
Who is admitted to hospital with asthma?



Duffy R, Neville R, Hoskins G, Smith B & McCowan C (1997) Who is admitted to hospital with asthma?. Asthma in General Practice, 5 (1), pp. 5-7.

Background: Asthma is an important cause of acute hospital admission. Previous studies have been largely hospital-based, focused on a single centre and have considered either adults or children. This nationwide study was based in primary care and covered all age groups. Objective: To describe the characteristics of patients admitted to hospital with asthma compared to those asthmatics not admitted to hospital. Method: 361 practitioners recorded data from 11249 patients. Data included age, sex, British Thoracic Society (BTS) treatment step, admission to hospital and number of in-patient days in the previous 12 months. Results: Children under five were the most commonly admitted age group (20.8% of all admissions), but admissions were seen in all age groups (57.8% of patients admitted were over 16). Patients on BTS treatment step 4 accounted for less than half of all admissions (45.6%). Older patients had longer in-patient stays (age  less than 5: mean 1.9 in-patient days; age greater than 75: mean 7.7 in-patient days). Conclusion: Admission to hospital with asthma is seen in all ages and at all levels of treatment. Acute severe asthma can occur in all age groups and in patients with minimal symptoms and on minimal treatment. There is, therefore, a need for surveillance of all asthmatics, not just those on higher levels of treatment.

Asthma in General Practice: Volume 5, Issue 1

Publication date30/06/1997
PublisherPrimary Care Respiratory Society
Publisher URL…PIAG_Vol_5_1.pdf