
The use of behavioural change techniques in the treatment of paediatric obesity: qualitative evaluation of parental perspectives on treatment



Stewart L, Chapple J, Hughes AR, Poustie V & Reilly JJ (2008) The use of behavioural change techniques in the treatment of paediatric obesity: qualitative evaluation of parental perspectives on treatment. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 21 (5), pp. 464-473.

Background: Treatment for childhood obesity is characterised by patient non-attendance and widespread failure to achieve weight maintenance. The use of behavioural change methods are suggested for engaging families in changing lifestyles. Qualitative methods may improve our understanding of patient perceptions, so improving treatment. We set out to explore the thoughts and feelings of parents whose children had undertaken dietetic consultations either employing behavioural change techniques or delivered by dietitians with no formal training in these techniques.  Methods: We used purposive sampling and interviewed 17 parents of children attending 6-month outpatient treatments for obesity (BMI>98th percentile). Parent’s perceptions of the dietetic treatment they received were explored by in-depth interviews, analysed using Framework methods.  Results: Parents who had taken part in the behavioural change techniques applauded the process finding it child-friendly and talked of ‘forming a partnership’ with the child and dietitian. Conversely standard care treatment was less well received. Developing a rapport with the dietitian was significant for the parents in their perception of a positive experience.  Conclusions: This study may help inform future treatments for childhood obesity by providing insights into the aspects of treatment and approaches applauded by parents. It highlights the possible value of the use of behavioural change skills by dietitians as a way of engaging with families of obese children.

Childhood obesity; behavioural change; parents; training; Obesity in children Treatment; Obesity in children Prevention; Parent and child; Behavior modification; Children Nutrition

Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics: Volume 21, Issue 5

Publication date31/10/2008
Publication date online18/07/2008
PublisherWiley-Blackwell / British Dietetic Association