
Hydrology and the ecological quality of Scottish river ecosystems



Gilvear D, Heal KV & Stephen AB (2002) Hydrology and the ecological quality of Scottish river ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment, 294 (1-3), pp. 131-159.

Hydrology is a primary control on the ecological quality of river systems, through its influence on flow, channel geomorphology, water quality and habitat availability. Scottish rivers are widely perceived to be of high ecological quality, with abundant flow volumes and high water quality. However, historical and current river flow regulations, and land use change have altered the physical and chemical characteristics of Scottish rivers, with adverse consequences for aquatic biota. Baseline hydrological, geomorphological and water quality conditions in Scottish rivers are thus summarised. The impacts of river regulation and land use change on the hydrology, geomorphology and water quality of Scottish rivers are then discussed. Consequences of these changes for aquatic habitat are examined, with particular reference to the economically significant salmonid species (Salmo salar and Salmo trutta). Policy and management issues relating to the future ecological quality of Scottish rivers are reviewed. These include the impacts of climate change on ecological quality, the calculation and implementation of ecologically acceptable flows, and river restoration and best management practices within integrated catchment planning.

floods; land use; management; policy; river habitat; river regulation; salmonids; Scottish rivers

Science of the Total Environment: Volume 294, Issue 1-3

Publication date22/07/2002