
Sex Ratio Changes as Sentinel Health Events of Endocrine Disruption



Van Larebeke NA, Sasco AJ, Brophy JT, Keith MM, Gilbertson M & Watterson A (2008) Sex Ratio Changes as Sentinel Health Events of Endocrine Disruption. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 14 (2), pp. 138-143.

The production and widespread use of synthetic chemicals since the 1940s have resulted in ubiquitous contamination of fish, wildlife and human populations. Since the 1960s, observers have documented major damage to wildlife reproduction across the globe, and subsequently, damage to reproductive health in exposed humans as well. The sex ratio in human communities and populations can be readily measured to ascertain whether reproductive effects, such as subtle birth defects of the reproductive tract caused by exposures to chemicals, might be occurring. Male to femalesex ratios appear to be declining in populations in several parts of the globe, possibly as a result of prenatal exposures to chemicals. Sex ratio data for communitieswith unusual occupational or environmental exposures can be compiled using traditional epidemiological techniques in pursuit of environmental justice. Local, regional and national population health researchers and occupational hygienists can use health statistics toexamine sex ratios as sentinel health events that might portend patterns of subtle structural birth defects of the reproductive tract and functional deficits in neurodevelopment.

Reproductive health; Sex ratio; Endocrine disrupters; Pollution; Environment; Human Cancer; Reproductive Medicine; Sexual behavior.

International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health: Volume 14, Issue 2

Publication date30/04/2008
PublisherAbel Publication Services, Inc.
Publisher URL