Health Psychology

Outputs related to Health Psychology

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Farquharson B, Johnston M, Williams B, Smith K, Dombrowski S, Jones C, Treweek S, Dougall N, Grindle M, Savinc J & Abyhankar P (2022) Reducing patient delay in acute coronary syndrome: Randomized controlled trial testing effect of behaviour change intervention on intentions to seek help. British Journal of Health Psychology.


King E, Cheyne H, Abhyankar P, Elders A, Grindle M, Hapca A, Jones C, O’Carroll R, Steele M & Williams B (2022) Promoting smoking cessation during pregnancy: A feasibility and pilot trial of a digital storytelling intervention delivered via text-messaging. Patient Education and Counseling.

Book Chapter

Canning C & Buchanan S (2021) Exploring the rehabilitative cultural role of the prison library: addressing sensitive information needs via cultural activities.. In: Garner J (ed.) Exploring the roles and practices of libraries in prisons: International Perspectives. Advances in Librarianship, 49. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. pp. 11-37.

Book Chapter

Li S (2021) Translating food terminology as cultural and communicative processes. In: Li S & Hope W (eds.) Terminology Translation in Chinese Contexts: Theory and Practice. Routledge Studies in Chinese Translation. London: Routledge, pp. 81-97.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Thrower S, Barker J, Bruton A, Coffee P, Cumming J, Dann N, Harwood C, Howells K, Knight C, McCarthy P & Mellalieu S (2021) Psychological skill use for performance enhancement and wellbeing in youth sport: Perceptions of British sport psychologists. British Psychological Society Division of Sport & Exercise Psychology conference, Liverpool, 29.11.2021-30.11.2021.


Tomaz SA, Coffee P, Ryde GC, Swales B, Neely KC, Connelly J, Kirkland A, McCabe L, Watchman K, Andreis F, Martin JG, Pina I & Whittaker AC (2021) Loneliness, Wellbeing, and Social Activity in Scottish Older Adults Resulting from Social Distancing during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (9), Art. No.: 4517.


Rheel E, Ickmans K, Caes L & Vervoort T (2021) The Impact of Parental Pain-attending and Non-pain-attending Responses on Child Pain Behavior in the Context of Cancer-related Painful Procedures: The Moderating Role of Parental Self-oriented Distress. Clinical Journal of Pain, 37 (3), pp. 177-185.


Sissions A, Grant A, Kirkland A & Currie S (2020) Using the theoretical domains framework to explore primary health care practitioner's perspectives and experiences of preconception physical activity guidance and promotion. Psychology, Health and Medicine, 25 (7), pp. 844-854.

Book Chapter

Coffee P, Parker PC, Murray R & Kawycz S (2020) Attribution. In: Haslam SA, Fransen K & Boen F (eds.) The New Psychology of Sport and Exercise: The social identity approach. London: SAGE Publications, pp. 129-146.

Book Chapter

Hartley C, Haslam SA, Coffee P & Rees T (2020) Social Support. In: Haslam SA, Fransen K & Boen F (eds.) The New Psychology of Sport and Exercise: The Social Identity Approach. London: SAGE Publications, pp. 245-264.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Whittaker AC, Tomaz SA, Ryde G, Connelly J, Coffee P, Kirkland A, McCabe L, Watchman K, Andreis F, Swales B, Martin JG, Pina I & Neely KC (2020) Loneliness, social support and wellbeing in Scottish older adults as a result of social distancing during the Covid19 pandemic. American Psychosomatic Society 2020 Virtual Meeting, Online, 03.12.2020-04.12.2020.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Tomaz SA, Ryde G, Connelly J, Swales B, Martin JG, Pina I, Neely KC, Coffee P, Kirkland A, Andreis F, McCabe L, Watchman K & Whittaker AC (2020) The impact of Covid19 on Scottish older adults’ physical activity: Changes and associations with wellbeing. Scottish Physical Activity Research Connections 2020 Digital Conference, Online, 11.11.2020-18.11.2020.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Whittaker AC, Tomaz SA, Coffee P, Ryde G, Connelly J, Kirkland A, McCabe L, Watchman K, Andreis F, Neely KC, Swales B, Martin JG & Pina I (2020) Impact of Covid19 social distancing on the social and mental health of Scottish older adults. Scottish Physical Activity Research Connections 2020 Digital Conference, Online, 11.11.2020-18.11.2020.


Caes L & Roche M (2020) Adverse early life experiences are associated with changes in pressure and cold pain sensitivity in young adults. Commentary on: Waller R, Smith AJ, OʼSullivan PB, et al. The association of early life stressors with pain sensitivity and pain experience at 22 years. Pain 2020;161:220-9.. Annals of Palliative Medicine, 9 (4), pp. 1366-1369.


Chambers CT, Dol J, Parker JA, Caes L, Birnie KA, Taddio A, Campbell-Yeo M, Halperin SA & Langille J (2020) Implementation Effectiveness of a Parent-Directed YouTube Video ("It Doesn't Have To Hurt") on Evidence-Based Strategies to Manage Needle Pain: Descriptive Survey Study. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, 3 (1), Art. No.: e13552.


O'Higgins S, Stinson J, Ahola Kohut S, Caes L, Heary C & McGuire BE (2019) Lending an Ear: iPeer2Peer plus Teens Taking Charge online self-management to empower adolescents with arthritis in Ireland: protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 9 (12), Art. No.: e027952.


Caes L (2019) Commentary: Parent-child interactions during painful medical procedures: recommendations by Blount and colleagues (1991) have not fallen on deaf ears!. Commentary on: Blount, R. L., Landolf-Fritsche, B., Powers, S. W., & Sturges, J. W. (1991). Differences between high and low coping children and between parent and staff behaviors during painful medical procedures. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 16(6), 795-809.. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 44 (7), pp. 794-797.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Parker PC, Perry RP, Hamm JM, Chipperfield JG, Clifton RA, Leboe-McGowan L & Coffee P (2019) Motivation profiles of student-athletes and non-athletes in competitive achievement settings. American Educational Research Association 2019 Annual Meeting, 05.04.2019-09.04.2019.


Lavallee D, Sheridan D, Coffee P & Daly P (2019) A Social Support Intervention to Reduce Intentions to Drop-out from Youth Sport: The GAA Super Games Centre [Una intervención basada en el apoyo social para reducir la intención de abandonar el deporte juvenil: el Centro de Superjuegos GAA]. Psychosocial Intervention, 28 (1), pp. 11-17.

Book Chapter

Caes L & O'Higgins S (2018) Listen to us! The voices of young children with pain!. In: Carrol C & Twomey M (eds.) Seen and Heard: Exploring Participation, Engagement and Voice for Children with Disabilities. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Black Z & Coffee P (2018) Evidence that saliency of group boundaries affects social identity, intergroup dynamics, social support, self-efficacy, and performance. Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology Annual Conference 2018, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 03.12.2018-04.12.2018.


Newell A, Keane J, McGuire B, Heary C, McDarby V, Dudley B, Moran J, Francis K & Caes L (2018) Interactive versus Passive Distraction and Parent Psychoeducation as pain management techniques during pediatric venepuncture: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Clinical Journal of Pain, 34 (11), pp. 1008-1016.