
Discrepancies in parental and self-appraisals of prosocial characteristics predict emotional problems in adolescents



Taylor PJ & Wood AM (2013) Discrepancies in parental and self-appraisals of prosocial characteristics predict emotional problems in adolescents. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 52 (3), pp. 269-284.

Objectives: Parental appraisals of an adolescent may have an effect upon the adolescent's well-being and likelihood of emotional problems. However, the impact of these parental appraisals is likely to be partly determined by the young person's selfappraisal. It was predicted that a discrepancy in self- and parent appraisals of positive, prosocial qualities would be associated with an increased risk of emotional problems. Design: The study employed a cross-sectional design within a large sample of adolescent and caregiver dyads (N = 3,976, aged 11-17 years), drawn from the 'Mental health of children and young people in Great Britain, 2004' survey. Method: Two separate measures of prosociality were used to ensure that effects were not specific to one measure. The analysis explored the discrepancy in parent and selfratings on these measures via interactions within a logistic regression framework. Potential confounds, including gender, parental mental health, conduct and hyperkinetic problems were controlled for in the analysis. Results: The logistic regression analyses demonstrated significant interactions between self- and parent ratings of prosocial qualities in predicting the odds of emotional disorder (i.e., depression and anxiety). This effect occurred across both measures of prosocial qualities whilst controlling for confounds. The pattern of the interactions suggested that low parental appraisals had a more detrimental effect on well-being when self-appraisals were highly positive. Conclusions: The results suggest that moderately high self-appraised positive traits may carry a cost of leaving young people more vulnerable to discrepant, negative parental appraisals. This has important implications for the meaning attributed to self-appraised positive traits in clinical contexts.

British Journal of Clinical Psychology: Volume 52, Issue 3

Publication date30/09/2013
Publication date online05/12/2012
Date accepted by journal18/11/2012
PublisherBritish Psychological Society / Wiley-Blackwell