Dr Chris Hartley

Lecturer in Sports Psychology

Sport University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Dr Chris Hartley

Contact details

About me

I am a lecturer in sport psychology within the Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport. This means that I spend most of my time contributing to the teaching activity related to sport and exercise psychology within the University, contributing mainly to our British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited Master's degree in the psychology of sport. I also contribute to teaching on sport psychology modules in the undergraduate Sport Studies programme. As a HCPC registered practitioner sport and exercise psychologist and a Chartered psychologist with the BPS, all of my teaching is driven by my research activity and brought to life with my experiences of working in applied practice across grassroots to elite professional sport. As such, my colleagues and I aim to conduct world class teaching, practice, and research activity that will provide you with a cutting-edge experience and transform your experience of learning at Stirling.

With regards to my research activity, I am generally interested in how to optimise the support that is provided to athletes across all levels. As such, my research focuses on understanding how and why social support and group memberships influence the performance, wellbeing and health of athletes and their wider support networks. With regards to scholarship activity, I am currently the chair the Scottish Sport and Exercise Psychology Network, and sit on the BPS' Scottish Branch Committee. This means that I play an active role in contributing to and leading sport and exercise psychology initiatives, CPD and networking events across Scotland. I am also an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.


3 Minute Thesis - Winner
University of Stirling
Winner, University of Stirling 2018: 'Group identity as the key to satisfaction with support' Three Minute Thesis challenges doctoral candidates to present a compelling spoken presentation on their research topic and its significance in just three minutes. 3MT is an academic competition developed by the University of Queensland, Australia. Its success has led to the establishment of local and national competitions in several countries.

RATE 2020 Excellence in Teaching Runner-up - Excellence in Teaching in the Faculty of Health Science & Sport

RATE 2020 Excellence in Teaching Winner - Fantastic Feedback Award