Is Criminal Law 'Exceptional'?
Duff RA & Marshall SE (2021) Is Criminal Law 'Exceptional'?. Criminal Law and Philosophy.
I joined the Department in 1970, after graduate work at Oxford, and a year at the University of Washington, Seattle. I retired formally in 2009, but retain close connections with the Department as a Professor Emeritus. From 2010 to 2015 I also held a part-time position in the Law School at the University of Minnesota. Professional Activities Founding Co-Editor, Criminal Law and Philosophy; Founding Co-Director, Robina Institute for Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, University of Minnesota Law School; Associate, Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research; Honorary Professor, University of Edinburgh Law School Outside Activities Board member, Howard League Scotland; Patron, Philosophy in Prison. From 2011-2014 I chaired a British Academy Working Group on the use of imprisonment: our report, A Presumption Against Imprisonment, was published in 2014.
D. Juris (ho notary), University of Oslo
Doctor of Law (honorary)., University of Edinburgh
Fellow of the British Academy
Fellow, Royal Society of Edinburgh
I work mainly on the philosophy of criminal law - in particular on the philosophy of punishment, on issues that connect philosophy of action with the basic principles of criminal liability, on criminalisation, and on the moral and political preconditions of criminal liability. From 2008-2012 I led a four-year AHRC-funded project on Criminalization with four colleagues (Sandra Marshall of this Department, Lindsay Farmer of Glasgow Law School, Victor Tadros of Warwick Law School, and Massimo Renzo of York Law School): the project has produced a seven volume mini-series published by Oxford University Press—four volumes of papers from conferences and workshops (The Boundaries of the Criminal Law, 2010; The Structures of the Criminal Law, 2011; The Constitution of the Criminal Law, 2012; The Grounds of Criminalization, 2013) and monographs from three of the researchers. My current work focuses on the political theorisation of criminal law: on issues concerning the role of criminal law in a democratic polity, the ways in which citizens can or should relate to the criminal law, the political preconditions of criminal law's legitimacy, and the implications of the failure of those preconditions. I also contribute to two AHRC-funded research projects: Norms for the New Public Sphere (PI Rowan Cruft), and Varieties of Risk (PI Philip Ebert). Papers currently in progress or forthcoming include 'What's Wrong With Vigilantism?'; 'Proportionality and the Criminal Law'; ‘Purgative Punishment and the Importance of Perspective’; ‘Legal Obligation and the Criminal Law'; ‘Searching for Criminal Responsibility'; ‘Crimes of Endangerment’; ‘Beccaria’s Contractarian Criminal Law'; ‘Character and Propensities: Some (Mis)uses of Statistics in Criminal Trials’; ‘Justice in Criminal Trials’; ‘Offenders as Citizens’; 'De Minimis and the Structure of the Criminal Trial'; 'State Responsibility: An Outsider’s View'.
PI: Professor Antony Duff
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council
Royal Society of Edinburgh Support for Meetings Grant
PI: Professor Antony Duff
Funded by: Royal Society
Is Criminal Law 'Exceptional'?
Duff RA & Marshall SE (2021) Is Criminal Law 'Exceptional'?. Criminal Law and Philosophy.
Criminal Law Exceptionalism: Introduction
Burchard C & Duff A (2021) Criminal Law Exceptionalism: Introduction. Criminal Law and Philosophy.
Book Chapter
Legal Obligation and the Criminal Law
Duff RA (2020) Legal Obligation and the Criminal Law. In: Bertea S (ed.) Contemporary Perspectives on Legal Obligation. London: Routledge, pp. 116-132.
Book Chapter
Duff RA (2020) Criminal Law. In: Tasioulas J (ed.) Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Law. Cambridge Companions to Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 313-330.
Criminal law and the constitution of civil order
Duff RA (2020) Criminal law and the constitution of civil order. University of Toronto Law Journal, 70 (Supplement 1), pp. 4-26.
Defending the Realm of Criminal Law
Duff RA (2020) Defending the Realm of Criminal Law. Criminal Law and Philosophy, 14 (3), pp. 465-500.
Criminal Law, Civil Order and Public Wrongs
Duff RA (2019) Criminal Law, Civil Order and Public Wrongs. Law, Ethics and Philosophy, (7), pp. 233-270.
Book Chapter
Moral and Criminal Responsibility: Answering and Refusing to Answer
Duff RA (2019) Moral and Criminal Responsibility: Answering and Refusing to Answer. In: Coates DJ & Tognazzini NA (eds.) Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility, vol. 5: Themes from the Philosophy of Gary Watson. Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 165-190.
Book Chapter
Duff RA (2019) "Thank God I Failed". In: Hurd HM (ed.) Moral Puzzles and Legal Perplexities: Essays on the Influence of Larry Alexander. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 60-75.
Book Chapter
Responsible Agency in the Criminal Process
Duff RA (2019) Responsible Agency in the Criminal Process. In: McCay A & Sevel M (eds.) Free Will and the Law: New Perspectives. Applied Legal Philosophy. London: Routledge, pp. 126-143.
Duff RA (2019) Two Models of Criminal Fault. Criminal Law and Philosophy, 13 (4), p. 643–665.
Cliff-top predicaments and morally blemished lives
Duff RA (2019) Cliff-top predicaments and morally blemished lives. Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies, 19 (1), pp. 125-140.
Crimes, Public Wrongs, and Civil Order
Duff RA & Marshall S (2019) Crimes, Public Wrongs, and Civil Order. Criminal Law and Philosophy, 13 (1), pp. 27-48.
Legal reasoning, good citizens, and the criminal law
Duff RA (2018) Legal reasoning, good citizens, and the criminal law. Jurisprudence, 9 (1), pp. 120-131.
Book Chapter
Fairness in Criminal Proceedings: Concluding Thoughts and Further Questions
Duff RA (2018) Fairness in Criminal Proceedings: Concluding Thoughts and Further Questions. In: Jackson JD & Summers SJ (eds.) Obstacles to Fairness in Criminal Proceedings: Individual Rights and Institutional Forms. London: Hart Publishing, pp. 301-314.
Authored Book
Duff RA (2018) The Realm of Criminal Law. Criminalization. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Book Chapter
Comment on Andrew Sanders 'The CPS, Policy-Making and Assisted Dying: Towards a 'Freedom' Approach'
Duff RA (2018) Comment on Andrew Sanders 'The CPS, Policy-Making and Assisted Dying: Towards a 'Freedom' Approach'. In: Child JJ & Duff RA (eds.) Criminal Law Reform Now: Proposals & Critiques. London: Hart Publishing, pp. 155-163.
Book Chapter
Duff RA & Marshall SE (2018) Criminalizing Hate. In: Brudholm T & Schepelern Johansen B (eds.) Hate, Politics, Law: Critical Perspectives on Combating Hate. Studies in Penal Theory and Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 115-149.
Crimes Against Humanity and Hostes Generis Humani
Duff RA (2018) Crimes Against Humanity and Hostes Generis Humani. Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy, 2018 (2), pp. 138-148.
Criminal Law and Criminalization: A Response to Critics
Duff RA (2018) Criminal Law and Criminalization: A Response to Critics. Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies, 18 (1), pp. 62-87.
Criminal law and political community
Duff RA (2018) Criminal law and political community. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 16 (4), pp. 1251-1257.
Introduction to the Special Issue on the Problem of Punishment: Renewing Critique
Carvalho H, Chamberlen A & Duff A (2018) Introduction to the Special Issue on the Problem of Punishment: Renewing Critique. Social and Legal Studies.
Responsibility and Reciprocity
Duff RA (2018) Responsibility and Reciprocity. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 21 (4), pp. 775-787.
Duff RA (2018) Responsibility and Criminal Law: Comments on Vincent Chiao, Criminal Law in the Age of the Administrative State, Chapter 7. Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies, 17 (1), pp. 128-142.
Book Chapter
Discretion and Accountability in a Democratic Criminal Law
Duff RA (2017) Discretion and Accountability in a Democratic Criminal Law. In: Langer M & Sklansky DA (eds.) Prosecutors and Democracy: A Cross-National Study. ASCL Studies in Comparative Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 9-39.
A criminal law we can call our own?
Duff RA (2017) A criminal law we can call our own?. Northwestern University Law Review, 111 (6), pp. 1491-1506.
White paper of democratic criminal justice
Kleinfeld J, Appleman LI, Bierschbach RA, Bilz K, Bowers J, Braithwaite J, Burns RP, Duff RA, Dzur AW, Geraghty TF, Lanni A, McLeod MS, Nadler J, O'Rourke A & Robinson PH (2017) White paper of democratic criminal justice. Northwestern University Law Review, 111 (6), pp. 1693-1706.
Book Chapter
Duff RA & Marshall SE (2016) Civic Punishment. In: Dzur A, Loader I & Sparks R (eds.) Democratic Theory and Mass Incarceration. Studies in Penal Theory and Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 33-59.
Book Chapter
Legal Moralism and Public Wrongs
Duff RA (2016) Legal Moralism and Public Wrongs. In: Ferzan K & Morse S (eds.) Legal, Moral, and Metaphysical Truths: The Philosophy of Michael S Moore. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 95-110.
Book Chapter
Incapacity and Insanity: Do We Need the Insanity Defence?
Duff RA (2015) Incapacity and Insanity: Do We Need the Insanity Defence?. In: Livings B, Reed A & Wake N (eds.) Mental Condition Defences and the Criminal Justice System: Perspectives from Law and Medicine. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 159-177.
Criminal Responsibility and the Emotions: If Fear and Anger Can Exculpate, Why Not Compassion?
Duff RA (2015) Criminal Responsibility and the Emotions: If Fear and Anger Can Exculpate, Why Not Compassion?. Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy, 58 (2), pp. 189-220.
Book Chapter
Duff RA (2015) Un Derecho Penal Democrático. In: Sobre e Castigo: Por una justicia penal que hable el lenguaje de la comunidad. Buenos Aires: Siglo Veintiuno, pp. 25-69.
Book Chapter
Duff RA (2015) Presumptions of Innocence. In: Flanders C & Hoskins Z (eds.) The New Philosophy of Criminal Law. London: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 193-209.
Duff RA (2015) How not to Define Punishment. Philosophy and Public Issues, 5 (1), pp. 25-41.
'Abstract Endangerment', Two Harm Principles, and Two Routes to Criminalisation
Duff RA & Marshall SE (2015) 'Abstract Endangerment', Two Harm Principles, and Two Routes to Criminalisation. Bergen Journal of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 3 (2), pp. 131-161.
Edited Book
Criminalization: The Political Morality of the Criminal Law
Duff RA, Farmer L, Marshall SE, Renzo M & Tadros V (eds.) (2014) Criminalization: The Political Morality of the Criminal Law. Criminalization. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Book Chapter
Introduction: Towards a Theory of Criminalization?
Duff RA, Farmer L, Marshall SE, Renzo M & Tadros V (2014) Introduction: Towards a Theory of Criminalization?. In: Duff RA, Farmer L, Marshall SE, Renzo M & Tadros V (eds.) Criminalization: The Political Morality of the Criminal Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-53.
Book Chapter
Repairing Harms and Answering for Wrongs
Duff RA (2014) Repairing Harms and Answering for Wrongs. In: Oberdiek J (ed.) Philosophical Foundations of the Law of Torts. Philosophical Foundations of Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 212-230.
Book Chapter
Torts, Crimes and Vindication: Whose Wrong is it?
Duff RA (2014) Torts, Crimes and Vindication: Whose Wrong is it?. In: Dyson M (ed.) Unravelling Tort and Crime. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 146-173.
Book Chapter
'Remote Harms' and the Two Harm Principles
Duff RA & Marshall S (2014) 'Remote Harms' and the Two Harm Principles. In: Simester A, Neumann U & du Bois-Pedain A (eds.) Liberal Criminal Theory: Essays for Andreas von Hirsch. Oxford: Hart, pp. 205-223.
Towards a Modest Legal Moralism
Duff RA (2014) Towards a Modest Legal Moralism. Criminal Law and Philosophy, 8 (1), pp. 217-235.
Who Must Presume Whom to be Innocent of What?
Duff RA (2013) Who Must Presume Whom to be Innocent of What?. Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy, 42 (3), pp. 170-192.;
Book Chapter
Relational Reasons and the Criminal Law
Duff RA (2013) Relational Reasons and the Criminal Law. In: Green L & Leiter B (eds.) Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Law: Volume 2. Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Law, 2. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 175-208.
Book Chapter
Duff RA (2013) Intention Revisited. In: Baker D & Horder J (eds.) The Sanctity of Life and the Criminal Law: The Legacy of Glanville Williams. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 148-177.
Punishment and the Duties of Offenders
Duff RA (2013) Punishment and the Duties of Offenders. Law and Philosophy, 32 (1), pp. 109-127.
Book Chapter
Pre-Trial Detention and the Presumption of Innocence
Duff RA (2013) Pre-Trial Detention and the Presumption of Innocence. In: Ashworth A, Zedner L & Tomlin P (eds.) Prevention and the Limits of the Criminal Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 115-132.
Book Chapter
Virtue, Vice and the Criminal Law - A Response to Huigens and Yankah
Duff RA (2012) Virtue, Vice and the Criminal Law - A Response to Huigens and Yankah. In: Amaya A & Lai H (eds.) Law, Virtue and Justice. Law and Practical Reason. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 195-214.
Book Chapter
Responsibility, Restoration and Retribution
Duff RA (2012) Responsibility, Restoration and Retribution. In: Tonry M (ed.) Retributivism Has a Past: Has it a Future?. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 63-85.
Penal Coercion and the Apology Ritual
Duff RA (2012) Penal Coercion and the Apology Ritual. Teorema: Revista Internacional de Filosofía, 31 (2), pp. 109-117.
Book Chapter
Duff RA (2012) Criminal Attempts. In: Marmor A (ed.) Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Law. Routledge Philosophy Companions. London: Routledge, pp. 191-204.
Book Chapter
Duff RA (2012) Presuming Innocence. In: Zedner L & Roberts J (eds.) Principles and Values in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice: Essays in honour of Andrew Ashworth. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 51-66.
Book Chapter
Risks, Culpability and Criminal Liability
Duff RA (2012) Risks, Culpability and Criminal Liability. In: Sullivan G & Dennis IH I (eds.) Seeking Security: Pre-Empting the Commission of Criminal Harms. Oxford: Hart, pp. 121-142.
Political Retributivism and Legal Moralism
Duff RA (2012) Political Retributivism and Legal Moralism. Virginia Journal of Criminal Law, 1 (1), pp. 179-204.
Guiding Commitments and Criminal Liability for Attempts
Duff RA (2012) Guiding Commitments and Criminal Liability for Attempts. Criminal Law and Philosophy, 6 (3), pp. 411-427.
Book Chapter
Duff RA (2011) Mercy. In: Deigh J J & Dolinko D (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Criminal Law. Oxford Handbooks in Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 467-492.
Book Chapter
Good and Evil and the Criminal Law
Duff RA (2011) Good and Evil and the Criminal Law. In: Cordner C (ed.) Philosophy, Ethics and a Common Humanity: Essays in Honour of Raimond Gaita. Taylor & Francis (Routledge).
Book Chapter
Introduction: Searching for Foundations
Duff RA & Green S (2011) Introduction: Searching for Foundations. In: Duff RA R & Green S (eds.) Philosophical Foundations of Criminal Law. Philosophical Foundations of Law. Oxford: Oxford UP, pp. 1-18.
Book Chapter
Duff RA (2011) In Response. In: Cruft R, Kramer M & Rieff M (eds.) Crime, Punishment, and Responsibility: The Jurisprudence of Antony Duff. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 351-379.
Book Chapter
What Kind of Responsibility Must Criminal Law Presuppose
Duff RA (2011) What Kind of Responsibility Must Criminal Law Presuppose. In: Swinburne R (ed.) Free Will and Modern Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press/British Academy, pp. 178-199.
Book Chapter
Duff RA (2011) Retrieving Retributivism. In: White M (ed.) Retributivism: Essays on Theory and Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 3-24.
Book Chapter
A Relational Conception of Punishment
Duff RA (2011) A Relational Conception of Punishment. In: Foblets M, Hildebrandt M & Steenbergen J (eds.) Liber Amicorum for René Foqué. Brussels, Belgium: Larcier, pp. 211-220.
Book Chapter
Responsibility, Citizenship and Criminal Law
Duff RA (2011) Responsibility, Citizenship and Criminal Law. In: Duff RA R & Green S (eds.) Philosophical Foundations of Criminal Law. Philosophical Foundations of Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 125-148.
Book Chapter
Perversions and Subversions of Criminal Law
Duff RA (2010) Perversions and Subversions of Criminal Law. In: Duff RA R, Farmer L, Marshall S, Renzo M & Tadros V (eds.) The Boundaries of the Criminal Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 88-112.
Book Chapter
Authority and responsibility in international criminal law
Duff RA (2010) Authority and responsibility in international criminal law. In: Besson S & Tasioulas J (eds.) Philosophy of International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 589-604.
Book Chapter
Duff RA & Marshall S (2010) Public and Private Wrongs. In: Chalmers J, Leverick F & Farmer L (eds.) Essays in Criminal Law in Honour of Sir Gerald Gordon. Edinburgh Studies in Law. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 70-85.
Duff RA (2010) A Criminal Law for Citizens. Theoretical Criminology, 14 (3), pp. 293-309.;
Book Chapter
Duff RA (2010) Psychopathy and answerability. In: Malatesti L & McMillan J (eds.) Responsibility and Psychopathy: Interfacing law, psychiatry and philosophy. International Perspectives in Philosophy & Psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 199-212.
Towards a Theory of Criminal Law?
Duff RA (2010) Towards a Theory of Criminal Law?. Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume, 84 (1), pp. 1-28.
Blame, Moral Standing and the Legitimacy of the Criminal Trial
Duff RA (2010) Blame, Moral Standing and the Legitimacy of the Criminal Trial. Ratio, 23 (2), pp. 123-140.
Book Chapter
Action and Criminal Responsibility
Duff RA (2010) Action and Criminal Responsibility. In: O'Connor T & Sandis C (eds.) A Companion to the Philosophy of Action. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 331-337.,descCd-description.html
Book Chapter
Can we Punish the Perpetrators of Atrocities?
Duff RA (2009) Can we Punish the Perpetrators of Atrocities?. In: Brudholm T & Cushman T (eds.) The Religious in Responses to Mass Atrocity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 79-104.
Legal and Moral Responsibility
Duff RA (2009) Legal and Moral Responsibility. Philosophy Compass, 4 (6), pp. 978-986.;
Philosophy and 'the Life of the Law'
Duff RA (2009) Philosophy and 'the Life of the Law'. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 26 (3), pp. 245-258.
Book Chapter
Responsibility and liability in criminal law
Duff RA (2008) Responsibility and liability in criminal law. In: Kramer MH, Grant C, Colburn B & Hatzistavrou A (eds.) The Legacy of H.L.A. Hart: Legal, Political and Moral Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 101-120.
Book Chapter
Duff RA (2008) Whose Luck is it Anyway?. In: Clarkson CMV(MV & Cunningham SR (eds.) Criminal Liability for Non-Aggressive Death. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 61-78.
Authored Book
The Trial on Trial: Volume 3: Towards a Normative Theory of the Criminal Trial
(2007) The Trial on Trial: Volume 3: Towards a Normative Theory of the Criminal Trial. Duff RA (Editor), Farmer L (Editor), Marshall S (Editor) & Tadros V (Editor). London: Hart Publishing.
Authored Book
Answering for Crime: Responsibility and Liability in the Criminal Law
Duff RA (2007) Answering for Crime: Responsibility and Liability in the Criminal Law. 1st ed. Legal Theory Today, 13. Hart Publishing.
Is Accomplice Liability Superfluous?
Duff RA (2007) Is Accomplice Liability Superfluous?. Commentary on: Michael S Moore, Causing, Aiding, and the Superfluity of Accomplice Liability, 156 U. PA. L. REV. 395 (2007). University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 156 (2), pp. 444-452.
Book Chapter
Crimes, Regulatory Offences and Criminal Trials
Duff RA (2007) Crimes, Regulatory Offences and Criminal Trials. In: Müller-Dietz H, Müller E, Kunz K, Radtke H, Britz G, Momsen C & Koriath H (eds.) Festschrift für Heike Jung: zum 65. Geburtstag am 23. April 2007. Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos, pp. 87-98.
Book Chapter
Criminal responsibility and public reason
Duff RA & Marshall S (2007) Criminal responsibility and public reason. In: Freeman M & Harrison R (eds.) Law and Philosophy. Current Legal Issues, volume 10. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 224-242.
Duff RA (2007) The Intrusion of Mercy. Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law, 4 (2), pp. 361-387.
Excuses moral and legal: a comment on Marcia Baron's "Excuses, excuses"
Duff RA (2007) Excuses moral and legal: a comment on Marcia Baron's "Excuses, excuses". Criminal Law and Philosophy, 1 (1), pp. 49-55.
Book Chapter
The Virtues and Vices of Virtue Jurisprudence
Duff RA (2006) The Virtues and Vices of Virtue Jurisprudence. In: Chappell T (ed.) Values and Virtues: Aristotelianism in Contemporary Ethics. Mind Association Occasional Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 90-104.
Authored Book
Punishment, Communication, and Community
Duff RA (2001) Punishment, Communication, and Community. Studies in Crime and Public Policy. Oxford University Press.
Authored Book
Duff RA (1997) Criminal Attempts. Oxford University Press.
Authored Book
Duff RA (1991) Trials and Punishments. Cambridge Studies in Philosophy. Cambridge University Press.
Authored Book
Intention, Agency and Criminal Liability: Philosophy of Action and the Criminal Law
Duff RA (1990) Intention, Agency and Criminal Liability: Philosophy of Action and the Criminal Law. Philosophical Introductions. Oxford: Blackwell.
Book Chapter
Intention, Agency and Criminal Liability: Philosophy of Action and the Criminal Law (Introduction)
Duff RA (1990) Intention, Agency and Criminal Liability: Philosophy of Action and the Criminal Law (Introduction). In: Intention, Agency and Criminal Liability: Philosophy of Action and the Criminal Law. Philosophical Introductions. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 1-14.