
Resource use and costs of elective surgery for asymptomatic abdominal aortic aneurysm



Jepson R, Forbes JF & Fowkes FGR (1997) Resource use and costs of elective surgery for asymptomatic abdominal aortic aneurysm. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 14 (2), pp. 143-148.

OBJECTIVES To determine the hospital costs of elective abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. DESIGN Observational study of resource use. MATERIALS Forty-six elective aneurysm surgery patients in a hospital; 116 vascular surgeons participating in the U.K. Small Aneurysm Trial. METHODS Data on resource use and associated costs were obtained in 1993 for 46 patients who had undergone elective surgery in a teaching hospital. Comparability of resource use with other hospitals in the U.K. was obtained from data on surgical patients in the U.K. Small Aneurysm Trial, and by questionnaire on use of resources sent to surgeons participating in the trial. RESULTS The total cost of an elective aneurysm repair calculated from patient data in the teaching hospital was Pounds 4592. One-third of costs were due to stay in a standard surgical ward, and 20% were attributable to the operation. Overall, the use of resources in U.K. hospitals was comparable to that for the teaching hospital. Based on the surgeons' estimates, however, considerable variation existed for typical elective aneurysm patients, with costs ranging from Pounds 2173 to Pounds 7024. CONCLUSIONS In the U.K. the average cost of an elective aneurysm repair in 1993 was around Pounds 4600, which was equivalent to around Pounds 5000 (US$8000) in 1996. This estimate is sufficiently reliable to be used in cost effectiveness analyses.

Aortic aneurysm; Surgery; Resources; Costs; Length of stay

European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery: Volume 14, Issue 2

Publication date31/08/1997
Date accepted by journal21/01/1997