Law and Philosophy

Outputs related to Law and Philosophy

Showing 1401 to 1500 of 1690

Book Chapter

Sutherland EE (2009) What has a Decade of Devolution done for Scots Family Law?. In: Aitken B (ed.) The International Survey of Family Law 2009. 2009 Edition ed. The International Survey of Family Law, 16. Bristol: Jordan Publishing, Family Law.

Conference Paper

Milne P (2009) What is the Normative Role of Logic?. Annual Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association, University of East Anglia, 10.07.2009-12.07.2009. Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume, 83 (1), pp. 269-298.;


Saunders B (2009) Making Voting Pay. Politics, 29 (2), pp. 130-136.;

Authored Book

Fernandez Liesa C, Olmos Giupponi MB & Barreiro B (2009) La cultura en la cooperación e integración iberoamericana [Cooperation, integration and culture in Ibero-America]. Cuadernos Iberoamericanos de Integración, 6. Madrid, Spain: Plaza y Valdes.

Book Chapter

Milne P (2009) Betting on Fuzzy and Many–valued Propositions. In: Peliš M (ed.) The Logica Yearbook 2008. The Logica Yearbook. London: College Publications, pp. 145-154.

Book Review

Saunders B (2009) The Nature and Uses of Lotteries. Review of: The Nature and Uses of Lotteries by Thomas Gataker (edited by Conall Boyle). Exeter: Imprint Academic, 2008. 256pp. ISBN 978 1845401177. Political Studies Review, 7 (2), pp. 270-270.;

Book Review

Saunders B (2009) The Global Justice Reader. Review of:
Thom Brooks, Bognor Regis, Wiley-Blackwell, 2008, 768pp. ISBN-13: 978-1405169646. Political Studies Review, 7 (2), pp. 242-243.

Book Chapter

Andriychuk O (2009) Sports Broadcasting Rights in the Digital Epoch: Balancing between Traditional (TV) and Alternative (3G) Subjects of the Market from the Perspective of the European Competition Law. In: Blackshaw I, Cornelius S & Siekmann R (eds.) TV Rights and Sport: Legal Aspects. Asser International Sports Law Series. The Hague, The Netherlands: TMC Asser Press, p. 81–103.

Book Review

Saunders B (2009) Plato: Founders of Modern Political and Social Thought. Review of: Plato: Founders of Modern Political and Social Thought by Malcolm Schofield, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. 384pp.,ISBN 0 19 924961 X. Political Studies Review, 7 (1), pp. 108-108.;

Authored Book

Sutherland EE (2008) Child and Family Law. 2 ed. Edinburgh: W. Green.

Book Chapter

Millar A (2008) Disjunctivism and skepticism. In: Greco J (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Skepticism. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 581-604.〈=en&

Book Chapter

Duff RA (2008) Responsibility and liability in criminal law. In: Kramer MH, Grant C, Colburn B & Hatzistavrou A (eds.) The Legacy of H.L.A. Hart: Legal, Political and Moral Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 101-120.

Book Chapter

Duff RA (2008) Whose Luck is it Anyway?. In: Clarkson CMV(MV & Cunningham SR (eds.) Criminal Liability for Non-Aggressive Death. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 61-78.

Book Chapter

Wheeler M (2008) God’s Machines: Descartes on the Mechanization of Mind. In: Husbands P, Holland O & Wheeler M (eds.) The Mechanical Mind in History. Bradford Books. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, pp. 307-330.

Edited Book

Husbands P, Holland O & Wheeler M (eds.) (2008) The Mechanical Mind in History. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press.

Authored Book

Sutherland EE (2008) Family Law. 2nd ed. LawBasics Series. Edinburgh: W. Green.

Book Review

Hope S (2008) Justice and Legitimacy in Maori Claims: Reflections on Jock Brookfield's Waitangi and Indigenous Rights: Revolution, Law, and Legitimation. Review of: Waitangi and Indigenous Rights: Revolution, Law, and Legitimation, FM Brookfield, Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2006, 229 pp. ISBN 9781869403720. Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy, 33 (1), pp. 179-192.

Conference Proceeding

Johnston C (2008) The Determination of Form by Syntactic Employment: a Model and a Difficulty. In: Hieke A & Leitgeb H (eds.) Papers of the 31st IWS, volume 16. 31st International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, 10.08.2008-16.08.2008. Kirchberg am Wechsel: ALWS (Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society), pp. 156-158.

Book Chapter

Olmos Giupponi MB (2008) Fortalecimiento de los Aspectos Político-Institucionales del MERCOSUR: Parlamento y Ciudadanía. In: Vidal-Beneyto J & Diaz Barrado C (eds.) América Latina hacia su unidad. Modelos de integración y procesos integradores. 1st ed. Fundación del Área Mediterránea Latinoamericana (AMELA). Valencia, Spain: Editorial Pre-textos.

Book Chapter

Yu H (2008) Dispute Resolution. In: Black G (ed.) Business Law in Scotland. Edinburgh: W Green.


Davidson F (2008) Some Thoughts on the Scottish Arbitration Code 2007. Arbitration: the Journal of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, 74 (4), pp. 348-359.


Stewart W (2008) Scotland: Annual Survey. Restitution Law Review, 16, pp. 216-219.

Book Review

Johnston C (2008) Applying Wittgenstein by Rupert Read. Review of: Read, Rupert: 'Applying Wittgenstein', Laura Cook (ed.), London: Continuum, 2007, 187pp, ISBN 9780826494504. Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.


Saunders B (2008) The Equality of Lotteries. Philosophy, 83 (3), pp. 359-372.;

Book Chapter

Olmos Giupponi MB (2008) Cultura y comercio en el Cono Sur [Culture and trade in the Southern Cone]. In: Fernandez LC & Prieto dPJ (eds.) Cultura y Comercio en la Comunidad Internacional. Escuela Diplomática, 13. Madrid, Spain: Escuela Diplomática España.


Yu H (2008) Choice of the Proper Law vs. Public Policy. Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal, 1 (1), pp. 107-148.

Book Chapter

Haddock A & Macpherson F (2008) Introduction: Varieties of Disjunctivism. In: Haddock A & Macpherson F (eds.) Disjunctivism: Perception, Action, Knowledge. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-24.


Cruft R (2008) Liberalism and the changing character of the criminal law: Response to Ashworth and Zedner. Commentary on: Ashworth, A. & Zedner, L. (2007). Defending the criminal law: Reflections on the changing character of crime, procedure, and sanctions. Criminal Law and Philosophy, doi: 10.1007/s11572-007-9033-2.. Criminal Law and Philosophy, 2 (1), pp. 59-65.

Book Chapter

Cruft R (2007) Policy Implications of the Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights. In: Ollero A (ed.) Human Rights and Ethics / Derechos humanos y Ètica: Proceedings of the 22nd IVR World Congress Granada 2005. Volume III. Archiv fur Rechts-und Sozialphilosophie, 108. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, pp. 60-67.

Book Chapter

Goodall K (2007) Equality. In: Veitch S, Christodoulis E & Farmer L (eds.) Jurisprudence: Themes and Concepts. Oxford: Blackwell.

Conference Proceeding

Roca-Royes S (2007) Mind-Independence and Modal Empiricism. In: Penco C, Vignolo M, Ottonelli V & Amoretti C (eds.) Proceedings of the 4th Latin Meeting in Analytic Philosophy (LMAP-2007), Genoa, Italy, September 20-22, 2007. CEUR-WS Proceedings, 278. Latin Meeting in Analytic Philosophy, Genoa, 20.09.2007-22.09.2007. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp. 117-135.

Book Chapter

Olmos Giupponi MB (2007) La participación en el seno de la Comunidad Iberoamericana de naciones: la cuestión de la membresía y la posibilidad de acoger otras figuras asimilables. In: Aldecoa LF & Sobrino HJ (eds.) Migraciones y desarrollo: II Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Estudios Internacionales Montevideo, 25, 26 y 27 de octubre de 2006. Madrid, Spain: Marcial Pons, pp. 263-272.


Millar A (2007) Replies to Authors. Commentary on: Replies to Mario de Caro, Simone Gozzano, Adrian Haddock, and Paul Noordhof. SWIF Philosophy of Mind Review, 6 (1), pp. 72-90.

Book Chapter

Wheeler M (2007) Traits, Genes, and Coding. In: Matthen M, Stephens C, Gabbay DM, Thagard P & Woods J (eds.) Philosophy of Biology. Handbook of the Philosophy of Science. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 369-399.;

Book Chapter

Ebert P & Robertson S (2007) Adventure, Climbing Excellence and the Practice of 'Bolting'. In: McNamee MJ(J (ed.) Philosophy, risk, and adventure sports. London: Routledge, pp. 56-70.

Book Chapter

Duff RA (2007) Crimes, Regulatory Offences and Criminal Trials. In: Müller-Dietz H, Müller E, Kunz K, Radtke H, Britz G, Momsen C & Koriath H (eds.) Festschrift für Heike Jung: zum 65. Geburtstag am 23. April 2007. Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos, pp. 87-98.

Book Chapter

Duff RA & Marshall S (2007) Criminal responsibility and public reason. In: Freeman M & Harrison R (eds.) Law and Philosophy. Current Legal Issues, volume 10. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 224-242.

Book Chapter

Wheeler M (2007) Is Language the Ultimate Artefact?. In: Wallace B, Ross A, Davies JB & Anderson T (eds.) The Mind, the Body and the World: Psychology After Cognitivism?. Exeter: Imprint Academic, pp. 269-308.


Duff RA (2007) Is Accomplice Liability Superfluous?. Commentary on: Michael S Moore, Causing, Aiding, and the Superfluity of Accomplice Liability, 156 U. PA. L. REV. 395 (2007). University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 156 (2), pp. 444-452.


Duff RA (2007) The Intrusion of Mercy. Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law, 4 (2), pp. 361-387.

Book Chapter

Beaumont P (2007) Religious Liberty in the United Kingdom. In: A Religiao no Estado Democratico. 1st ed. Lisbon: Universidade Catolica Editora, pp. 35-66.