Professor Alan Goodacre

Emeritus Professor

Accounting & Finance University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor Alan Goodacre

Contact details

About me

I obtained a first class honours degree in Chemistry and Mathematics (1973) followed by a Chemistry PhD (1981), both from Exeter University. I qualified as a chartered accountant (ACA) in 1979, having trained with Thomson McLintock (now KPMG). I taught professional accountancy examinations at Reed College of Accountancy for 18 months before joining the University of Stirling in 1981. As course director of the successful MSc in Investment Analysis programmes at Stirling (1989-99, 2003-05) I was instrumental in setting up, developing and managing both full-time and part-time programmes. I was double prize-winner for paper presentations at INQUIRE UK seminars. Associate Editor of British Accounting Review for 10 years and ad hoc reviewer for over 20 different journals. Retired from University of Stirling on 31 December 2019.

Other Roles Chair, Board of Trustees of University of Stirling Pension Scheme (Trustee 1994 to date; Chair 2005 to 2019) Chair, Board of Trustees of University of Stirling Pension Scheme for Contract Staff (Trustee 1994 to closure 2014; Chair 2005 to closure 2014) Deputy Head of School, Stirling Management School (2009-13) Joint Policy, Planning and Resources Committee/Finance and Resources Committee (2007-13) Workload Management Working Group (2010) University Committee Structure Working Group (2008-9) Programme Design, Delivery and Assessment Working Group (2008-9) Academic Staffing Committee (2006-8)