
Understanding learning culturally: overcoming the dualism between social and individual views of learning



Hodkinson P, Biesta GJJ & James D (2008) Understanding learning culturally: overcoming the dualism between social and individual views of learning. Vocations and Learning, 1 (1), pp. 27-47.

This paper identifies limitations within the current literature on understanding learning. Overcoming these limitations entails replacing dualist views of learning as either individual or social, by using a theory of learning cultures and a cultural theory of learning, which articulate with each other. To do this, we argue that it is possible and indeed necessary to combine major elements of participatory or situated views of learning with elements of Deweyan embodied construction. Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus and field are used to achieve this purpose, together with the use of ‘becoming’ as a metaphor to help understand learning more holistically. This theorizing has a predominantly heuristic purpose, and we argue that it enables researchers to better explain data. We also suggest that a cultural approach of the sort proposed here leads toward the asking of better questions about learning and its improvement and has high practical significance.

Learning theory; culture; Cultural theory of learning; Learning cultures; Learning, Psychology of

Vocations and Learning: Volume 1, Issue 1

Publication date31/03/2008
Publication date online15/01/2008
PublisherSpringer Verlag