
Good genes, complementary genes and human mate preferences



Roberts SC & Little A (2008) Good genes, complementary genes and human mate preferences. Genetica, 134 (1), pp. 31-43.

The past decade has witnessed a rapidly growing interest in the biological basis of human mate choice. Here we review recent studies that demonstrate preferences for traits which might reveal genetic quality to prospective mates, with potential but still largely unknown influence on offspring fitness. These include studies assessing visual, olfactory and auditory preferences for potential good-gene indicator traits, such as dominance or bilateral symmetry. Individual differences in these robust preferences mainly arise through within and between individual variation in condition and reproductive status. Another set of studies have revealed preferences for traits indicating complementary genes, focussing on discrimination of dissimilarity at genes in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). As in animal studies, we are only just beginning to understand how preferences for specific traits vary and inter-relate, how consideration of good and compatible genes can lead to substantial variability in individual mate choice decisions and how preferences expressed in one sensory modality may reflect those in another. Humans may be an ideal model species in which to explore these interesting complexities.

C; choice; COMPLEX; Complexity; DECADE; DECISION; difference; discrimination; dominance; gene; Genes; genetic; GOOD GENES; humans; interest; mate preferences; model; preference; Preferences; QUALITY; review; symmetry; TRAIT; Traits; VARIABILITY; variation

Genetica: Volume 134, Issue 1

Publication date30/09/2008
Place of publicationDORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS

People (1)

Professor Craig Roberts

Professor Craig Roberts

Professor of Social Psychology, Psychology