
Evolving Grounded Theory Methodology: Towards a discursive approach



McCreaddie M & Payne S (2010) Evolving Grounded Theory Methodology: Towards a discursive approach. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 47 (6), pp. 781-793.

Grounded Theory Methodology (GTM) is a widely cited research approach based upon symbolic interaction with a focus on interaction, action and processes. Relatively recently, Discursive Psychology; a language-based interaction research approach, also based on symbolic interaction, emerged. At present Discursive Psychology is principally cited in the social sciences literature. Given its symbolic interaction foundations, what relevance does Discursive Psychology have for evolving GTM? A number of methodological challenges were posed by a study looking at humour in Clinical Nurse Specialist-patient interactions. This paper will use the phenomenon of spontaneous humour in healthcare interactions to illustrate the potential for a new form of GTM drawing on discursive approaches; Discursive GTM. First, the challenges presented by a study looking at spontaneous humour in Clinical Nurse Specialist-patient interactions are presented. Second, the research approach adopted to meet these challenges - discursive GTM (DGTM) - is explicated and the results of the study briefly outlined. Third, the different GTM approaches and Discursive Psychology are compared and contrasted in relation to the DGTM approach adopted. Finally, the challenges and tensions of using DGTM as well as the opportunities afforded by the use of naturally occurring data are reviewed. The authors contend that a DGTM approach may be appropriate in analyzing certain phenomena. In particular, we highlight the potential contribution of naturally occurring data as an adjunct to researcher-elicited data. Thus, when exploring particular phenomena, a DGTM approach may address the potentially under-developed symbolic interaction tenet of language.

Grounded Theory Methodology; Discursive Psychology; Ethnomethodology; Humour

International Journal of Nursing Studies: Volume 47, Issue 6

Publication date30/06/2010
Date accepted by journal07/11/2009