Dr Sian Lucas

Senior Lecturer

Social Work Colin Bell Building, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Dr Sian Lucas

About me

Siân works part time at the University. She is a registered social worker and Senior Lecturer. Siân is the undergraduate Social Work programme director and co-ordinates the qualifying social work dissertation module. Siân is a Yoga instructor, Sound Healer & Life Coach.

Event / Presentation

Respectful and Beneficial Research with Minority Groups. British Sociological Society Annual Conference 2011 - 60 Years of Sociology


Getting the Balance Right: Developing a Cost Evaluation Tool for 'Team around the Family' approaches in Wales 2011. TiSSA 2011: 9th Conference of the International "Social Work Society" Academy (TiSSA): Politics of Identity - The Changing Face of Social Work


To interpret or not to interpret: child language brokering in a social welfare context. University of Salford Postgraduate Research Conference SPARC 2012


The peculiarities of fieldwork: Zumba, Coffee and Sweets. Celebrating Research Day, University of Salford


Multilingualism: social work perspectives. The South West Doctoral Social Work Research Day 2012


Child Language Brokering: Voice, Power, Representation. Children, Young People and Adults: Extending the Conversation


Child Interpreting in Social Work - perspectives from the UK. The University of Tallinn, Social Work Summer School


Children that interpret: a small tragedy in a larger social work space?. British Sociological Association Annual Conference


The regulation of child language brokering in a social work context. 2nd International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation


Child Language Brokering in a Social Welfare Context. Child Language Brokering Group

Other Project

Quarriers: Evaluation of Family Centre Services
Quarriers and Big Lottery Fund UK

Quarriers provides a wide range of creative activities to support parenting and families in the local area. This project is exploring how the services provided for children and parents (funded by the BLF) are making a difference to the lives of children and families.  The research methods include critical reflective dialogue, observation, interviews and focus groups. The evaluation team includes Sian Lucas and Andressa Gadda.

Research programmes

Research centres/groups

Research themes