Book Chapter

A two systems theory of social cognition: engagement and theory of mind



Doherty M (2011) A two systems theory of social cognition: engagement and theory of mind. In: Roessler J, Lerman H & Eilan N (eds.) Perception, Causation and Objectivity. Consciousness & Self-Consciousness Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 305-323.

Developmental research shows that three-year-olds fail explicit theory of mind tasks, yet younger children are sensitive to differences in actors' mental states. Comparably discrepant findings occur with gaze understanding: children cannot judge another's eye-direction until three years but follow gaze from early infancy. Drawing the minimal necessary conclusions from gaze research, I argue that two-year-olds understand social interactions in terms of people's involvements with objects or situations: engagement. This confers considerable social ability without postulating understanding of representational mental states. Subsequent development in gaze understanding co-occurs with explicit theory of mind development, and is discontinuous with earlier development. Four-year-olds develop a novel system for social understanding.

joint attention; theory of mind; engagement; attention; gaze following

Title of seriesConsciousness & Self-Consciousness Series
Publication date31/12/2011
PublisherOxford University Press
Publisher URL
Place of publicationOxford