
An evaluation of a training course in the short-term management of violence [Reprinted in Translation in KrankenPfelge (German Journal of Psychiatric Nursing), June 1993]



Paterson B, Turnbull J & Aitken I (1992) An evaluation of a training course in the short-term management of violence [Reprinted in Translation in KrankenPfelge (German Journal of Psychiatric Nursing), June 1993]. Nurse Education Today, 12 (5), p. 368–375.

Few comprehensive studies have been carried out regarding the nature and extent of violence towards staff in the caring professions. Scarcer still are studies which have thoroughly evaluated the impact of training in the management of violent and aggressive behaviour. Against this background, the following paper describes an evaluation of a 10-day in-service education course in the short-term management of violence. Set within an AB design, a combination of questionnaires and video rated role plays were used to investigate the impact of the training on the knowledge, effect and behaviour of course participants in two groups (N = 25). Results in most areas indicate that positive and significant changes have been brought about. Directions for future research in this area are identified and discussed.

Nurse Education Today: Volume 12, Issue 5

Publication date31/10/1992
PublisherElsevier for Churchill Livingstone