All Outputs

Showing 25401 to 25500 of 35842

Book Chapter

Matias L, Garcia D & Zamora R (2008) Efectos escala-dependientes de la abundancia de semillas y la estructura del hábitat en la depredación post-dispersiva de dos especies de matorral mediterráneo. In: Maestre F, Escudero A & Bonet A (eds.) Introducción al análisis espacial de datos en Ecología y Ciencias Ambientales: Métodos y aplicaciones. CC Experimentales. Madrid: Dykinson, pp. 591-604.

Book Chapter

Penuelas J, Jump A, Sardans J, Filella I, Estiarte M, Ogaya R, Llusia J, Owen SM & Lloret F (2008) From phosphorus and VOCs to biodiversity: some studies on the effects of global change inspired by Margalef's legacy. In: Valladares L, CAmacho A, Elosegi A, Gracia C, Estrada M, Senar J & Gili J (eds.) Unity in Diversity: Reflections on Ecology after the Legacy of Ramon Margalef. Bilboa, Spain: Fundacion BBVS, pp. 83-94.

Book Chapter

Swanson DM (2008) Breaking silences. In: Jacobs D (ed.) The Authentic Dissertation: Alternative ways of knowing, research and representation. London: Routledge, pp. 83-94.


Gornik SG, Albalat A, Atkinson RJA, Coombs GH & Neil DM (2008) The time course of early post-mortem biochemical processes in the abdominal muscle of a commercially important decapod crustacean (Nephrops norvegicus): Implications for post-catch processing. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 41 (4), pp. 241-256.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Atherton I (2008) Using multi-method approaches. ESRC Advanced Training in Research Methods 2008, Kindrogan, Scotland, 31.12.2008-31.12.2008.

Book Chapter

Paterson B, Leadbetter D, Bradley P & Allen D (2008) Restraint related deaths. Learning from tragedy?. In: van Engelen Y, McKenna K & Miller G (eds.) Promoting a Shared Vision of Practice and Organisational Excellence: proceedings of the conference to launch the European Network of Trainers in the Management of Aggression: ENTMA 08, Amsterdam, 17-18 Nov 2008. Amsterdam: ENTMA.

Book Chapter

Paterson B, Leadbetter D & McKenna KJ (2008) The organisation and workplace violence prevention. In: van Engelen Y, McKenna K & Miller G (eds.) Promoting a Shared Vision of Practice and Organisational Excellence: proceedings of the conference to launch the European Network of Trainers in the Management of Aggression: ENTMA 08, Amsterdam, 17-18 Nov 2008. Amsterdam: ENTMA.

Book Chapter

Paterson B, Leadbetter D, Miller G & Bowie V (2008) Re-framing the problem of workplace violence directed towards nurses in mental health services in the UK: A work in progress?. In: Needham I, Kingma M, O'Brien-Pallas L, McKenna K, Tucker R & Oud N (eds.) Workplace Violence in the Health Sector: Proceedings of the first International Conference on Workplace Violence in the Health Sector - Together, Creating a Safe Work Environment. Amsterdam: Kavanah, pp. 299-302.


Wells M & Kelly D (2008) The loneliness of cancer. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 12 (5), pp. 410-411.

Conference Proceeding

Liefooghe A, Jourdan L, Basseur M, Talbi E & Burke E (2008) Metaheuristics for the bi-objective ring star problem. In: van Hemert J & Cotta C (eds.) Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization: 8th European Conference, EvoCOP 2008, Naples, Italy, March 26-28, 2008. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4972. 8th European Conference, EvoCOP 2008: » Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, Naples, Italy, 26.03.2008-28.03.2008. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 206-217.;

Book Chapter

Townshend D (2008) Gothic and the Ghost of Hamlet. In: Drakakis J & Townshend D (eds.) Gothic Shakespeares. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 60-97.

Book Chapter

Eady S (2008) Analysis of data. In: Elton-Chalcraft S, Hansen A & Twiselton S (eds.) Doing Classroom Research: A step by step guide for student teachers. Berkshire: Open University Press, pp. 131-140.

Book Chapter

Oram R (2008) Medieval Inchmarnock to c.1600. In: C L (ed.) Inchmarnock: An Early Historic Island Monastery and its Archaeological Landscape. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Monograph Series. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, pp. 35-52.

Book Chapter

Borges Rey E (2008) Erigiendo el sentido en el flamenco-jazz: los imaginarios musicales como sistema de interaccion simbolica. In: De Aguilera M, Adell J & Sedeño A (eds.) Comunicación y Música. Miradas interdisciplinares, Tecnologías y audiencias. Barcelona, Spain: UOC PRESS, pp. 211-235.

Book Chapter

Houston RD, Gheyas AA, Hamilton A, Guy DR, Tinch AE, Taggart J, McAndrew B, Haley CS & Bishop SC (2008) Detection and confirmation of a major QTL affecting resistance to infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) in Atlantic salmon (Salmo Salar). In: Pinard M, Gay C, Patoret P & Dodet B (eds.) Animal Genomics for Animal Health: Paris, France, 25-27 October 2007. Developments in Biologicals, 132. Basel: Karger, pp. 199-204.;

Edited Book

Hadland A, Louw E, Sesanti S & Wasserman H (eds.) (2008) Power, Politics and Identity in South African Media. Cape Town South Africa: HSRC Press.

Book Chapter

Allan G, Gilmartin M, McGregor PG, Swales JK & Turner K (2008) Modelling the economy-wide rebound effect. In: Herring H & Sorrell S (eds.) Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Consumption: The Rebound Effect. First ed. Energy, Climate and the Environment. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 69-98.

Book Chapter

Allan G, Gilmartin M, McGregor PG & Swales JK (2008) Lessons from Recent Computable General Equilibrium Analyses of Energy Efficiency Improvements: Rebound and Backfire Effects. In: Bergmann D (ed.) Energy Efficiency Research Advances. First ed. Nova Science Publishers, pp. 1-9.

Book Chapter

Campbell D, Hutchinson WG & Scarpa R (2008) Using mixed logit models to derive individual-specific WTP estimates for landscape improvements under agri-environmental schemes: evidence from the Rural Environment Protection Scheme in Ireland. In: Birol E & Koundouri P (eds.) Choice Experiments Informing European Environmental Policy: A European Perspective. First ed. New Horizons in Environmental Economics. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, pp. 58-81.

Book Chapter

Bebbington DW (2008) Response. In: Haykin M & Stewart K (eds.) The Emergence of Evangelicalism: Exploring Historical Continuities. Nottingham: Inter-Varsity Press, pp. 417-432.

Book Chapter

Bebbington DW (2008) Introduction. In: Cooper K & Gregory J (eds.) Revival and Resurgence in Christian History. Studies in Church History, 44. Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell & Brewer, pp. xv - xviii.

Book Chapter

Bebbington DW (2008) Eschatology in Evangelical History. In: Holmes S & Rook R (eds.) What are We Waiting For? Christian hope and Contemporary Culture. Milton Keynes: Paternoster, pp. 75-86.

Book Chapter

Bebbington DW (2008) Gladstone and the Classics. In: Hardwick L & Stray C (eds.) A Companion to Classical Receptions. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 86-97.

Book Chapter

Kunnas J & Myllyntaus T (2008) Forerunners and Policy Tunnels. In: Jesien L (ed.) European Union Policies in the Making. Krakow, Poland: Tischner European University, pp. 249-263.

Book Chapter

Saxton TK, Little A & Roberts SC (2008) Ecological validity in the study of human pheromones. In: Hurst J, Beynon R, Roberts S & Wyatt T (eds.) Chemical Signals In Vertebrates 11. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 111-120.;

Book Chapter

Ochoa G, Lutton E & Burke E (2008) The cooperative royal road: Avoiding Hitchhiking. In: Monmarche N, Talbi E, Collet P, Schoenauer M & Lutton E (eds.) Artificial Evolution: 8th International Conference, Evolution Artificielle, EA 2007, Tours, France, October 29-31, 2007, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4926. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 184-195.;


Blanchflower D (2008) Inflation, expectations and monetary policy. Quarterly Bulletin - Bank of England, 48 (2), pp. 229-237.

Book Chapter

Warhurst C, Eikhof DR & Haunschild A (2008) Out of balance or just out of bounds? Analysing the relationship between work and life. In: Warhurst C, Eikhof D & Haunschild A (eds.) Work Less, Live More?: Critical Analysis of the Work-Life Boundary. First ed. Critical Perspectives on Work and Organisations. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-21.

Conference Proceeding

Gunarathne GPP, Koujalagi V, Semple S & Ayres JG (2008) A real-time instrumentation system for the study of regional deposition of airborne particles and drug delivery in the human respiratory system. In: IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Proceedings. IMTC 2008. IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference 2008, Victoria, BC, 12.05.2008-15.05.2008. Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, pp. 2015-2020.


McCartney E (2009) Researching intervention - how much, by whom and what next? (Presentation) Current issues and Controversies in Specific Language Impairment, Edinburgh, 27.05.2009-27.05.2009.

Book Chapter

Viana V, Zyngier S, Fausto FM & Giordani N (2008) Original e tradução de obras canônicas e populares em perspectiva: A análise de corpus como um recurso à crítica literária [Original and translated versions of canonical and popular literature in perspective: Corpus analysis as a resource to literary criticism]. In: Zyngier S, Viana V & Silveira N (eds.) Ver & visualizar: Letras sob o prisma empírico [Seeing and visualizing: Letters through empirical lenses]. Rio de Janeiro: Publit, pp. 61-74.

Book Chapter

Viana V, Giordani N & Zyngier S (2008) Empirical evaluation: towards an automated index of lexical variety. In: Zyngier S, Bortolussi M, Chesnokova A & Auracher J (eds.) Directions in empirical literary studies: In honor of Willie van Peer. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 271-282.;

Book Chapter

Viana V & Zyngier S (2008) EFL through the digital glass of corpus linguistics. In: Marriott R & Torres P (eds.) Handbook of research on e-learning methodologies for language acquisition. Hershey: Information Science Reference, pp. 219-236.;

Book Chapter

Yu H (2008) Dispute Resolution. In: Black G (ed.) Business Law in Scotland. Edinburgh: W Green.

Book Chapter

Malloch M (2008) A Spoonful of Sugar? Treating Women in Prison. In: Anderson T (ed.) Neither Villain nor Victim. USA: Rutger University Press, p. 18.

Book Chapter

Fenwick T (2008) Learning on the line: Skills, sociality and solidarity among garment workers. In: Livingstone D, Mirchandani K & Sawchuk P (eds.) The Future of Lifelong Learning in Work: Critical Perspectives. The Knowledge Economy and Education, 1. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 185-200.

Research Report

Tipping R, McCulloch R & Tisdall E (2008) Field by Field. Historic Period Environmental Change on a Hill Farming Landscape at Ben Lawers - Final Report to the National Trust for Scotland, Scottish Natural Heritage, Historic Scotland and the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland. The National Trust for Scotland; Scottish Natural Heritage; Historic Scotland; The Carnegie Trust. University of Stirling.

Book Chapter

Foster S & Jones S (2008) Recovering the biography of the Hilton of Cadboll cross-slab. In: James H, Henderson I, Foster S & Jones S (eds.) A Fragmented Masterpiece. Recovering the Biography of the Hilton of Cadboll Pictish Cross-slab. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, pp. 205-284.

Book Chapter

Clarke DV & Foster S (2008) The Project. In: James H, Henderson I, Foster S & Jones S (eds.) A Fragmented Masterpiece. Recovering the Biography of the Hilton of Cadboll Pictish Cross-slab. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, pp. 1-11.

Book Chapter

Hamer M, Molloy G & Dombrowski SU (2008) The psychobiology of obesity: behavioral and psychophysiological mechanisms. In: Piccard L (ed.) Biological Psychology: New Research. New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 213-231.

Edited Book

Ward R & Bytheway B (eds.) (2008) Researching age and multiple discrimination. Representation of Older People in Ageing Research Series, 8. London: Centre for Policy on Ageing / The Open University.

Website Content

Walsh PD, Tutin CEG, Baillie J, Maisels F, Stokes E & Gatti S (2008) Gorilla gorilla ssp. gorilla [Series T1 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.2]. IUCN Red List [IUCN Red List Assessment web page] 2008.

Website Content

Oates JF, Tutin CEG, Humle T, Wilson ML, Baillie J, Balmforth Z, Blom A, Boesch C, Cox D, Davenport T, Dunn A, Dupain J, Duvall C, Maisels F & Morgan BJ (2008) Pan troglodytes. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species [IUCN website] 2008.

Book Chapter

Hufert FT & Weidmann M (2008) Laboratory Diagnosis of Filovirus Disease. In: Kuhn J & Calisher C (eds.) Filoviruses - A Compendium of 40 Years of Epidemiological, Clinical, and Laboratory Studies. Archives of Virology Supplement, 20. Wien and New York: Springer, pp. 265-277.

Authored Book

Delahunt M (2008) The Red Book. London: Granta.

Book Chapter

Olmos Giupponi MB (2008) Fortalecimiento de los Aspectos Político-Institucionales del MERCOSUR: Parlamento y Ciudadanía. In: Vidal-Beneyto J & Diaz Barrado C (eds.) América Latina hacia su unidad. Modelos de integración y procesos integradores. 1st ed. Fundación del Área Mediterránea Latinoamericana (AMELA). Valencia, Spain: Editorial Pre-textos.


Morris RV, Klingelhoefer G, Schröder C, Fleischer I, Ming DW, Yen AS, Gellert R, Arvidson RE, Rodionov DS, Crumpler LS, Clark BC, Cohen BA, McCoy TJ, Mittlefehldt DW, Schmidt ME, de Souza Jr PA & Squyres SW (2008) Iron mineralogy and aqueous alteration from Husband Hill through Home Plate at Gusev Crater, Mars: Results from the Mössbauer instrument on the Spirit Mars Exploration Rover. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 113 (E12), Art. No.: E12S42.


Ming DW, Gellert R, Morris RV, Arvidson RE, Brueckner J, Clark BC, Cohen BA, d'Uston C, Economou TET, Fleischer I, Klingelhoefer G, McCoy TJ, Mittlefehldt DW, Schmidt ME, Schröder C, Squyres SW, Treguier E, Yen AS & Zipfel J (2008) Geochemical properties of rocks and soils in Gusev Crater, Mars: Results of the Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer from Cumberland Ridge to Home Plate. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 113 (E12), Art. No.: E12S39.


Watterson A, Little DC, Young J, Boyd K, Azim E & Murray F (2008) Towards Integration of Environmental and Health Impact Assessments for Wild Capture Fishing and Farmed Fish with Particular Reference to Public Health and Occupational Health Dimensions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 5 (4), pp. 258-277.