Teaching Resource
The Customer Experience of Older Residents in Scottish Care Homes
Wilson-Nash C (2024) The Customer Experience of Older Residents in Scottish Care Homes. Thousand Oaks, California. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781071924372
Dr Carolyn Wilson-Nash joined the University of Stirling in January 2018. Prior to that she studied at Durham University to complete a Marketing MA in 2009 and PhD in 2014. Her PhD thesis focused on the motivations of repetitive technology use by older consumers and led her to undertake a KTP in the adoption of digital technology by NHS patients. The KTP was based at the University of Salford in collaboration with Dynamic Health Systems. In 2016, Dr Wilson-Nash returned to Durham University Business School as a research associate, to work on a further Innovate UK funded project, which was in collaboration with IBM, P&G and Kantar. The project explored consumer behaviour related to brand and product switching in FMCGs.
She is currently working on research projects relating to consumers experiencing vulnerability in services, technology use in care homes, and social media use by older people.
Dr Wilson-Nash's overarching focus is on the nuances of technology consumption, predominantly within services. She has explored technology consumption by a range of consumers including older people, younger people, care home residents, and patients with long term conditions or in palliative care. She has investigated the consumption of different technologies such as artificial intelligence, digital technology, social media, webpages, and mobile applications. She is interested in how technology influences the welfare of the user, using theoretical insights from motivating operations, technology paradoxes, service captivity and the customer journey.
Ageing & Society's Article of the Month
Awarded Article of Month in March 2018 by Ageing & Society.
RATE award 2022 (Honourable Mention)
University of Stirling
Awarded a RATE award in 2022 for Innovation in Blended Learning.
Santander Scholarship
Awarded a Santander Universities Research Grant in 2023.
#282 Older Adults and Tech with Carolyn Wilson-Nash
Featured on the UX Podcast in February 2022 talking about older people and technology paradoxes. The podcast is targeted at business professionals working in UX, it reaches listeners in 120 different countries and territories, is on streaming services such as Spotify, Soundcloud, and Google Podcast, and each episode is downloaded 10,000 times on average.
Dignity, Technology, and Human Values in Smart Technological Environments: From Design to the Lived Experience
Represented the Centre for Research into Information, Surveillance, and Privacy (CRISP) on a panel about “Dignity, Technology, and Human Values in Smart Technological Environments: From Design to the Lived Experience” at the Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) conference in Brussels from 24th to 26th May 2023.
Older Consumers of Technology in an Ever-evolving Digital Society
Dublin City University
Gave a research seminar on “Older consumers of technology in an ever-evolving digital society” at the Irish Institute of Digital Business, Dublin City University on Wednesday 18th October 2023.
Seldom Heard Voices: Digital Exclusion of Older People
Gave a seminar on “Seldom Heard Voices: Digital exclusion of older people” at the Oxfordshire County Council Co-Production Week on 4th July 2023.
External Examiner
University of Glasgow
External examiner at the University of Glasgow on two postgraduate programmes (MBA Management Programmes and MSc Management Programmes).
External Examiner
Durham University
External examiner at Durham University Business School on the undergraduate Management and Marketing programmes.
MPhil Examiner
University of Cambridge
External examiner for an MPhil in Psychology (Smart Speaker Use and Psychological Well-Being Among Older Adults) at the University of Cambridge on 7th October 2020.
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Higher Education Academy
Awarded Fellow of the HEA following completion of the Postgraduate Certification in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education in June 2020.
Teaching Resource
The Customer Experience of Older Residents in Scottish Care Homes
Wilson-Nash C (2024) The Customer Experience of Older Residents in Scottish Care Homes. Thousand Oaks, California. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781071924372
Wilson-Nash C, Pavlopoulou I, McCabe L & Gibson G (2024) Towards an Evaluation Framework for Inclusive Technological Innovation in Social and Health Care Services. Journal of Business Research, 179. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2024.114704
Nostalgia and negotiation: The electronic word-of-mouth and social well-being of older consumers
Wilson-Nash C & Pavlopoulou I (2024) Nostalgia and negotiation: The electronic word-of-mouth and social well-being of older consumers. Psychology and Marketing, 41 (3). https://doi.org/10.1002/mar.21933
Wilson-Nash C, Pavlopoulou I & Wang Z (2023) Selecting, optimizing, and compensating during lockdown: How older consumers use social networking services to improve social well-being. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 58 (2-3), pp. 301-320. https://doi.org/10.1177/10949968231155156
Conference Paper (published)
Nostalgia, Reassurance and Support: How eWOM Can Enhance the Social Well-Being of Older Adults
Wilson-Nash C & Pavlopoulou I (2022) Nostalgia, Reassurance and Support: How eWOM Can Enhance the Social Well-Being of Older Adults. In: Advances in Consumer Research, Volume 50, volume 50. Association for Consumer Research, Denver, 20.10.2022-22.10.2022. Advances in Consumer Research, p. 790.
Wilson-Nash C (2022) Locked-In: The dangers of health service captivity and cessation for older adults and their carers during COVID-19. Journal of Marketing Management, 38 (17-18), pp. 1958-1982. https://doi.org/10.1080/0267257X.2022.2078861
Wilson-Nash C & Tinson J (2022) 'I am the master of my fate': Digital technology paradoxes and the coping strategies of older consumers. Journal of Marketing Management, 38 (3-4), pp. 248-278. https://doi.org/10.1080/0267257X.2021.1945662
Reflections on family caregivers’ experiences during the pandemic
Wilson-Nash C (2022) Reflections on family caregivers’ experiences during the pandemic. Journal of Community Nursing, 36 (5), p. 17. https://www.jcn.co.uk/journals/issue/10-2022/article/reflections-on-family-caregivers-experiences-during-the-pandemic
Research Report
Executive Summary: Evaluation of the ‘Connecting Residents in Scotland’s Care Homes’ Programme
Gibson G, McCabe L, Wilson-Nash C & Pavlopoulou I (2022) Executive Summary: Evaluation of the ‘Connecting Residents in Scotland’s Care Homes’ Programme. Scottish Government Technology Enabled Care programme and the Digital Health and Care Innovation Centre (DHI). Stirling.
Project Report
Evaluation of the 'Connecting Residents in Scotland's Care Homes' Programme
Gibson G, Pavlopoulou I, Wilson-Nash C & McCabe L (2022) Evaluation of the 'Connecting Residents in Scotland's Care Homes' Programme. Scottish Government Technology Enabled Care programme and Digital Health and Care Innovation Centre (DHI). Stirling. https://tec.scot/programme-areas/digital-social-care/current-activities/connecting-residents-scotlands-care-homes-evaluation#:~:text=The%20evaluation%20of%20the%20'Connecting,with%20the%20Digital%20Health%20and
Newspaper / Magazine
Technology is alienating people – and it’s not just those who are older
Wilson-Nash C & Tinson J (2022) Technology is alienating people – and it’s not just those who are older. The Conversation. 06.06.2022.
Newspaper / Magazine
How older people are mastering technology to stay connected after lockdown
Wilson-Nash C & Tinson J (2021) How older people are mastering technology to stay connected after lockdown. The Conversation. 18.08.2021.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Look Who’s Talking: Exploring Older Adults’ Organic Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM)
Wilson-Nash C (2021) Look Who’s Talking: Exploring Older Adults’ Organic Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM). 2021 eWOM Research Virtual Symposium, Virtual, 06.05.2021-07.05.2021.
Introducing the socialbot: a novel touchpoint along the young adult customer journey
Wilson-Nash C, Goode A & Currie A (2020) Introducing the socialbot: a novel touchpoint along the young adult customer journey. European Journal of Marketing, 54 (10), pp. 2621-2643. https://doi.org/10.1108/ejm-07-2019-0555
2018 Academy of Marketing annual conference: marketing the brave
Tinson J, Wilson C, Moufahim M, Kolyperas D, Maglaras G & Black I (2019) 2018 Academy of Marketing annual conference: marketing the brave. Journal of Marketing Management, 35 (9-10), pp. 795-797. https://doi.org/10.1080/0267257x.2019.1638145
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Wilson-Nash C & Xiao S (2019) From F.O.M.O. to Changxin: A Cross-cultural Exploration of Consumer Response to Newness in the Fast-moving Consumer Goods Industry. Academy of Marketing 52nd Annual Conference, Regent's University London, 02.07.2019-04.07.2019.
Conference Paper (published)
Wilson-Nash C & Xiao S (2019) From F.O.M.O. to Changxin: A Cross-cultural Exploration of Consumer Response to Newness in the Fast-moving Consumer Goods Industry. In: Academy of Marketing Conference 2019: 'When you tire of marketing you tire of life'. Academy of Marketing 52nd Annual Conference, Regent's University London, 02.07.2019-04.07.2019. Helensburgh: Academy of Marketing, p. 64. https://issuu.com/regentscollege/docs/academy_of_marketing_conference_pro
Wilson C (2018) Is it love or loneliness? Exploring the impact of everyday digital technology use on the wellbeing of older adults. Ageing and Society, 38 (7), pp. 1307-1331. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0144686X16001537
Conference Paper (unpublished)
When consumers switch product form: A cross-country study between UK, Brazil and China
Wilson C, Xiao SH, Wang X, Kureshi I, Esquejo N, Murphy P & Davis T (2018) When consumers switch product form: A cross-country study between UK, Brazil and China. 2018 AMA/ACRA Triennial Conference, 06.06.2018-09.06.2018.
Conference Paper (published)
Xiao S, Wilson C, Kureshi I, Theodoropoulos G, Esquejo N, Slassor M, Hindson A, Buckley E, Herbert R, Murphy P, Davis T & Heukaeufe E (2017) Why People Do Not Switch: Product Form Level Explanations for Incremental Innovative Product Adoption Behaviour. In: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing 2017 Conference. 50th Academy of Marketing Conference, Hull, UK, 03.07.2017-06.07.2017. Helensburgh, Scotland: Academy of Marketing.
Conference Paper (published)
E-Health Diaries for People at End-of-life: "A crutch to lean on"
Wilson C, Ormandy P, Vasilica C & Ali S (2016) E-Health Diaries for People at End-of-life: "A crutch to lean on". In: HIMS'16 : the 2016 International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Systems, July 25-28, 2016, Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, USA. International Conference of Health Informatics and Medical Systems HIMS'16, Las Vegas, 25.07.2016-28.07.2016, pp. 89-95. http://worldcomp-proceedings.com/proc/p2016/HIMS16_Contents.html
Conference Paper (unpublished)
How knowledge transfer can improve the implementation of a digital health service
Wilson C (2016) How knowledge transfer can improve the implementation of a digital health service. KTP Associates Conference 2016, 26.05.2016-26.05.2016.
Conference Abstract
Wilson C (2016) VitruCare: Using digital health to overcome the bounded willpower of patients with long term conditions. 2nd Behaviour Change Conference: Digital Health and Wellbeing, University College London, 24/02/2016 - 25/02/2016. Frontiers in Public Health. https://doi.org/10.3389/conf.FPUBH.2016.01.00076
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Wilson C (2015) Improving lives through innovation and supported self-care for people with long term conditions and towards end-of-life: evaluation of VitruCare. KTP Associates Conference 2015, University of Glasgow, 28.05.2015-28.05.2015. http://dro.dur.ac.uk/20338/1/20338.pdf?DDD2+rcvj28+d700tmt+dul4eg
Ageing Technologically: Exploring the Motivating Operations of Technology Use by Older Adults
Wilson C (2014) Ageing Technologically: Exploring the Motivating Operations of Technology Use by Older Adults. Doctor of Philosophy. Durham University.
Dr Wilson-Nash's teaching interests include methods of inquiry, consumer behaviour, and ethical marketing. She began teaching on the Global MBA at Durham University Business School in 2011. Since moving to the University of Stirling, she has become director of the Postgraduate MSc Marketing and MSc Digital Marketing and Brand Management programmes. She is also responsible for the Undergraduate Dissertation and Consumer Behaviour module on the MSc Marketing programme.
Dr Wilson-Nash has taught internationally at EBS University of Business and Law in Germany and Singapore Institute of Management. She has received an honorary mention in the RATE awards for innovation in blended learning.