
Investigating the roles of phonological and semantic memory in sentence recall



Alloway TP (2007) Investigating the roles of phonological and semantic memory in sentence recall. Memory, 15 (6), pp. 605-615.

The mechanisms underlying short-term sentence recall have been the subject of recent investigations. While both semantic and phonological information have been found to play a role in sentence recall, this has been established using different paradigms in previous research. As a result, it is not clear whether the contributions of semantic and phonological information are equivalent subject only to specific experimental conditions. The present study used a common paradigm with equally plausible lures to systematically compare the roles of semantic and phonological information in short-term sentence recall. The lure intrusion paradigm was used with three different lures that were all equally plausible in the context of the sentence: semantic, onset, and rhyme. Further, no contextual cues were provided in the sentence to bias the participant. The findings indicate that there were significantly more semantic and onset intrusions compared to rhyme intrusions. This is interpreted in light of models incorporating lexical information during sentence production.

Working memory; Sentence recall; Episodic buffer; Short-term memory; Recollection (Psychology); Verbal ability

Memory: Volume 15, Issue 6

Publication date31/08/2007
Publication date online18/07/2007
PublisherTaylor & Francis