Miss Alhena Curreri

Research Assistant

Dementia and Ageing Dementia & Ageing, Faculty of Social Sciences, Colin Bell Building, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Miss Alhena Curreri

About me

The focus of Nereide's PhD was exploring integration of older adult and dementia care service systems through a social network approach.
She holds a Master’s in Gerontology from Vrije University Amsterdam, NL, of which thesis investigated the association between stress factors and work engagement of care home nursing staff.

Currently, Nereide holds a researcher assistant position working on cross-national projects using mixed methods, and leading two scoping reviews.

She concurrently holds a researcher post with the International Foundation of Integrated Care collaborating in EU projects on health and social care integration for older adults and families with dementia. Nereide is also Chair of the Emerging Researchers and Professionals in Integrated Care (ERPIC).

Previously, Nereide worked in Italy and the United States in residential care facilities and home care.  Her experience is in strategic development, Geriatric Care Management and start-up and management of a dementia unit.  She worked in all levels of care: independent living, assisted living, dementia units, skilled nursing, hospice care and home care, providing support to families and health and social care staff. 
