Edited Book

Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights



Cruft R, Liao SM & Renzo M (eds.) (2015) Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights. Philosophical Foundations of Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780199688630.do

A multidisciplinary work featuring contributions from well known figures in their fields Features comprehensive coverage of the central issues in the philosophy of human rights Puts foward a variety of critical positions including deontological and teleological, 'political' and 'orthodox' positions What makes something a human right? What is the relationship between the moral foundations of human rights and human rights law? What are the difficulties of appealing to human rights? This book offers the first comprehensive survey of current thinking on the philosophical foundations of human rights. Divided into four parts, this book focuses firstly on the moral grounds of human rights, for example in our dignity, agency, interests or needs. Secondly, it looks at the implications that different moral perspectives on human rights bear for human rights law and politics. Thirdly, it discusses specific and topical human rights including freedom of expression and religion, security, health and more controversial rights such as a human right to subsistence. The final part discusses nuanced critical and reformative views on human rights from feminist, Kantian and relativist perspectives among others.

EditorProfessor Rowan Cruft
Title of seriesPhilosophical Foundations of Law
Publication date31/12/2015
PublisherOxford University Press
Publisher URLhttp://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780199688630.do
Place of publicationOxford