Edited Book

Crime, Punishment, and Responsibility: The Jurisprudence of Antony Duff



Cruft R, Kramer M & Reiff M (eds.) (2011) Crime, Punishment, and Responsibility: The Jurisprudence of Antony Duff. Oxford: Oxford University Press. http://global.oup.com/academic/product/crime-punishment-and-responsibility-9780199592814;jsessionid=4EB18631174CEDD0C2480E5E3B14C507?cc=gb〈=en&

- Collects original essays by leading criminal law theorists examining the work of the most influential figure in the field - Includes a response to the essays by Duff in which he clarifies and develops his ground-breaking work on the philosophy of criminal law - Covers central problems in modern criminal law theory, including the justification of punishment, the nature of criminal responsibility, and the proper limits of criminalization - Essential reading for academics and postgraduate students working on criminal law and its theory

EditorProfessor Rowan Cruft
Publication date30/09/2011
PublisherOxford University Press
Publisher URLhttp://global.oup.com/…507?cc=gb〈=en&
Place of publicationOxford