Impact of parental catastrophizing and contextual threat on parents' emotional and behavioral responses to their child's pain
Caes L, Vervoort T, Trost Z & Goubert L (2012) Impact of parental catastrophizing and contextual threat on parents' emotional and behavioral responses to their child's pain. Pain, 153 (3), pp. 687-695.
Book Chapter
Understanding the psychosocial processes of physical activity for individuals with severe mental illness: A meta-ethnography
Soundy A, Kingstone T & Coffee P (2011) Understanding the psychosocial processes of physical activity for individuals with severe mental illness: A meta-ethnography. In: Labate L (ed.) Mental Illness - Evaluations, Treatments and Implications. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech, pp. 3-20.
Presentation / Talk
The ingroup as a resource for improving identity threatened performance
Rees T, Salvatore J, Coffee P & Haslam SA (2011) The ingroup as a resource for improving identity threatened performance. "Challenging Stereotypes: When and How Targets of Negative Stereotypes Resist" conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 06.07.2011-08.07.2011.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
What determines performers’ responses to attributional feedback about failure? The importance of the ingroup-outgroup status of the feedback source
Rees T, Coffee P, Salvatore J & Haslam SA (2011) What determines performers’ responses to attributional feedback about failure? The importance of the ingroup-outgroup status of the feedback source. 14th Congress of Association des Chercheurs en Activites Physiques et Sportives (ACAPS), Rennes, France, 24.10.2011-26.10.2011.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
When the chips are down: Effects of attributional feedback on self-efficacy and task performance following initial and repeated failure
Coffee P & Rees T (2011) When the chips are down: Effects of attributional feedback on self-efficacy and task performance following initial and repeated failure. 14th Congress of Association des Chercheurs en Activites Physiques et Sportives (ACAPS), Rennes, France, 24.10.2011-26.10.2011.
Parental catastrophizing about children's pain and selective attention to varying levels of facial expression of pain in children: A dot-probe study
Vervoort T, Caes L, Crombez G, Koster E, Van Damme S, Dewitte M & Goubert L (2011) Parental catastrophizing about children's pain and selective attention to varying levels of facial expression of pain in children: A dot-probe study. Pain, 152 (8), pp. 1751-1757.
Social modulation of facial pain display in high-catastrophizing children: An observational study in schoolchildren and their parents
Vervoort T, Caes L, Trost Z, Sullivan MJL, Vangronsveld K & Goubert L (2011) Social modulation of facial pain display in high-catastrophizing children: An observational study in schoolchildren and their parents. Pain, 152 (7), pp. 1591-1599.
When the chips are down: Effects of attributional feedback on self-efficacy and task performance following initial and repeated failure
Coffee P & Rees T (2011) When the chips are down: Effects of attributional feedback on self-efficacy and task performance following initial and repeated failure. Journal of Sports Sciences, 29 (3), pp. 235-245.
The PASS-Q: The Perceived Available Support in Sport Questionnaire
Freeman P, Coffee P & Rees T (2011) The PASS-Q: The Perceived Available Support in Sport Questionnaire. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 33 (1), pp. 54-74.
Parental catastrophizing about child's pain and its relationship with activity restriction: The mediating role of parental distress
Caes L, Vervoort T, Eccleston C, Vandenhende M & Goubert L (2011) Parental catastrophizing about child's pain and its relationship with activity restriction: The mediating role of parental distress. Pain, 152 (1), pp. 212-222.
Attributions: Contemporary research and future directions
Coffee P (2010) Attributions: Contemporary research and future directions. Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 6 (2), pp. 6-18.
Website Content
Highlightsof the 8th International Symposium on Pediatric Pain, 2010
Caes L, Racine N & Klein VC (2010) Highlights of the 8th International Symposium on Pediatric Pain, 2010. IASP Newsletter [Blog Post] 2010.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Attributions in sport psychology
Coffee P & Rees T (2010) Attributions in sport psychology. 2010 British Psychological Society Division of Sport & Exercise Psychology Conference, London, 09.12.2010-10.12.2010.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Attributions: Measurement, effects upon self-efficacy and performance, and future directions
Coffee P & Rees T (2010) Attributions: Measurement, effects upon self-efficacy and performance, and future directions. 2010 Annual Conference of The British Psychological Society, Stratford-upon-Avon, 14.04.2010-16.04.2010.
Bouncing back from failure: The interactive impact of perceived controllability and stability on self-efficacy beliefs and future task performance
Coffee P, Rees T & Haslam SA (2009) Bouncing back from failure: The interactive impact of perceived controllability and stability on self-efficacy beliefs and future task performance. Journal of Sports Sciences, 27 (11), pp. 1117-1124.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Feedback affects performance when it is provided by an ingroup member
Coffee P, Rees T & Haslam SA (2009) Feedback affects performance when it is provided by an ingroup member. 21st Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA, USA, 22.05.2009-25.05.2009.
The main and interactive effects of immediate and reflective attributions upon subsequent self-efficacy
Coffee P & Rees T (2009) The main and interactive effects of immediate and reflective attributions upon subsequent self-efficacy. European Journal of Sport Science, 9 (1), pp. 41-52.
Main and interactive effects of controllability and generalisability attributions upon self-efficacy
Coffee P & Rees T (2008) Main and interactive effects of controllability and generalisability attributions upon self-efficacy. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 9 (6), pp. 775-785.
The CSGU: A Measure of Controllability, Stability, Globality, and Universality Attributions
Coffee P & Rees T (2008) The CSGU: A Measure of Controllability, Stability, Globality, and Universality Attributions. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 30 (5), pp. 611-641.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
A novel measure of attributions, and main and interactive effects of attributions upon self-efficacy and performance
Coffee P & Rees T (2008) A novel measure of attributions, and main and interactive effects of attributions upon self-efficacy and performance. Cabri J (Editor), Alves F (Editor), Araújo D (Editor), Barreiros J (Editor), Diniz J J (Editor) & Veloso A (Editor) ECSS Book of Abstracts. 13th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Estoril, Portugal, 09.07.2008-12.07.2008.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Main and interactive effects of attributions upon efficacy expectations following less successful performances
Coffee P & Rees T (2007) Main and interactive effects of attributions upon efficacy expectations following less successful performances. Theodorakis Y (Editor), Goudas M (Editor) & Papaioannou A (Editor) 12th European Congress of Sport Psychology: 'Sport & Exercise Psychology: Bridges between disciplines & cultures', Halkidiki, Greece, 04.09.2007-09.09.2007.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Attributions across time: Controllability and generalisability attributions on efficacy expectations in sport
Coffee P & Rees T (2006) Attributions across time: Controllability and generalisability attributions on efficacy expectations in sport. Hoppeler H (Editor), Reilly T (Editor), Tsolakidis E (Editor), Gfeller L (Editor) & Klossner S (Editor) 11th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Laussane, Switzerland, 05.07.2006-08.07.2006.
Presentation / Talk
Importance of controllable attributions
Rees T, Coffee P & Hardy L (2005) Importance of controllable attributions. 20th Annual Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology, Vancouver, British Columbia, 28.09.2005-01.10.2005.