Dr Ben Matthews

Lecturer in Social Statistics&Demography

Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology Colin Bell Building, 3T28

Dr Ben Matthews

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About me

Ben Matthews is a Lecturer in Social Statistics and Demography at the University of Stirling. His background is in criminology and he has researched issues in crime and inequality using administrative and survey data, using a combination of statistical modelling and data visualization. Ben is Co-Investigator on the Policing the Pandemic research project (https://www.law.ed.ac.uk/research/research-projects/policing-the-pandemic), and was previously a Research Fellow in Criminology on the Understanding Inequalities project (https://www.understanding-inequalities.ac.uk/) and a Research Associate in Data Analysis and Statistics at the Scottish Centre for Administrative Data Research (https://www.scadr.ac.uk/). He completed his PhD in Law at the University of Edinburgh in 2017.

Research (1)


Permanently Progressing? Phase Two: Middle Childhood
PI: Dr Helen Whincup
Funded by: The Nuffield Foundation and Donors (UK)

Outputs (5)


Book Chapter

Matthews B & McVie S (2023) The changing role of data in crime, criminal justice and criminology. In: Liebling A, Maruna S & McAra L (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Criminology. 7 ed. Oxford Handbook of Criminology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. https://global.oup.com/ukhe/product/the-oxford-handbook-of-criminology-9780198860914?cc=gb&lang=en&


Understanding Crime Data Trends (CRMU9CT) | Quantitative Research Methods (ASRP104) | Using Big Data in Social Research (SSSP007)