Dr Anna Crawford

Lecturer in Physical Geography

Biological and Environmental Sciences Stirling

Dr Anna Crawford

About me

I joined the Division of Biological and Environmental Sciences in 2023 as a Lecturer in Physical Geography. I am a glaciologist who employs 3D models to investigate the processes that drive iceberg calving at marine-terminating glaciers. I also monitor those icebergs through remote sensing and field work to then conduct analyses of their drift and deterioration. This work contributes to improved ice-sheet modelling and iceberg forecasting.

Before joining BES, I was a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow with the School of GeoSciences at the University of Edinburgh. I initially came to the UK to join the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration as a post-doctoral research assistant based at the University of St Andrews.

My first post-secondary degree is in Biology. It was while taking this program at Lakehead University in central Canada that I was introduced to biogeography and Polar Regions science. This drove me to explore geography and Arctic-based research during my post-graduate work. I completed my MSc and PhD programs at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, where my research focused on "ice islands" (large and tabular icebergs) in the Canadian Arctic. This is a topic that I am circling around to yet again as I initiates my research program at Stirling.

You can find out more about my work (and some nice photographs) at anna-crawford.com.