Dr Nikolaos Papadogiannis

Lecturer in European History

History Stirling

Dr Nikolaos Papadogiannis

About me

Following my undergraduate studies in History at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, I moved to London and received my MA in Contemporary History and Politics from Birkbeck, University of London in 2006. In 2010 I obtained my PhD in History from the University of Cambridge. Before joining the Division of History, Heritage and Politics at Stirling in January 2023, I worked as an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Humboldt University of Berlin, a Teaching Fellow and Research Fellow at the University of St Andrews and a Lecturer in Modern History at Bangor University.

I am currently a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society as well as of the Higher Education Academy. I am also a Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

I have received funding from the AHRC (£204,000), the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (€73,000) and the Greek National Strategic Reference Framework (€9,840).

I have initiated and co-run research groups, such as the interdisciplinary European Encounters and Identities research group at the University of Cambridge, helping secure funding for the latter.

Regarding my administrative experience, I was the Deputy Director of the EDI Committee of the School of History at the University of St Andrews in the first semester of the 2022-23 academic year. I was also the Director of PGT programmes in History and the Social Sciences (Bangor University), whose curriculum I revised to facilitate further research-led teaching. I was the Co-Director of the Institute for Transnational and Spatial History at St Andrews in 2016. I am the reviews co-editor for Cultural History and a member of the advisory board of the Journal of Greek Media and Culture.


AHRC Research, Development and Engagement Fellowship on the topic “Transnational sexual health activism and AIDS in Western Europe, 1980s-1990s”. Principal Investigator and Line Manager of a Research Assistant. Funded value: £204,117.September 2021-February 2023

Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. Individual research fellowship. Total value: approximately €73,000. January 2012-December 2013

Award from the ring-fenced impact funding of the School of History, University of St Andrews. Aim: to make impact-related activities about migrant AIDS activists in the UK and Germany accessible to individuals living with visual impairment. Value: £327. Summer 2022

Bangor University Research Facilitation Award to support research activities on the history of sexuality and tourism. Value: £1,000. March 2020

Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT) of Bangor University Associate Award, 2019. Non-financial recognition.

FAH Impact Support Funding
The FAH Impact Support Funding has awarded me with £1050, which allowed me to run the inaugural meeting of a public workshop series engaging with how HIV transmission campaigns in Scotland can become more inclusive. The event, which took place on 28 June, involved other researchers, Chase Ledin and Hannah Elizabeth, and various charities active in Scotland, such as Waverley Care. The outcome of the event was twofold: First, we had in-depth discussions that enabled all participants to idewntify key themes on which our subsequent workshops will focus, such as how these campaigns can address effectively transgender people, and people of colour, as well as people whose mother tongue is not English. Second, it has been a successful networking activity, bringing together researchers and members of some of the key charities in Scotland dealing with HIV transmission. Participants learned about the agenda and approaches of various organisations dealing with HIV transmission campaigns. Third, the event has enabled participants to agree on the format of the folowing events, which will include reading group sessions, film screenings, and meetings at the National Library of Scotland to reflect on primary sources stored there and the exhibition on HIV in Scotland that the NLS is currently running.

Institutional Strategic Support Fund-Public Engagement Bursary, University of St Andrews. Value: £160. 2015-16

RATE Award for Outstanding Commitment to Accessibility and Inclusion in Blended Learning

Recognition and Award Scheme
I was successfully nominated for the Recognition and Award Scheme of the University of Stirling in 2023-24 in recognition of my contribution to research and teaching at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

Research Culture Awards of the University of Stirling
I have been highly commended for my attention to EDI matters in research in the Research Culture Awards of the University of Stirling in 2024.

Research grant linked to my participation in the project “Key Debates in Greek Historiography”, supervised by E. Gazi and co-funded by the National Strategic Reference Framework and the Greek Education Ministry. My task was to prepare a literature review report (pp.1-30) on approaches to the gender history of Greece. Total value of my grant: €9,840. June-September 2015

Research Network funding from CRASSH (Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities), University of Cambridge. The funding allowed me to co-establish a research group on European Encounters and Identities, which ran in Cambridge for 2 years. Value: £2,000. 2008-2010

Small Impact Award, University of St Andrews

Community Contribution

'Can Tourism be sustainable?' Performance supported by the Cabaret of Dangerous Ideas and hosted at the Edinburgh International Science Festival, April 2019

Convening a series of impact workshops on making HIV campaigns in Scotland more inclusive.

Creation of Wikipedia entries entitled 'Edinburgh Greek Festival' and 'Syn Festival Edinburgh', funded by a Small Impact Award from the University of St Andrews.

Interviewed by the ASKI (Contemporary Social History Archives) on the history of Greek migrants who resided in West Germany in the 1960s and 1970s. The interview was part of the radio show on history that the ASKI are running in collaboration with the popular radio station “Sto Kokkino”, January 2019.

Photo exhibition “Glimpses on Greek migrants in Edinburgh”, The Safari Lounge, Edinburgh, 5 November- 2 December. The exhibition received an enthusiastic welcome by Greek migrants and other residents of Edinburgh, November 2018


Consultancy, material relating the history of AIDS in Greece
Mediation which facilitated the provision to the Contemporary Social History Archives (ASKI) of digitized written sources pertaining to the history of AIDS in Greece in the 1990s. Advice to the ASKI on how to share this material with researchers.

Event / Presentation

“Institutional and cultural change in Greece in the 1960s and the 1970s”, invited masterclass, School of History, University of St Andrews, February 2019

“Same-sex practices and spatial mobility in Greece, 1970s-1980s”, Invited Talk at the Modern Greek Studies seminar series, University of Oxford, March 2019

Book launch of the comic book 'Trajectories: aids activism in Western Europe', University of Stirling, 20 February 2023

Co-organiser and contributor to the roundtable discussion ‘Queer and trans histories of Germany’.
German History Society annual conference, Manchester, 3-5 September 2024. Co-organiser and contributor to the roundtable discussion ‘Queer and trans histories of Germany’.

Co-organiser of the showcasing event ‘Research on global queer history in Scottish universities’.
Scottish Global History Network conference, Glasgow, 27 September 2024. Co-organiser of the showcasing event ‘Research on global queer history in Scottish universities’.

Co-organization of the international conference entitled 'Reactions to HIV/AIDS since the 1980s: Transnational and comparative history perspectives', 30-31 August 2022.

Featured talk, book launch of the volume 'Histories of HIV/AIDS in Western Europe', 1 December 2022.

Invited talk at the ‘Race and sexual and reproductive health in historical perspectives’ international workshop
‘Race and sexual and reproductive health in historical perspectives’ international workshop, 18-20 June 2025. Paper: ‘Sex workers’ rights activists and intersectional HIV/AIDS campaigns in West Berlin, 1980s-1990s’.

Invited talk at the Ionian University entitled 'Intensifying AIDS activism in Greece in the 1990s and transnational responses to HIV and AIDS', 8 November 2022.

Invited talk at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine entitled 'Intensifying AIDS activism in Greece in the 1990s and transnational responses to HIV and AIDS', 13 December 2022.

Invited talk, creative workshop on writing research-based comic books in the medical humanities
‘Queer Methodologies in Medical Humanities’ PhD school, Durham’s Institute for Medical Humanities on 24-26 March 2025. I will co-run with Chase Ledin (Edinburgh) a creative workshop, where Ledin and I will discuss with the PhD students the potential and challenges of conveying research findings through comic books and zines, and will also explore with the students their ideas of how a comic or zine they would author would look like.

Invited talk, CSHHH, University of Strathclyde. Title: ''The Making of a Transnational Community of Practice: Transnational connections of AIDS activists in West Germany, the UK and Greece', 15 March 2022.

Invited talk, ITSH, University of St Andrews, 'The Making of a Transnational Community of Practice: Transnational connections of AIDS activists in West Germany, the UK and Greece', 24 January 2022.

Invited talk, National Museums Scotland, part of the workshop 'Representing Migration in Museums: Case Studies from Scotland and Across Europe', 14 December 2021.

Mass migration and sexual transformations in West Germany and Greece, 1960s-1970s, Feminist Research Network, University of Strathclyde, January 2023

Paper entitled 'Helping make the desert blossom? Organised Youth Travel from West Germany to Israel, internationalism and Holocaust memories, 1950s-1980s', European Social Science and History Conference, April 2018

Roundtable ‘Transnational Research on Sexualities: Challenges and Opportunities’
‘Baltic Sexualities in Global Perspective’ conference, organised by the BASEES Study Group on the Baltic states. Roundtable ‘Transnational Research on Sexualities: Challenges and Opportunities’. I contributed to this roundtable as a panellist alongside Kath Browne, Richard Mole, and Yulia Gradskova.

Roundtable discussion, ‘Revolutionizing Transitions: 50 Years since the Democratization of Portugal and Greece’
‘Revolutionizing Transitions: 50 Years since the Democratization of Portugal and Greece’, roundtable discussion organised by The Global Sixties: An Interdisciplinary Journal. The discussion took place online on 9 December 2024. I contributed as a panellist and exchanged ideas with Kostis Kornetis, Guya Accornero and Pamela Radcliff on the subject matter.

Same-sex travel to Mykonos and Eressos in the 1970s-1980s, Invited talk, part of the "Sovereignty, Space and Aesthetics: Greece and Europe in the World" workshop. Event jointly organised by Rutgers University-Newark and Simon Fraser University, June 2019

'Sex work and Gender Identity in Greece, 1960s-1970s', Workshop on the history of sex work, taking place at Durham University, 20 July 2019

Transnational AIDS Activism across Western Europe in the 1980s-1990s, 10th Virtual Humboldt Forum, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 21 October 2021

External Examiners and Validations

External examiner of the BSc in History of the American College of Greece-DEREE. This programme is monitored by the Open University of the UK.

Internal examiner for four PhD theses at Bangor University and external examiner of one PhD thesis at the University of Catania.

Member of the Wellcome Trust Medical Humanities Early-Career Advisory Group

Reviewer for the Free University of Brussels (ULB) COFUND Marie-Curie scheme, January 2019

Reviewer of a Fellowship proposal submitted to the Independent Social Research Foundation


Third supervisor (2014-2018) of one completed PhD thesis at the Manchester Metropolitan University exploring Greek migrant activism in East Germany.

Mentor of a postdoctoral Fellow
I am mentoring the postdoctoral research of R. Love on AIDS activism in Italy in the context of the AHRC-funded project on Transnational AIDS activism of which I am the PI.

Second supervisor of one PhD thesis at Bangor University and third supervisor of two more PhD theses, one at the University of Ioannina and one at the University of Athens.

Other Academic Activities

Engaging with Government course

I have been selected, following a successful application I have submitted, to attend the Engaging with Government course. This course is run by the AHRC and the Institute of Government, and aims to enhance the skills of its participants (researchers in the humanities) in influencing policymakers with their research.

Co-convener of the Padua-St Andrews ‘Celebrating University Heritage’ sessions, June 2021.

Co-director of the Institute for Transnational and Spatial History, University of St Andrews, 2016-17

Co-editor of the journal Contemporary European History
Co-editor of Contemporary European History (from 1 January 2024).

Co-organiser alongside Prof. Detlef Siegfried of the session entitled 'Sexuality and youth travel in Europe in the 1950s-1980', European Social Science and History Conference, March 2021

Co-organiser of the Histories of Sexuality Reading Group, University of St Andrews, April 2021-May 2022

Member of the Advisory Board, Journal of Greek Media and Culture

Member of the Global History in Scotland initiative

'Migration, Protest and Institutional Responses in Western Europe in the 1960s-1980s'.Workshop attracting both early-career and established scholars from Bangor University and Edge Hill University, April 2018

Organisation of a panel on the history of migration to West Germany, German History Society conference, 4 September 2019

Organisation of a panel on the history of sex work in West Germany, German History Society conference, September 2020

Organisation of the panel 'Racism and Anti-racism in the 1980s across Europe', European Social Science and History Conference, April 2023

Reviews co-editor, Cultural History
Reviews co-editor of the Cultural History journal.

Professional Career

Visiting Scholarship
To keep myself abreast of state-of-the-art work on the medical humanities, I have delivered a talk and met on a one-to-one basis with several members of the Centre for the Social History of Health and Healthcare, University of Strathclyde.

Professional membership

Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

Fellow, Royal Historical Society

Member of the editorial team of the Contemporary European History journal

Member of the steering group of the Migration Special Interest Group of the Oral History Society

Professional qualification

Fellow, Higher Education Academy

Supervision of Research Assistants

Supervision of assistant for impact-related activities
I have supervised a student assistant, P. Requejo de Lamo, for the impact-related and funded by the University of St Andrews project “Coming Together: Southern European migrants and their intercultural encounters in Edinburgh”. The project explored Spanish and Greek migrants.

University Contribution

Co-ordinator of the revision of the PGT programmes in Gender Studies at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Co-ordinator of the revision of the PGT programmes in Gender Studies at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Stirling. The revision includes a growing emphasis on queer studies, and a closer collaboration with UNITAR in the context of a new programme entitled MSc in Gender and Diplomatic Practice.

Co-creation of the Queer Studies Reading Group, University of Stirling