Dr Sarah Wilson

Senior Lecturer

Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology Colin Bell Building, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Dr Sarah Wilson

About me

I am Head of Division for Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology.

I am currently developing work on representations of sociological research, including through interviews with artists. Please see my article in The Sociological Review: 'Haunting and the knowing and showing of sociological research' http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0038026118769843 I am PI for a British Academy Funded project exploring young people (Armenian- born or refugees)'s intentions to stay in Armenia and was recently part of a team evaluating the work of the Life Changes Trust in relation to children with experience of care.

My research has combined theoretical interests in the sociology of families, relationships and personal life with developing sensory (visual and audial) and artistic qualitative research methods (Young People Creating Belonging: sights, sounds and sights ESRC RES-061-25-0501). This project explored how looked after young people create (non) belonging (whether positive, negative or ambivalent) in new placements. Analysis and data produced during this project (including participants' photos, drawings, music and a video on the difficulties of 'transition' from successful care arrangements to isolating, ill-repaired flats) may be found at: http://www.researchunbound.org.uk/young-people-creating-belonging This work has led to developing interests in the use of arts-based methods with marginalised young people and in the ethical and affective communication and representation of research findings. Much of my other research work has focused on parental substance misuse, while my PhD (2003, University of Edinburgh) explored the HIV-positive mothers' experience of managing everyday living. I am an active member of the International Sociological Associations RC57 Visual Studies group. I am also a qualified non-practising solicitor (England and Wales) with experience of criminal, family, social assistance and medical law. 

I very much enjoy teaching and developing engaging teaching methods around dialogue and 'doing'. I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2024). I coordinate the first year core SPCU902 Applying a Sociological Lens module and an honours module on the Sociology of Childhood (SOC9SE). I am currently supervising PhD work on Compassionate Communities (Tess Cassidy), the use of CSO Orders (Andrew Gillies) and representations of Iranians in the UK (Emily Snowling).

I have supervised the following projects to completion: ‘Collaborative Art and Transformation: an exploration of the National Galleries of Scotland outreach programme for disadvantaged young people’ (ESRC Open Collaborative PhD studentship) (Rosie Priest); Notions of Empowerment and Transformation associated with the Life Changes Trust's Work with Young People with Care Experience (Talitha Brown); The Use of Visual Methods in Teaching (Matthew Sowerby); Community Effects of Drugs in Greece and Scotland (Andriana Manta); The Use of Contempt of Court to Enforce Child Contact Orders in Scotland (Sharon McAllister);  Children's experience of maternal imprisonment (Kirsty Primrose); Opioid Substitution Programmes in Indonesian Prisons (Rita Komalasari); An ethnographic comparison of young children's experience of competition in the school environments (Germany and a Tibetan school in India) (Carla Cribari Assali); Perceptions of Risk of Harm and Social Capital in Young People’s Lives (Jennifer Pringle), and Swampy territory: The role of the palliative care social worker in safeguarding children of adults who are receiving specialist palliative care (Carole Comben).

Professional qualification

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy