Dr Kevin Brosnan

Senior Teaching Fellow

Education University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Dr Kevin Brosnan

About me

Present appointment: Programme Director Teaching Qualification for Further Education (TQFE) In my current role as Programme Director TQFE I provide academic leadership across the pre-service and in-service programmes. I am responsible for overseeing curriculum development and liaising with key college partners and other external organisations. I am module coordinator for the ‘Professional Practice' and ‘Accreditation of prior PDA' modules on the in-service course and also lead the ‘Link Practice' module as part of the pre-service course. Up until 2014/15 I was also programme leader for the Access to Degree studies programme and taught on the course in both the autumn semester (Introduction to Business and Management) and the spring semester (Education). I have also led and taught on a number of master's programmes (MSc Technology Enhanced Learning, MEd Lifelong Learning). My teaching on these programmes has included:

ASSPJI ‘Information Technology in Society' LLLP13 ‘Professional Enquiry and Research' TELP01 ‘Online Pedagogy - Strategies and Tactics' TELP03 ‘E-Learning from a Communities of Practice Perspective'

As part of my teaching responsibilities on the MSc Technology Enhanced Learning and MEd Lifelong Learning programmes I supervised a number of master's dissertations successfully.

Event / Presentation

Developing and sustaining a national learning-object sharing network: A social capital theory perspective. ASCILITE 2005


Event organiser. Vocational Teacher Education in the 21st Century: Opportunities and Challenges

This symposium will offer participants the opportunity to examine a range of important issues that have a bearing on the initial and ongoing education of vocational educators both in the UK and internationally - examining both opportunities and challenges. A series of five presentations will be offered during the day - each lasting 40 minutes to allow time for discussion. The event will be of interest to: university and college based academic staff; researchers; practitioners; policy-makers; academic managers.

Other Academic Activities

Transforming practice, transforming practitioners: reflections on the TQFE in Scotland

This study offers reflections on the Teaching Qualification Further Education (TQFE) in Scotland as an example of the transformative professional learning model as identified by Kennedy (2005). The focus of this study is the professional learning of lecturers in Scotland's colleges. Informed by wider considerations of teacher education more broadly, it will be of particular interest to those supporting a transformative model of professional learning in a variety of educational contexts. The research was undertaken as a collaborative initiative between each of the three Universities which offer the TQFE in Scotland. Qualitative data are drawn from former TQFE participants and college mentors, and thematic analysis used to gain further insight from participant interviews. Findings highlight the transformative nature of the TQFE with an impact that is beyond the currency of the TQFE programme duration. The provision of transformative professional learning opportunities is now imperative given various pressures and tensions around the development of educators more generally and within contemporary Scottish Further Education in particular. Such pressures and tensions include: the varied demands within the Professional Standards for Lecturers in Scotland's Colleges (Scottish Government, 2012), and the need for professional learning for college lecturers to go beyond a competency or tool-kit based approach and to be sustainable.

Review of Professional Standards for Lecturers in Scotland's Colleges

I am a member of the panel undertaking the review of the 'Professional Standards for Lecturers in Scotland's Colleges'.  The group is planning to publish the renewed standards by June 2018.

Revalidation MA Education Newman University

I am a panel member for the revalidation of the MA Education programme at Newman University.