Policy Document

Putting the environment at the heart of prosperity & social inclusion: The Stirling Protocol



Cusack M, Tyler A, Valenti M, Rogers J & MacLeod M (2020) Putting the environment at the heart of prosperity & social inclusion: The Stirling Protocol. University of Stirling. Stirling. https://www.stir.ac.uk/research/public-policy-hub/policy-briefings/

Scotland’s Programme for Government 2019-20, Protecting Scotland’s Future, sets out an ambitious target to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. Meeting this objective will require policymakers, businesses and other organisations to reconsider how they operate, and make the transition to alternative, sustainable ways of working. All too often, it can seem as if there is a conflict between the need to address climate change and demands for economic growth. Where solutions are put in place, they can often exclude certain sections of the population, or can be impractical or burdensome for smaller organisations to adopt. This complexity often leads to paralysis, leaving headline pledges to decarbonise unfulfilled. This briefing paper overviews the Stirling Protocol, a simple framework which enables organisations to balance the demands of economic growth, environmental sustainability, and social inclusion. As Scotland emerges from the economic shock of the global coronavirus pandemic, the Protocol will be relevant to all those with an interest in placing sustainable, inclusive prosperity at the heart of Scotland’s economic recovery.

sustainability; net zero; low carbon; environment; prosperity; social inclusion

Scotland-specific policy Briefing based on: Cusack et al. The Stirling Protocol – Putting the environment at the heart of prosperity and social inclusion, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 737, 1 October 2020, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140079

Publication date31/07/2020
Publisher URLhttps://www.stir.ac.uk/…olicy-briefings/
Place of publicationStirling