
Estimating the Irish public's willingness to pay for more sustainable salmon produced by integrated multi-trophic aquaculture



van Osch S, Hynes S, O'Higgins T, Hanley N, Campbell D & Freeman S (2017) Estimating the Irish public's willingness to pay for more sustainable salmon produced by integrated multi-trophic aquaculture. Marine Policy, 84, pp. 220-227.

Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) has been put forward as a potential sustainable alternative to single fin fish species aquaculture. In IMTA, several species are combined in the production process. Integrating species has a conceivable dual advantage; the environmental impact can be lowered through nutrient cycling and from an economic perspective there is potential for increased efficiency, product diversification and a higher willingness to pay for more environmentally friendly produced salmon. This paper presents the results from a choice experiment which examines whether the Irish public is willing to pay a premium for “sustainably produced” farmed salmon from an IMTA process. Uniquely, an ecolabel was used in the design, based on familiar energy rating labels, to communicate the environmental pressure of fish farming to respondents. The experiment demonstrates that the Irish public has a willingness to pay a price premium for sustainability in salmon farming and for locally produced salmon.

Sustainable aquaculture; Choice experiments; Ecolabels; IMTA; Willingness to pay

Marine Policy: Volume 84

Publication date31/10/2017
Publication date online03/08/2017
Date accepted by journal10/07/2017