University of Stirling

Outputs related to University of Stirling

Showing 20001 to 20100 of 32891

Book Chapter

Kunnas J (2013) An Outline for Funding Adaptation and Disaster Management Schemes. In: Filho W (ed.) Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management. Climate Change Management. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, pp. 427-436.

Book Chapter

Punch S & Marsh I (2013) Sociological Thinking. In: Punch S, Marsh I, Keating M & Harden J (eds.) Sociology: Making Sense of Society. 5th ed. London: Pearson, pp. 3-41.

Book Chapter

Sutherland EE (2013) Child Law: Respecting the Rights of Children. In: Visser D & Reid E (eds.) Private Law and Human Rights: Bringing Rights Home in Scotland and South Africa. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 81-105.

Book Chapter

Sutherland EE (2013) Scotland: Can Family Law Be Rendered More Accessible?. In: Aitken B (ed.) International Survey of Family Law 2013. The International Survey of Family Law Series, 20. Bristol: Jordans/Family Law, pp. 333-342.

Website Content

Swingler K, Duncan E & Murray J (2013) CARE Measure. 2013.

Book Chapter

Kidd W (2013) (Un)packing the suitcases: postcolonial memory and iconography. In: Barclay F (ed.) France's Colonial Legacies: Memory, Identity and Narrative. French and Francophone Studies. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 129-149.

Conference Proceeding

Hong L, Woodward J, Li J & Ozcan E (2013) Automated design of probability distributions as mutation operators for evolutionary programming using genetic programming. In: Krawiec K, Moraglio A, Hu T, Etaner-Uyar A & Hu B (eds.) Genetic Programming: 16th European Conference, EuroGP 2013, Vienna, Austria, April 3-5, 2013. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7831. 16th European Conference, EuroGP 2013, Vienna, Austria, 03.04.2013-05.04.2013. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 85-96.;

Book Chapter

Palacios Cerezales D (2013) ¿Despotismo administrativo o Estado débil? Policía, fiscalidad y sus efectos en la cultura cívica portuguesa. In: Silva F & Silva P (eds.) Ciências Sociais: Vocação e Profissão. Homenagem a Manuel Villaverde Cabral. Lisbon: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, pp. 497-514.

Book Chapter

Olmos Giupponi MB (2013) El impacto de la judicialización de los conflictos sociales por el agua en América Latina [The impact of the judicialization of social conflicts over water in Latin America]. In: Costa RW (ed.) Conflitos e cooperação pela água na América Latina. Brazil: Anna Blume.

Book Chapter

Bebbington DW (2013) The Evangelical Discovery of History. In: Clarke P & Methuen C (eds.) The Church on its Past. Studies in Church History, 49. Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell Press, pp. 330-364.

Conference Proceeding

Mohammadi M, Rai P, Oraee K & Kumar M (2013) Analysis of Availability and Utilization of Dragline for Enhancement of Productivity in Surface Mines – A Case Study. In: Proceedings of the 23rd World Mining Congress, Montreal. 23rd World Mining Congress 2013, Montreal, Canada, 11.08.2013-15.08.2013. Katowice, Poland: World Mining Congress.

Book Chapter

Best C, O'Neill B & Gillespie A (2013) Assistive technology for cognition: Enabling activities of daily living. In: Cruz-Cunha M, Miranda I & Goncalves P (eds.) Handbook of Research on ICTs for Human-Centered Healthcare and Social Care Services. Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA: IGI Global, pp. 112-129.;

Book Chapter

Richards C, Brown J, Jones S, Hall A & Muir T (2013) Monumental risk: megalithic quarrying at Staneyhill and Vestra Fiold, Mainland, Orkney. In: Richards C (ed.) Building the Great Stone Circles of the North. Oxford: Windgather Press/Oxbow Books, pp. 119-148.

Book Review

Savaresi A (2013) Climate Change and the International Forest Regime. A REDD Revolution?. Review of: Law, Tropical Forests and Carbon. The Case of REDD+, edited by Rosemary Lyster, Catherine MacKenzie and Constance McDermott Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2013. 289 pp.. Carbon and Climate Law Review, 7 (2), pp. 144-149.


Morgera E & Savaresi A (2013) A Conceptual and Legal Perspective on the Green Economy. Review of European Comparative and International Environmental Law, 22 (1), pp. 14-28.;

Conference Proceeding

Murray J, Williams B, Hoskins G, McGhee J, Gauld D & Brown G (2013) Developing a theory-informed interactive animation to increase physical activity among young people with asthma. In: Shumaker R (ed.) Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Systems and Applications: 5th International Conference, VAMR 2013, Held as Part of HCI International 2013, Las Vegas, NV, USA, July 21-26, 2013, Proceedings, Part II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8022. 5th International Conference on Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality, VAMR 2013, Held as Part of HCI International, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 21.07.2013-26.07.2013. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 60-65.

Book Review

Savaresi A (2013) Climate Change Justice. Review of: 1.
by Posner Eric A. & Weisbach David, Princeton University Press, 2010, 240 pp, ISBN 9780691137759 2. Human Rights and Climate Change, edited by Humphreys Stephen, Cambridge University Press, 2010, 368 pp, ISBN 9780521762762. Transnational Environmental Law, 2 (1), pp. 198-201.;

Research Report

Overbye M & Wagner U (2013) Resultater fra en spørgeskemaundersøgelse med frivillige hjælpere ved Europæiske Kortbane Mesterskaber i svømning i Herning 2013 [Results from a survey with volunteers at the European Kortbane Championships in swimming in Herning 2013]. Overbye M (Editor) & Wagner U (Editor) Eventbaseret Innovation (EVINN). Eventbaseret Innovation EVINN.

Authored Book

Edwards JD & Graulund R (2013) Grotesque. New Critial Idiom. London: Routledge.

Conference Proceeding

Thacker M (2013) Making lime at the edge of the world: a mortar archaeology at the medieval chapel of St. Ronain’s, North Rona, Scotland. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Historic Mortars Conference HMC13. 3rd Historic Mortars Conference HMC13, Glasgow, 11.09.2013-14.09.2013. Glasgow: University of the West of Scotland.

Book Chapter

Dedenbach-Salazar S (2013) Pachamama and the Virgin Revisited: Coincidences and Convergences. In: Marten M & Neumann K (eds.) Saints and Cultural Trans-/Mission. Collectanea Instituti Anthropos, 45. Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag, pp. 159-200.


Rey S, Boltana S, Vargas R, Roher N & MacKenzie S (2013) Combining animal personalities with transcriptomics resolves individual variation within a wild-type zebrafish population and identifies underpinning molecular differences in brain function. Molecular Ecology, 22 (24), pp. 6100-6115.

Book Chapter

Coningham R, Gunawardhana P, Adikari G, Manuel M, Davis C & Simpson I (2013) Discussion. In: Coningham R & Gunawardhana P (eds.) Anuradhapura Volume III: The Hinterland. BAR International Series, 2568. London: Archaeopress, pp. 459-479.

Book Chapter

Gilliland K, Simpson I, Adderley WP, Burbidge CI, Cresswell AJ, Sanderson D, Coningham R, Gunawardhana P, Adikari G, Manuel M, Strickland K, Young R, Namalgamuwa H, Rammungoda UR & Senanayake J (2013) Environment and Water Management. In: Coningham R & Gunawardhana P (eds.) Anuradhapura Volume III: The Hinterland. BAR International Series, 2568. Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 191-227.

Book Chapter

Ross L, Telfer T, Falconer L, Soto D, Aguilar-Manjarrez J, Asmah R, Bermudez JL, Beveridge MCM, Byron CJ, Clement A, Costa-Pierce BA, Cross SF, De Wit M & Dong S (2013) Carrying capacities and site selection within the Ecosystem Approach to Aquaculture. In: Ross L, Telfer T, Falconer L, Soto D & Aguilar-Manjarrez J (eds.) Site selection and carrying capacity for inland and coastal aquaculture: FAO/Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling Expert Workshop, 6–8 December 2010, Stirling, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Proceedings, 21. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, pp. 19-46.

Book Chapter

Abernethy K & White L (2013) Mandrillus Sphinx Mandrill [Mandrills]. In: Butynski T, Kingdon J & Kalina J (eds.) Mammals of Africa, Volume II: Primates. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 192-196.

Authored Book

MacDonald CJ, Stodel E, Thompson TL, Archibald D & Sun R (2013) Introduction to Research: Demystifying the process. eBook ed. Ottawa, Canada: CollaLearning Corp.


Savaresi A (2013) Durban Platform - First Steps. Environmental Policy and Law, 43 (3), pp. 127-129.

Conference Paper

Devic E, Little DC, Leschen W & Jauncey K (2013) Modeling the substitution of fishmeal by maggot-meal in Tilapia feeds - case of a commercial production farm in West Africa. Hulata G (Editor) 10th International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture - ISTA10, Jerusalem, Israel, 06.10.2013-10.10.2016. Israeli Journal of Aquaculture -Bamidgeh, p. 1054.

Book Chapter

Savaresi A (2013) The Role of REDD in Harmonisation of Overlapping International Obligations. In: Hollo E, Kulovesi K & Mehling M (eds.) Climate Change and the Law. A Global Perspective. Ius Gentium : Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice, 21. Netherlands: Springer, pp. 391-418.;

Book Chapter

Barker K (2013) MMORPGing, Law, and Lingo. In: Freeman M & Smith F (eds.) Law and Language: Current Legal Issues Volume 15 . Current Legal Issues, 15. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 417-433.


Keville S, Siddaway A, Rhodes L, Horley N, Brown R, Dove L & White L (2013) Learning on the front line: Can personal development during problem-based learning facilitate professional development in Trainee Clinical Psychologists?. Reflective Practice, 14 (6), pp. 717-728.

Book Chapter

Bebbington DW (2013) The Discipline of History and the Perspective of Faith since 1900. In: Lundin R (ed.) Christ across the Disciplines: Past, Present, Future. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing, pp. 16-34.

Edited Book

Malloch M & Munro W (eds.) (2013) Crime, Critique and Utopia. Critical Criminological Perspectives. London: Palgrave MacMillan.


Ledochowski L, Taylor AH, Haasova M, Faulkner GE, Ussher M & Kopp M (2013) Immediate effects of single bouts of exercise on cravings to smoke: A systematic review of the literature [Unmittelbare Auswirkungen einzelner Bewegungseinheiten auf das Bedürfnis zu rauchen Ein systematischer Literaturüberblick]. Zeitschrift fur Gesundheitspsychologie, 21 (3), pp. 122-137.

Book Chapter

Jeans R, Magee J, Kay T & Banda D (2013) Sport for development in Zambia: The new or not so new colonisation?. In: Hallinan C & Judd B (eds.) Native Games: Indigenous Peoples and Sports in the Post-Colonial World. Research in the Sociology of Sport, Volume 7. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 127-145.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Noto La Diega G (2013) Proprietà e proprietà intellettuale nella Carta di Nizza [Property and Intellectual Property in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union]. XXI Incontro del Coordinamento dei Dottorati di ricerca in diritto privato, Messina, Italy, 30.05.2013-01.06.2013.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Marino A & Hajnsek I (2013) Orientation effects on polarimetric SAR images of sea ice. 2013 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - IGARSS, Melboune, Australia, 21.07.2013-26.07.2013.

Conference Proceeding

Moss R & Connor R (2013) A multi-way divergence metric for vector spaces. In: Brisaboa N, Pedreira O & Zezula P (eds.) Similarity Search and Applications 6th International Conference, SISAP 2013, A Coruña, Spain, October 2-4, 2013, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8199. Similarity Search and Applications. SISAP 2013, Coruna, Spain, 02.10.2013-04.10.2013. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 169-174.