Conference Paper (unpublished)

Équilibre compétitif intra-match des ligues professionnelles et modifications des règles sportives : Une comparaison rugby/football

Alternative title Intra-match competitive balance of professional leagues and changes in sports rules: A rugby / football comparison



Scelles N & Durand C (2007) Équilibre compétitif intra-match des ligues professionnelles et modifications des règles sportives : Une comparaison rugby/football [Intra-match competitive balance of professional leagues and changes in sports rules: A rugby / football comparison]. 4th Congress of the Society of Sport Sociology in French Language, Valence, France, 29.05.2007-31.05.2007.

Publication date31/12/2007
Conference4th Congress of the Society of Sport Sociology in French Language
Conference locationValence, France