Professor Hugh Ferguson

Emeritus Professor

Institute of Aquaculture Pathfoot Building, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor Hugh Ferguson

Contact details

About me

BVM&S, PhD, DipACVP, MRCVS, FRCPath Professor Emeritus Professor Ferguson was head of the Veterinary Service for the Institute, providing disease diagnostic capabilities for the aquaculture, pharmaceutical and feed manufacturing industries, as well as acting in a disease referral capacity for practising vets, insurance companies, academics and researchers, public and private aquarium owners, and others involved with maintaining the health of the aquatic environment and its inhabitants. He has worked in several locations, including almost 20 years as Professor of Pathology in the Ontario Veterinary College, Canada, before returning to Scotland. He has published more than 185 refereed scientific articles, and recently edited a second edition of the standard text Systemic Pathology of Fish: a Text and Atlas of Normal Tissues in Teleosts and their Responses in Disease (