Dr Christopher Fullerton

Lecturer in Sport & Exercise Psychology

Sport Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport 3A77, Cottrell Building University of Stirling Stirling FK9 4LA

Dr Christopher Fullerton

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Psychophysiological underpinnings of self-regulation in endurance performance

Psychological strategies to improve endurance performance

Self-regulation and self-control in exercise settings

Psychosocial factors related to weight-making in combat sports

Outputs (6)



Fullerton CL, Ferrusola-Pastrana A & Meadows SN (2024) Group-based exercise for Parkinson’s: a qualitative study of participants and partners’ perceptions of an exercise class delivered through a community-university collaboration. BMC Geriatrics. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-024-05061-7


O’Malley CA, Fullerton CL & Mauger AR (2024) Analysing experienced and inexperienced cyclists’ attentional focus and self-regulatory strategies during varying intensities of fixed perceived effort cycling: A mixed method study. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 70, Art. No.: 102544. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychsport.2023.102544


Mangin T, O’Malley CA, Bergevin M, Debray J, Monti I, Fullerton CL, Mauger AR, Rainville P & Pageaux B (2023) Interactions between naturally occurring muscle pain, externally induced thermal pain and effort during a self-regulated handgrip task. The 20th congress of ACAPS (Association of Researchers in Sport and Physical Activity), Reims, France, 31.10.2023-02.11.2023.