
Distribution, Abundance, and Biomass Estimates for Primates within Kahuzi-Biega Lowlands and Adjacent Forest in Eastern DRC



Hall JS, White L, Williamson EA, Inogwabini B & Ilambu O (2003) Distribution, Abundance, and Biomass Estimates for Primates within Kahuzi-Biega Lowlands and Adjacent Forest in Eastern DRC. African Primates, 6 (1&2), pp. 35-42.

Africa’s tropical forests have been subjected to alarming rates of forest clearing in the last two decades. Baseline data are critical to understanding the impacts of large-scale habitat loss and fragmentation. This report describes the distribution and relative abundance of anthropoid primates in 1994–95 within and adjacent to Kahuzi-Biega National Park lowland sector, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. This is a region for which few empirical data exists. Density and biomass estimates derived from transect sampling are discussed for both adjacent settlement and remote sampling zones where minimum biomass estimates are 436 kg/km2 and 663 kg/km2, respectively. With the exception of red colobus Procolobus badius in sampling zone KB 4, hunting pressures do not appear to have been excessive. The owl-faced guenon Cercopithecus hamlyni is widely distributed and relatively abundant throughout the survey areas.

; Deforestation Congo (Democratic Republic); Primates Congo (Democratic Republic); Primates Habitat

African Primates: Volume 6, Issue 1&2

Publication date31/12/2003
Publication date online2003
PublisherConservation International / IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group / Zoo Atlanta / National Museums of Kenya’s Institute of Primate Research and Centre for Biodiversity
Publisher URL