Professor Malcolm MacLeod


Psychology Cottrell Building, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor Malcolm MacLeod

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About me

Professor Malcolm MacLeod (PhD FBPsS FRSA) is an experimental psychologist whose main research interests are concerned with how we retrieve information from memory, the extent to which we can exercise executive control over memory and how memory relates to identity and the world around us.  Before taking up his current appointment, Professor MacLeod spent much of his academic career at the University of St Andrews, where he served in a number of senior academic roles including Vice-Principal (Enterprise and Engagement), Provost of St Leonard’s College and Dean of Graduate Studies, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Head of the School of Psychology and Neuroscience.  Professor MacLeod is currently Honorary Secretary for the Executive Committee of UK Deans of Science, a member of the Selection Committee for the Carnegie Trust (Art, Humanities and Social Sciences), a member of the ESRC Peer Review College and a Trustee of a number of charitable trusts including the St Andrews Voices Festival. He is a Chartered Psychologist, an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and an elected Fellow of the British Psychological Society.


His research has been funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Scottish Office, Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) and the British Academy. He has also been the recipient of an RSE Research Fellowship and a British Academy Research Readership.

Outputs (49)


Book Chapter

MacLeod M & Hulbert JC (2011) Sleep, retrieval inhibition, and the resolving power of human memory. In: Benjamin A (ed.) Successful remembering and successful forgetting: A Festschrift in Honor of Robert A. Bjork. New York: Psychology Press, pp. 133-152.

Book Chapter

MacLeod M, Saunders J & Chalmers L (2010) Retrieval-induced forgetting: The unintended consequences of unintended forgetting. In: Davies G & Wright D (eds.) Current issues in applied memory research. Current Issues in Memory. Hove: Psychology Press, pp. 50-71.

Book Chapter

Bjork EL, Bjork RA & MacLeod M (2006) Types and consequences of forgetting: Intended and unintended. In: Nilsson L & Ohta N (eds.) Memory and society: Psychological perspectives. Hove: Psychology Press, pp. 134-158.

Book Chapter

Graham E, MacLeod M, Dibben C & Johnston M (2004) Siting Wealth and Illness: The Case of Recovery from Myocardial Infraction. In: Boyle P, Curtis S, Graham E & Moore E (eds.) The Geography of Health Inequalities in the Developed World: Views from Britain and North America. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, pp. 351-370.

Book Chapter

Johnston M, McGee HM, Graham E & MacLeod M (2002) Commentary: Beyond the socio-demographics: From prediction to explanation of the effects of gender and social deprivation in recovery from myocardial infarction. In: Schaie K, Leventhal H & Willis S (eds.) Effective health behavior in older adults. Springer Series Societal Impact on Aging. New York: Springer, pp. 105-116.

Research Report

MacLeod M, Graham E & Johnston M (2001) Relative deprivation and recovery from first acute myocardial infarction. Economic and Social Research Council. Research Findings from the Health Variations Programme, 8. Health Variations Programme.

Book Chapter

MacLeod M (2001) Why did it happen to me? The role of social cognition processes in adjustment and recovery from criminal victimization and illness. In: Ellis H & Macrae C (eds.) Validation in Psychology: Research Perspectives. New Brunswick, NJ, USA: Transaction Publishers, pp. 21-38.


MacLeod M, Johnston M, Briscoe S, Graham E & Dibben C (2001) A comparison a day keeps the doctor away, or does it?. ESRC Health Variations Programme Newsletter, (5), pp. 10-11.

Book Chapter

Graham E, MacLeod M, Johnston M, Dibben C, Morgan I & Briscoe S (2000) Individual deprivation, neighbourhood and recovery from illness. In: Graham H (ed.) Understanding Health Inequalities. Milton Keynes: Open University Press, pp. 170-185.

Conference Paper (published)

MacLeod M, Graham E, Johnston M, Dibben C, Morgan I & Briscoe S (1999) Social deprivation and recovery from Myocardial Infarction: The role of social comparisons. In: Navarro-Lopez F (ed.) Proceedings of the XXIst Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. XXIst Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, Barcelona, Spain, 01.01.1999-01.01.1999. Bologna, Italy: European Society of Cardiology.


MacLeod M, Graham E, Johnston M, Dibben C & Morgan I (1999) How does relative deprivation affect health?. ESRC Health Variations Programme Newsletter, (3), pp. 12-13.

Authored Book

MacLeod M, Prescott RGW & Carson L (1996) Listening to Victims of Crime: Victimisation episodes and the criminal justice system in Scotland: An examination of white and ethnic minority crime victim experience. Crime and Criminal Justice Research Findings, 13. Edinburgh: The Scottish Office.

Book Chapter

MacLeod M, Frowley JN & Shepherd JW (1994) Whole body information: Its relevance to eyewitnesses. In: Ross D, Read J & Toglia M (eds.) Adult eyewitness testimony: Current trends and developments. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 125-143.

Book Chapter

MacLeod M & Viano E (1989) Interviewing victims of crime. In: Viano E (ed.) Crime and its victims: International research and public policy. New York: Hemisphere.

Book Chapter

Walker LEA, Antonopoulou C, Evans J, Gersao E, Landau SF, MacLeod M, Weisaeth L, Winkel FW & Yarsuvat D (1989) Claiming victim status and role. In: Viano E (ed.) Crime and its victims: International research and public policy. New York: Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, pp. 299-312.