Tabner IT, Changwony FK, Campbell K & Ryde G Switching from Private Cars to Active Travel for Routine Journeys: A Method to Evaluate Changes in Financial Wellbeing. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Senior Lecturer in Finance
Accounting & Finance University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA
My aim is to help households and individuals make better financial decisions that lead to better financial and environmental wellbeing.
I have been interested in financial markets since the BT3 privatization in 1993 and my research and teaching are tempered by practical experience as a private investor during the varying financial conditions since then.
I was awarded the Diploma in Financial Planning (DipPFS) in 2010, the CFA designation in 2003, the ASIP in 2002 and the IMC in 1998. My PhD thesis titled "The relationship between concentration and realised volatility: an empirical investigation of the FTSE 100 Index January 1984 through March 2003" was completed at the University of Stirling in 2004 and in 1999 I was awarded the MSc with distinction in investment analysis from the University of Stirling. I have been at the University of Stirling since September 1998. I was appointed as a lecturer in finance in September 2003. Prior to this, I was a PhD student, teaching assistant, research assistant and MSc student. Before studying finance and investment, I worked as a marine biologist in Canada, after graduating with an upper second in marine and environmental biology from the University of Saint Andrews.
Household finance research that enables individuals and households to achieve a better quality of life by incorporating good financial decision making into every aspect of their life. For example, choices relating to, housing, transport, education, borrowing, and saving. My research explores how these choices interact with financial and other aspects of wellbeing.
Prior research activity has spanned the following areas:
•Personal Financial Planning •House prices and household finance •Environmental economics, finance and investing •Corporate finance and corporate governance •Reporting behaviour of small firms •Stock index concentration and volatility •Diversification within equity indices •Asset pricing and valuation.
Tabner IT, Changwony FK, Campbell K & Ryde G Switching from Private Cars to Active Travel for Routine Journeys: A Method to Evaluate Changes in Financial Wellbeing. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Savings goals and wealth allocation in household financial portfolios
Changwony FK, Campbell K & Tabner IT (2021) Savings goals and wealth allocation in household financial portfolios. Journal of Banking and Finance, 124, Art. No.: 106028.
Newspaper / Magazine
Five ways coronavirus lockdowns increase inequality
Tabner IT (2020) Five ways coronavirus lockdowns increase inequality. The Conversation. 08.04.2020.
Capturing the role of societal affinity in cross-border mergers with the Eurovision Song Contest
Siganos A & Tabner IT (2020) Capturing the role of societal affinity in cross-border mergers with the Eurovision Song Contest. Journal of International Business Studies, 51 (2), p. 263–273.
Newspaper / Magazine
Convicted UBS trader Kweku Adoboli faces deportation – here’s why it’s a huge mistake
Tabner I (2018) Convicted UBS trader Kweku Adoboli faces deportation – here’s why it’s a huge mistake. The Conversation. 03.09.2018.
Newspaper / Magazine
How renting can fix the UK’s broken housing market
Tabner I (2017) How renting can fix the UK’s broken housing market. The Conversation. 10.02.2017.
Tabner I (2016) Buying Versus Renting – Determinants of the Net Present Value of Home Ownership for Individual Households. International Review of Financial Analysis, 48, pp. 233-246.
Newspaper / Magazine
Don’t believe the Brexit prophecies of economic doom
Tabner I (2016) Don’t believe the Brexit prophecies of economic doom. The Conversation. 27.06.2016.
Newspaper / Magazine
Why falling oil prices should not undermine investment in green energy
de Vries F & Tabner I (2015) Why falling oil prices should not undermine investment in green energy. The Conversation. 12.05.2015.
Social engagement and stock market participation
Changwony F, Campbell K & Tabner I (2015) Social engagement and stock market participation. Review of Finance, 19 (1), pp. 317-366.
Campbell K & Tabner I (2014) Bonding and the agency risk premium: An analysis of migrations between the AIM and the Official List of the London Stock Exchange. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 30 (1), pp. 1-20.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Tabner I (2012) Managerial Discretion and Timeliness of Price Sensitive Information Disclosures: Evidence from the Alternative Investment Market (AIM). 2nd International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society, ESCP Europe Business School, London, 7-8 June, 2012, London, UK, 07.06.2012-08.06.2012.
In Defence of Capitalisation Weights: Evidence from the FTSE 100 and S&P 500 Indices
Tabner I (2012) In Defence of Capitalisation Weights: Evidence from the FTSE 100 and S&P 500 Indices. European Financial Management, 18 (1), pp. 142-161.
Preprint / Working Paper
In Defence of Capitalisation Weights: Evidence from the FTSE 100 and S&P 500 Indices
Tabner I (2011) In Defence of Capitalisation Weights: Evidence from the FTSE 100 and S&P 500 Indices. SSRN Working Paper Series, 1977735.
Preprint / Working Paper
Good News Early - Bad News Late: Evidence from the Alternative Investment Market (AIM)
Tabner I & Urquhart S (2011) Good News Early - Bad News Late: Evidence from the Alternative Investment Market (AIM). University of Waseda Institute of Finance Working Papers, WIF-11-005.
Preprint / Working Paper
The Margin of Safety and Turning Points in House Prices: Observations from Three Developed Markets
Mizuno M & Tabner I (2011) The Margin of Safety and Turning Points in House Prices: Observations from Three Developed Markets. SSRN Working Paper Series, 1861448.
Preprint / Working Paper
Tabner I & Campbell K (2011) Bonding, Firm Value and Liquidity: An Analysis of Migrations Between the AIM and the Official List of the London Stock Exchange. SSRN Working Paper Series, 1608403.
The Margin of Safety and Turning Points in House Prices: Observations from Three Developed Markets
Mizuno M & Tabner I (2011) The Margin of Safety and Turning Points in House Prices: Observations from Three Developed Markets [The Margin of Safety and House Price Turning Points: Observations from the US, the UK and Japan]. Financial Analysts Journal, 67 (3), pp. 76-93.
Presentation / Talk
Tabner I (2010) Presentation. The 8th NTU International Conference on Economics, Finance and Accounting: "Bank Regulation and Financial Development": National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 21-23 June 2010, Taipei, Taiwan, 21.06.2010-23.06.2010.
Corporate Governance in Japan and the UK: Codes, Theory and Practice
Mizuno M & Tabner I (2009) Corporate Governance in Japan and the UK: Codes, Theory and Practice. Pacific Economic Review, 14 (5), pp. 622-638.
Preprint / Working Paper
Corporate Governance in Japan and the UK: Codes, Theory and Practice
Mizuno M & Tabner I (2009) Corporate Governance in Japan and the UK: Codes, Theory and Practice. SSRN Working Paper Series, 1525078.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Tabner I (2009) Presentation. 7th International Conference on Corporate Governance: "Corporate Governance: Managing Risk in a Changing World", 29th June 2009, Birmingham Business School, Birmingham, UK, 29.06.2009-29.06.2009.
Benchmark Concentration: Capitalization Weights Versus Equal Weights in the FTSE 100 Index
Tabner I (2009) Benchmark Concentration: Capitalization Weights Versus Equal Weights in the FTSE 100 Index. Multinational Finance Journal, 13 (3&4), pp. 209-228.
Preprint / Working Paper
Mizuno M & Tabner I (2009) Choice, Confusion and Competition in the Market for Markets: Aiming for Aim in Three Junior Asian Stock Exchanges. SSRN Working Paper Series, 1327449.
Mizuno M & Tabner I (2008) Choice, Confusion and Competition in the Market for Markets: Aiming for Aim in Three Junior Asian Stock Exchanges. Pacific Economic Review, 13 (5), pp. 575-603.
Preprint / Working Paper
Tabner I (2008) Should I Buy or Should I Rent: And What is an Appropriate Discount Rate for Housing Consumption in Household Finance?. SSRN Working Paper Series, 963993.
Presentation / Talk
Tabner I (2008) Presentation. 2008 Academy of Financial Services Conference, 3rd October 2008 - Boston, Massachusetts, Boston, Massachusetts, 03.10.2008-03.10.2008.
Presentation / Talk
Tabner I (2008) Presentation. British Accounting Association (BAA) Scottish Area Group Annual Conference; 11th September 2008, Glasgow, UK, Glasgow, UK, 11.09.2008-11.09.2008.
Tabner I (2007) A Review of Concentration, Diversity or Entropy Metrics in Economics, Finance, Ecology and Communication Science. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 2 (4), pp. 53-60.
Letter to the Editor: Can Share Buybacks be Better than Dividends?
Tabner I (2007) Letter to the Editor: Can Share Buybacks be Better than Dividends?. Private Investor, (116), pp. 5-5.
Book Chapter
Tabner I (2007) Risk Takers. In: Darity W (ed.) International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. USA: Macmillan Reference USA / Gale, Cengage Learning, pp. 254-255.
Presentation / Talk
Tabner I (2007) Presentation. 2007 Property group at Aberdeen University Business School, 26th October 2007 - Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK, 26.10.2007-26.10.2007.
Presentation / Talk
Tabner I (2007) Presentation. British Accounting Association (BAA) Scottish Area Group Annual Conference; 11th September 2007, Aberdeen, UK, Aberdeen, UK, 11.09.2007-11.09.2007.
Predicting Property Prices in Perpetuity
Tabner I (2007) Predicting Property Prices in Perpetuity. Professional Investor, 17 (1), pp. 24-27.
Presentation / Talk
In defense of capitalization weights
Tabner I (2006) In defense of capitalization weights. Xfi Conference on Fund Management, Xfi Centre for Finance & Investment, University of Exeter, 15th December 2006, Exeter, UK, 15.12.2006-15.12.2006.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Tabner I (2006) Presentation. British Accounting Association (BAA) Scottish Area Group Annual Conference; 4th September 2006, Glasgow, UK, Glasgow, UK, 04.09.2006-04.09.2006.
Preprint / Working Paper
In Defence of Capitalisation Weights: Evidence from the FTSE 100 Index 1984-2004
Tabner I (2006) In Defence of Capitalisation Weights: Evidence from the FTSE 100 Index 1984-2004. SSRN Working Paper Series, 921581.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Tabner I (2006) Presentation. 13th Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society, 25-27 June 2006, Edinburgh, UK, Edinburgh, UK, 25.06.2007-27.06.2007.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Benchmark Concentration: Value Weights versus Equal Weights
Tabner I (2006) Benchmark Concentration: Value Weights versus Equal Weights. The European Winter Finance Summit, 15-17 March 2006, Hemsedal, Norway, Hemsedal, Norway, 15.03.2006-17.03.2006.
Preprint / Working Paper
Benchmark Concentration: Capitalization Weights Versus Equal Weights in the FTSE 100 Index
Tabner I (2005) Benchmark Concentration: Capitalization Weights Versus Equal Weights in the FTSE 100 Index. SSRN Working Paper Series, 1026548.