include: dementia and sight loss; the role of technology in providing support services for older people; time use in unpaid care/support; promoting movement and activity in care homes; and the role of design in supporting and enabling people with dementia.


Designing homes for healthy cognitive ageing: co-production for impact and scale (DesHCA)
PI: Professor Alison Bowes
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

GOALD: Connectivity and Digital Design for Health and Well-being Across Generations, Places and Spaces
PI: Professor Catherine Hennessy
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

The impact of COVID-19 Fear: evidence to inform social, health and economic recovery - a Healthy Ageing In Scotland (HAGIS) study
PI: Dr Elaine Douglas
Funded by: UK Research and Innovation

Personalised physical activity for people with dementia in care homes
PI: Professor Alison Bowes
Funded by: The Healthcare Management Trust

Social Isolation and Technology Guidelines Project
PI: Professor Louise McCabe
Funded by: NHS National Services Scotland

Scoping exercise to support bid for project exploring the potential of technolgoy to address social isolation in Scotland
PI: Professor Louise McCabe
Funded by: Scottish Government

Evaluation of the activities and impact of Dementia Friendly Communities CIC
PI: Dr Alison Dawson
Funded by: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Sight loss, dementia and meaningful activity: A scoping study’
PI: Dr Alison Dawson
Funded by: Thomas Pocklington Trust

Best practice in the design of residential environments for people with dementia & sight loss - Stage 1
Funded by: Thomas Pocklington Trust

Promotion of dementia standards: literature review
PI: Professor Alison Bowes
Funded by: Care Inspectorate

Dementia-friendly Stirling: Scoping review and baseline study
PI: Dr Alison Dawson
Funded by: Dementia Services Development Trust

Exploring the role of third sector interventions in reducing Scottish older people's use of formal health and social care resources
PI: Dr Alison Dawson
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council and Scottish Council Voluntary Organisation

Current and future services for people with dementia and their carers: a study to support the Royal Surgical Aid Society in shaping the charity's future direction
PI: Dr Alison Dawson
Funded by: AgeCare (Royal Surgical Aid Society)

An assessment of the operation of the Named Person role and its interaction with other forms of patient representation
PI: Dr Kathryn Mackay
Funded by: Scottish Government

Outputs (39)



Jepson RG, Dawson A, McCabe L, Greasley-Adams C, Biggs H & Bowes A (2023) Development of an intervention programme theory to increase movement in care homes for people with cognitive impairment: Care homes achieving realistic movement strategies (CHARMS). Evaluation and Program Planning, 100, Art. No.: 102348. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2023.102348

Research Report

Dawson A, Brown T, Pemble C & Douglas E (2022) COVID-19 and You: Impact & Recovery Study [A literature review to inform the development of a UK specific instrument to measure COVID-19 fear]. UKRI. https://www.hagis.scot/reports

Research Report

Douglas E, Bell D, Dawson A, Brown T, Pemble C, Houston J, Comerford D, Olivarius O, Duggan A, McCabe L, Douglas C, McGregor L & Coutts-Murray K (2022) HAGIS COVID Impact & Recovery Executive Summary Report. UKRI. Stirling. https://www.hagis.scot/reports

Book Chapter

Dawson A, Blair Berta W, Morton-Chang F, Palmer L & Quirke M (2020) Long term care and the coronavirus pandemic: a new role for environmental design in a changing context. In: Fleming R, Zeisel J & Bennett K (eds.) World Alzheimer Report 2020. Design, Dignity, Dementia: Dementia-related design and the built environment. Volume I. World Alzheimer Report. London: Alzheimer's Disease International, pp. 238-245. https://www.alz.co.uk/u/WorldAlzheimerReport2020Vol1.pdf

Book Chapter

Dawson A & Palmer L (2020) United Kingdom: Environmental design education in a changing world. In: Fleming R, Zeisel J & Bennett K (eds.) World Alzheimer Report 2020. Design, Dignity, Dementia: Dementia-related design and the built environment, Volume I. World Alzheimer Report. London: Alzheimer’s Disease International, pp. 208-215. https://www.alz.co.uk/research/world-report-2020

Research Report

Rutherford A, Bu F, Dawson A & McCall V (2019) Volunteering for All: national framework - literature review. Scottish Government. Social Research: People, Communities and Places. https://www.gov.scot/publications/literature-review-scotlands-volunteering-outcomes-framework/

Research Report

Bowes A, Dawson A & Greasley-Adams C (2013) Literature review: the cost effectiveness of assistive technology in supporting people with dementia. The Atlantic Philanthropies. Dementia Services Development Centre, University of Stirling. http://dementia.stir.ac.uk/system/files/filedepot/1/the_cost_effectiveness_of_assistive_technology_in_supporting_people_with_dementia_october_13_1.pdf

Research Report

Bowes A, Dawson A, Jepson R & McCabe L (2011) Physical activity for people with dementia: A Scoping Study. Scottish Government - Chief Scientist Office. Chief Scientist Office. http://www.cso.scot.nhs.uk/Publications/ExecSumms/OctNov11/MH_Bowes.pdf


Ateljevic J & Dawson A (2010) Business incubators: new mechanism for economic/enterprise development or passing fad? Exploring complex relationship of the growing phenomenon in the context of Scotland. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 12 (2/2010), pp. 217-240. http://inderscience.metapress.com/content/p1u684nh865m6362/; https://doi.org/10.1504/IJEIM.2010.034422

Research Report

Bell D, Bowes A & Dawson A (2007) Free Personal Care in Scotland: Recent Developments. Joseph Rowntree Foundation. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/2075-scotland-care-older-people.pdf


Whilst primarily a researcher, Alison delivers occasional lectures on her areas of specialism on a range of undergraduate and taught postgraduate courses. She was module co-ordinator and delivered the SPCU9JK ‘Ageing, Society and Social Policy' undergraduate module for Spring 2016, receiving a Recognising Achievement in Teaching Excellence (RATE) award from the University's Student Union in respect of this.