Understanding farmed salmon imports and e-commerce consumer satisfaction in China: A text mining approach
Budhathoki M, Lincen L, Xu H, Zhang W, Li S, Newton R, Campbell D & Little D (2024) Understanding farmed salmon imports and e-commerce consumer satisfaction in China: A text mining approach. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 18, Art. No.: 101342.
Weighting factors for LCA - A new set from a global survey
Bayazıt Subaşı A, Askham C, Sandorf ED, Dias LC, Campbell D, Taş EF, Itsubo N, Nagawa CB, Kyarimpa CM, Djerma M, Bazie BSR & Cinelli M (2024) Weighting factors for LCA - A new set from a global survey. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment.
spdesign: Designing Stated Preference Experiments
Dancke Sandorf E & Campbell D (2023) spdesign: Designing Stated Preference Experiments. 17.08.2023.
Hazardous human-wildlife encounters, risk attitudes, and the value of shark nets for coastal recreation
Börger T, Mmonwa K & Campbell D (2023) Hazardous human-wildlife encounters, risk attitudes, and the value of shark nets for coastal recreation. American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Factors Influencing Consumption Behaviour towards Aquatic Food among Asian Consumers: A Systematic Scoping Review
Budhathoki M, Campbell D, Belton B, Newton R, Li S, Zhang W & Little D (2022) Factors Influencing Consumption Behaviour towards Aquatic Food among Asian Consumers: A Systematic Scoping Review. Foods, 11 (24), Art. No.: 4043.
A simple satisficing model
Sandorf ED, Campbell D & Chorus C (2022) A simple satisficing model. PLOS ONE, 17 (10), Art. No.: e0275339.
Can traffic light labelling nudge heuristical decision processes?
Erdem S & Campbell D (2022) Can traffic light labelling nudge heuristical decision processes?. Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy.
Measuring Time Preferences Using Stated Credit Repayment Choices
Li H, Campbell D & Erdem S (2022) Measuring Time Preferences Using Stated Credit Repayment Choices. Journal of Quantitative Economics, 20 (1), pp. 43-67.
A comparison of visual versus non-visual representations of costs in financial decision-making
Erdem S, Li H & Campbell D A comparison of visual versus non-visual representations of costs in financial decision-making. Economics.
Spatial clustering of willingness to pay for ecosystem services
Toledo‐Gallegos VM, Long J, Campbell D, Börger T & Hanley N (2021) Spatial clustering of willingness to pay for ecosystem services. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 72 (3), pp. 673-697.
Putting your best fish forward: Investigating distance decay and relative preferences for fish conservation
Danley B, Sandorf ED & Campbell D (2021) Putting your best fish forward: Investigating distance decay and relative preferences for fish conservation. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 108, Art. No.: 102475.
The value of blue-space recreation and perceived water quality across Europe: A contingent behaviour study
Börger T, Campbell D, White MP, Elliott LR, Fleming LE, Garrett JK, Hattam C, Hynes S, Lankia T & Taylor T (2021) The value of blue-space recreation and perceived water quality across Europe: A contingent behaviour study. Science of the Total Environment, 771, Art. No.: 145597.
Preferences for coastal and marine conservation in Vietnam: Accounting for differences in individual choice set formation
Börger T, Ngoc QTK, Kuhfuss L, Hien TT, Hanley N & Campbell D (2021) Preferences for coastal and marine conservation in Vietnam: Accounting for differences in individual choice set formation. Ecological Economics, 180, Art. No.: 106885.
The use of latent variable models in policy: A road fraught with peril?
Campbell D & Dancke Sandorf E (2020) The use of latent variable models in policy: A road fraught with peril?. Bio-based and Applied Economics, 9 (3), pp. 305-324.
Linking urban air pollution with residents' willingness to pay for greenspace: A choice experiment study in Beijing
Liu Z, Hanley N & Campbell D (2020) Linking urban air pollution with residents' willingness to pay for greenspace: A choice experiment study in Beijing. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 104, Art. No.: 102383.
Does attribute order influence attribute-information processing in discrete choice experiments?
Logar I, Brouwer R & Campbell D (2020) Does attribute order influence attribute-information processing in discrete choice experiments?. Resource and Energy Economics, 60, Art. No.: 101164.
Including opt-out options in discrete choice experiments: issues to consider
Campbell D & Erdem S (2019) Including opt-out options in discrete choice experiments: issues to consider. Patient, 12 (1), pp. 1-14.
Accommodating satisficing behaviour in stated choice experiments
Sandorf ED & Campbell D (2019) Accommodating satisficing behaviour in stated choice experiments. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 46 (1), pp. 133-162.
Including Value Orientations in Choice Models to Estimate Benefits of Wildlife Management Policies
Grilli G, Notaro S & Campbell D (2018) Including Value Orientations in Choice Models to Estimate Benefits of Wildlife Management Policies. Ecological Economics, 151, pp. 70-81.
Using Geographically Weighted Choice Models to Account for the Spatial Heterogeneity of Preferences
Budziński W, Campbell D, Czajkowski M, Demšar U & Hanley N (2018) Using Geographically Weighted Choice Models to Account for the Spatial Heterogeneity of Preferences. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 69 (3), pp. 606-626.
Using eye tracking to account for attribute non-attendance in choice experiments
Van Loo E, Nayga R, Campbell D, Seo H & Verbeke W (2018) Using eye tracking to account for attribute non-attendance in choice experiments. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 45 (3), pp. 333-365.
Taboo trade-off aversion: a discrete choice model and empirical analysis
Chorus C, Pudane B, Mouter N & Campbell D (2018) Taboo trade-off aversion: a discrete choice model and empirical analysis. Journal of Choice Modelling, 27, pp. 37-49.
The link between response time and preference, variance and processing heterogeneity in stated choice experiments
Campbell D, Morkbak M & Olsen SB (2018) The link between response time and preference, variance and processing heterogeneity in stated choice experiments. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 88, pp. 18-34.
Preferences for public involvement in health service decisions: a comparison between best-worst scaling and trio-wise stated preference elicitation techniques
Erdem S & Campbell D (2017) Preferences for public involvement in health service decisions: a comparison between best-worst scaling and trio-wise stated preference elicitation techniques. The European Journal of Health Economics, 18 (9), pp. 1107-1123.
Response time in online stated choice experiments: the non-triviality of identifying fast and slow respondents
Campbell D, Morkbak M & Olsen SB (2017) Response time in online stated choice experiments: the non-triviality of identifying fast and slow respondents. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, 6 (1), pp. 17-35.
Spatial heterogeneity of willingness to pay for forest management
Czajkowski M, Budzinski W, Campbell D, Giergiczny M & Hanley N (2017) Spatial heterogeneity of willingness to pay for forest management. Environmental and Resource Economics, 68 (3), pp. 705-727.
Estimating the Irish public's willingness to pay for more sustainable salmon produced by integrated multi-trophic aquaculture
van Osch S, Hynes S, O'Higgins T, Hanley N, Campbell D & Freeman S (2017) Estimating the Irish public's willingness to pay for more sustainable salmon produced by integrated multi-trophic aquaculture. Marine Policy, 84, pp. 220-227.
Disentangling the influence of knowledge on attribute non-attendance
Sandorf ED, Campbell D & Hanley N (2017) Disentangling the influence of knowledge on attribute non-attendance. Journal of Choice Modelling, 24, pp. 36-50.
The determinants of brownfields redevelopment in England
Longo A & Campbell D (2017) The determinants of brownfields redevelopment in England. Environmental and Resource Economics, 67, pp. 261-283.
Students’ preferences for attributes of postgraduate economics modules: Evidence from a multi-profile best-worst scaling survey
Meginnis K & Campbell D (2017) Students’ preferences for attributes of postgraduate economics modules: Evidence from a multi-profile best-worst scaling survey. International Review of Economics Education, 24, pp. 18-27.
Learning, fatigue and preference formation in discrete choice experiments
Campbell D, Boeri M, Doherty E & Hutchinson WG (2015) Learning, fatigue and preference formation in discrete choice experiments. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 119, pp. 345-363.
Accounting for attribute-level non-attendance in a health choice experiment: does it matter?
Erdem S, Campbell D & Hole AR (2015) Accounting for attribute-level non-attendance in a health choice experiment: does it matter?. Health Economics, 24 (7), pp. 773-789.
Position Bias in Best-Worst Scaling Surveys: A Case Study on Trust in Institutions
Campbell D & Erdem S (2015) Position Bias in Best-Worst Scaling Surveys: A Case Study on Trust in Institutions. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 97 (2), pp. 526-545.
Elimination and selection by aspects in health choice experiments: Prioritising health service innovations
Erdem S, Campbell D & Thompson C (2014) Elimination and selection by aspects in health choice experiments: Prioritising health service innovations. Journal of Health Economics, 38, pp. 10-22.
Demand for safety and regional certification of food: Results from Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland
Doherty E & Campbell D (2014) Demand for safety and regional certification of food: Results from Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland. British Food Journal, 116 (4), pp. 676-689.
Heterogeneity in the WTP for recreational access: distributional aspects
Campbell D, Vedel SE, Thorsen BJ & Jacobsen JB (2014) Heterogeneity in the WTP for recreational access: distributional aspects. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 57 (8), pp. 1200-1219.
Behavioral implications of providing real incentives in stated choice experiments
Morkbak MR, Olsen SB & Campbell D (2014) Behavioral implications of providing real incentives in stated choice experiments. Journal of Economic Psychology, 45, pp. 102-116.
Bounding WTP distributions to reflect the 'actual'consideration set
Campbell D, Hensher DA & Scarpa R (2014) Bounding WTP distributions to reflect the 'actual'consideration set. Journal of Choice Modelling, 11, pp. 4-15.
A question of taste: Recognising the role of latent preferences and attitudes in analysing food choices
O'Neill V, Hess S & Campbell D (2014) A question of taste: Recognising the role of latent preferences and attitudes in analysing food choices. Food Quality and Preference, 32 (Part C), pp. 299-310.
Examining labelling effects within discrete choice experiments: An application to recreational site choice
Doherty E, Campbell D, Hynes S & van Rensburg T (2013) Examining labelling effects within discrete choice experiments: An application to recreational site choice. Journal of Environmental Management, 125, pp. 94-104.
Models of Site-choice for Walks in Rural Ireland: Exploring Cost Heterogeneity
Doherty E, Campbell D & Hynes S (2013) Models of Site-choice for Walks in Rural Ireland: Exploring Cost Heterogeneity. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 64 (2), pp. 446-466.
It's not that I don't care, I just don't care very much: confounding between attribute non-attendance and taste heterogeneity
Hess S, Stathopoulos A, Campbell D, O'Neill V & Caussade S (2013) It's not that I don't care, I just don't care very much: confounding between attribute non-attendance and taste heterogeneity. Transportation, 40 (3), pp. 583-607.
Combining discrete and continuous mixing distributions to identify niche markets for food
Campbell D & Doherty E (2013) Combining discrete and continuous mixing distributions to identify niche markets for food. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 40 (2), pp. 287-312.
Estimating the value of achieving "Good Ecological Status" in the Boyne River Catchment in Ireland using choice experiments
Stithou M, Hynes S, Hanley N & Campbell D (2012) Estimating the value of achieving "Good Ecological Status" in the Boyne River Catchment in Ireland using choice experiments. Economic and Social Review, 43 (3), pp. 397-422.
Cost thresholds, cut-offs and sensitivities in stated choice analysis: identification and implications
Campbell D, Hensher DA & Scarpa R (2012) Cost thresholds, cut-offs and sensitivities in stated choice analysis: identification and implications. Resource and Energy Economics, 34 (3), pp. 396-411.
Environmental economics and policy
Willis K, Ozdemiroglu E & Campbell D (2012) Environmental economics and policy. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, 1 (1), pp. 1-4.
Public perceptions of coronary events risk factors: a discrete choice experiment
Al Hamarneh YN, Agus A, Campbell D, Crealey GE & McElnay JC (2012) Public perceptions of coronary events risk factors: a discrete choice experiment. BMJ Open, 2 (5), p. e001560.
Cheap and expensive alternatives in stated choice experiments: are they equally considered by respondents?
Campbell D, Aravena CD & Hutchinson WG (2011) Cheap and expensive alternatives in stated choice experiments: are they equally considered by respondents?. Applied Economics Letters, 18 (8), pp. 743-747.
Estimating the welfare impacts of agricultural landscape change in Ireland: a choice experiment approach
Hynes S & Campbell D (2011) Estimating the welfare impacts of agricultural landscape change in Ireland: a choice experiment approach. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 54 (8), pp. 1019-1039.
Non-attendance to attributes in environmental choice analysis: a latent class specification
Campbell D, Hensher DA & Scarpa R (2011) Non-attendance to attributes in environmental choice analysis: a latent class specification. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 54 (8), pp. 1061-1076.
A holistic vs. an attribute-based approach to agri-environmental policy valuation: do welfare estimates differ?
Hynes S, Campbell D & Howley P (2011) A holistic vs. an attribute-based approach to agri-environmental policy valuation: do welfare estimates differ?. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 62 (2), pp. 305-329.
Book Chapter
Accommodating coefficient outliers in discrete choice modelling: a comparison of discrete and continuous mixing approaches
Campbell D, Hess S, Scarpa R & Rose JM (2010) Accommodating coefficient outliers in discrete choice modelling: a comparison of discrete and continuous mixing approaches. In: Hess S & Daly A (eds.) Choice Modelling: The State-of-the-art and the State-of-practice - Proceedings from the Inaugural International Choice Modelling Conference. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing, pp. 331-352.
Using choice experiments to explore the spatial distribution of willingness to pay for rural landscape improvements
Campbell D, Hutchinson WG & Scarpa R (2009) Using choice experiments to explore the spatial distribution of willingness to pay for rural landscape improvements. Environment and Planning A, 41 (1), pp. 97-111.
Modelling attribute non-attendance in choice experiments for rural landscape valuation
Scarpa R, Gilbride TJ, Campbell D & Hensher DA (2009) Modelling attribute non-attendance in choice experiments for rural landscape valuation. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 36 (2), pp. 151-174.
Book Chapter
Using mixed logit models to derive individual-specific WTP estimates for landscape improvements under agri-environmental schemes: evidence from the Rural Environment Protection Scheme in Ireland
Campbell D, Hutchinson WG & Scarpa R (2008) Using mixed logit models to derive individual-specific WTP estimates for landscape improvements under agri-environmental schemes: evidence from the Rural Environment Protection Scheme in Ireland. In: Birol E & Koundouri P (eds.) Choice Experiments Informing European Environmental Policy: A European Perspective. First ed. New Horizons in Environmental Economics. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, pp. 58-81.
Assessing the spatial dependence of welfare estimates obtained from discrete choice experiments
Campbell D, Scarpa R & Hutchinson WG (2008) Assessing the spatial dependence of welfare estimates obtained from discrete choice experiments. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 1 (2-3), pp. 117-126.
Incorporating discontinuous preferences into the analysis of discrete choice experiments
Campbell D, Hutchinson WG & Scarpa R (2008) Incorporating discontinuous preferences into the analysis of discrete choice experiments. Environmental and Resource Economics, 41 (3), pp. 401-417.
Benefit estimates for landscape improvements: sequential Bayesian design and respondents’ rationality in a choice experiment
Scarpa R, Campbell D & Hutchinson WG (2007) Benefit estimates for landscape improvements: sequential Bayesian design and respondents’ rationality in a choice experiment. Land Economics, 83 (4), pp. 617-634.
Willingness to Pay for Rural Landscape Improvements: Combining Mixed Logit and Random-Effects Models
Campbell D (2007) Willingness to Pay for Rural Landscape Improvements: Combining Mixed Logit and Random-Effects Models. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 58 (3), pp. 467-483.
Quantifying the landscape benefits arising from the Rural Environment Protection Scheme: results from a public survey
Campbell D, Hutchinson WG & Scarpa R (2006) Quantifying the landscape benefits arising from the Rural Environment Protection Scheme: results from a public survey. Tearmann: Irish Journal of Agri-Environmental Research, 5, pp. 1-12.