Research Report

Participation and Community on Bradford's Traditionally White Estates - Summary



Pearce J & Milne E (2010) Participation and Community on Bradford's Traditionally White Estates - Summary. Joseph Rowntree Foundation. 2509. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

This research shows how residents on two traditionally white estates understand their communities. It explores how they participate within them and with agencies and other bodies, with the emphasis on residents’ own views. It considers why, given the partial achievements and commitment to improving the lives of the most excluded social groups, government has been unable to generate sustainable change in such settings.

Joseph Rowntree Foundation; Bradford; Keighley; White estates; de-industrialisation; Slovakian; Roma; Community Based Research; Yorkshire; Participatory Action Research; Participatory Methods; Participation; International Centre for Participation Studies; Visual Methods; Innovative Research Methods; Mapping; Drawing; Walking Interviews; Participatory Video; Community Research; housing estates; New Labour housing policy; post war estates; creative methods; community based analysis; qualitative research; Scholemoor; Braithwaite and Guardhouse; Scholemoor Beacon; Aire Wharf Housing Association

Number in series2509
Publication date31/07/2010
Publication date online2010
PublisherJoseph Rowntree Foundation
Publisher URL…rd-white-estates
ISSN of series0958-3084