
Differences in Pain Patterns for Infected and Noninfected Patients with Burn Injuries



Tengvall OM, Bjornhagen VC, Lindholm C, Jonsson C & Wengstrom Y (2006) Differences in Pain Patterns for Infected and Noninfected Patients with Burn Injuries. Pain Management Nursing, 7 (4), pp. 176-182.

The management of pain is a primary issue in burn care. Patients hospitalized for burn injuries experience severe pain on a daily basis, immediately after the injury and during the healing of the burn wound. Our clinical experience is that the intensity of pain is increased by wound infection. The purpose of this study was to investigate retrospectively whether patients experience increased pain intensity in conjunction with wound infection. A total of 165 patients with burn injuries were included, 60 of whom were diagnosed with infection. The results of this study showed a significant increase in pain intensity in association with infection. An increase in pain is one of the factors to be considered among the many assessments, tests, and treatments for patients with burn injuries.

pain; pain management; treatment; burns; Wounds and injuries Nursing; Pain therapy; Patients and carers

Pain Management Nursing: Volume 7, Issue 4

Publication date31/12/2006
Publication date online02/12/2006
PublisherElsevier / American Society for Pain Management Nursing