Book Chapter

Biodiversity Conservation and Management



Marechal C, Cawoy V, Cocquyt C, Dauby G, Dessein S, Douglas-Hamilton I, Dupain J, Fischer E, Fouth Obang D, Groom Q, Henschel P, Jeffery KJ, Korte L, Lewis SL, Luhunu S, Maisels F & Williamson EA (2014) Biodiversity Conservation and Management. In: de Wasseige C, Flynn J, Louppe D, Hiol HF & Mayaux P (eds.) The Forests of the Congo Basin - State of the Forest 2013. State of the Forest. Neufchateau, Belgium: Weyrich Edition, pp. 67-96.

First paragraph: Since the first edition of the State of the Forest (SOF), the state and conservation of biodiversity have been a continuing concern. Every subsequent edition has reviewed the threats to the fauna and flora of the subregion. In 2010, the subject was presented in a chapter entitled "Biodiversity in the forests of Central Africa: panorama of knowledge, principal challenges and conservation measures" (Billand, 2012). By devoting a new chapter to this subject, the SOF 2013 reaffirms the importance of biodiversity and the protection of species for the sustainable development of the forests of Central Africa.

Additional co-authors: Mario Melletti, Roger Ngoufo, Salvatore Ntore, Florence Palla, Paul Scholte, Bonaventure Sonke, Tariq Stevart, Piet Stoffelen, Dries Van den Broeck, Gretchen Walters

Title of seriesState of the Forest
Publication date31/12/2014
PublisherWeyrich Edition
Publisher URL
Place of publicationNeufchateau, Belgium