My research interests include two primary thematic domains - geoscience and pedagogy (educational theory and practice):
As an interdisciplinary geoscientist, I am interested in global change. I specialise in a number of disciplines (geochemistry, geomorphology, sedimentology and palaeoecology). I combine these disciplines to reconstruct past environmental change at a high resolution, in order to better understand present-day climate change.
My current research interests / collaborations include:
Reconstructing ice-sheet dynamics via the geomorphic and sedimentary imprint of past ice sheets (The Minch, NW Scotland).
Palaeoenvironmental change (offshore) reconstructed through biogeochemical analysis of marine sediment cores.
Understanding what sediment records can tell us about past environments at ultra-high resolution.
Non-destructive analysis and characterisation of Quaternary sediments
My current pedagogical research is focused around the secondary to higher education transition and improving student emotional robustness through skills development:
Exploring new methods of facilitating a smooth secondary to higher education transition.
Developing new approaches to skills development in academia and broader society.
Tackling climate anxiety through skills-based learning.